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研究生: 鄭智明
Cheang, Chi-Meng
論文名稱: 澳門學校實施戶外教育課程評估指標建構之研究
Construction of the Outdoor Education Curriculum Evaluation Indicators for the School in Macau
指導教授: 吳崇旗
Wu, Chung-Chi
Chen, Mei-Yen
口試委員: 吳崇旗
Wu, Chung-Chi
Chen, Mei-Yen
Tsai, Ju-Tse
Tung, I-Wu
Guo, Chao-Yu
Ma, Shang-Min
Wu, Guan-Jang
口試日期: 2022/12/28
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 173
中文關鍵詞: 戶外教育課程評估指標系統性文獻回顧深度訪談法
英文關鍵詞: outdoor education, evaluation indicators, Systematic review, In-depth Interview
研究方法: 文件分析法深度訪談法內容分析法系統性文獻回顧法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300232
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:426下載:35
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  • 本研究目的在於建構一套在學校教育環境下實施戶外教育的評估指標,以促進學校教育與戶外教育之融合發展。本研究方法經由文獻分析法與系統性文獻回顧法,並透過深度訪談法邀請共9位戶外教育不同界別的專家進行個別深度訪談,以蒐集之研究資料透過文獻品質評估,三角檢測與專家效度,建構與進行修正指標。
    研究結果與結論為 : 其一是澳門特色之戶外教育意涵與特質,戶外教育作為促進學生全面發展的重要教育手段,其目標結合國家與地區政策、文化特色與發展,整合資源並獲取政府與社會專業機構協作支持,建立安全風險管理機制與教學人員發展體系。其二是把戶外教育課程評估指標整合成具系統性之架構層次,當中包括「課程規劃與組織、課程設計與發展、課程實施與教學、課程成效與優化、安全風險管理機制」5大構面、15個向度與50個細目指標。
    依據上述研究結果與討論,本研究提出之建議為 : 其一是學校首要工作是從政府或學校領導層級認同與重視戶外教育的效益,並需要透過制定相應的政策與法規支撐課程的建構,從而發展出一套具澳門專屬特色之戶外教育課程。其二是整合社會資源,充分與政府與社區緊密連結支持,達成合作策略。其三是建立戶外教育教學人員專業發展體系,有助戶外教育在澳門的有效發展與實施。安全風險管理是戶外教育課程不可或缺的核心,致力提升教職員工、學生與家長之風險評估與管理之重視與認識。其四是後續之評估指標成效可透過德懷術與層級分析法,借重專家學者等決策成員之偏好權重來評估各效益項目的相對權重及優先順序,以深入驗證本研究建構之戶外教育評估指標之代表性。

    The purpose of this study is to construct a set of evaluation indicators for the implementation of outdoor education in the school setting in order to promote the integration of school education and outdoor education. The methodology of this study was based on literature analysis and systematic literature review, and a total of nine experts in different fields of outdoor education were invited to conduct individual in-depth interviews. Through critical review of the collected literature, triangulation method and expert’s validity, the proposed evaluation indicators were constructed and modified.
    One of the research findings and conclusions is to understand the meanings and characteristics of outdoor education in Macau and to develop education indicators specific to this region. As an important educational tool to promote the overall development of students, outdoor education has to incorporate the national and regional policies, and cultural characteristics and development, to utilize resources and obtain collaborative support from the government and civil professional organizations, and to establish a safety risk management mechanism and teaching staff development system. The second is to transform the outdoor education curriculum evaluation indicators into a systematic framework, which includes five major components, 15 dimensions and 50 sub-indicators: curriculum planning and organization, curriculum design and development, curriculum implementation and teaching, curriculum effectiveness and optimization, and safety risk management mechanism.
    Based on the above findings and discussions, this study has the following conclusions and recommendations. First, schools will need to recognize and value the benefits of outdoor education from the government or school management level, and to support the construction of the curriculum by formulating corresponding policies and regulations, so as to develop a set of outdoor education curriculum with the traditional characteristics of Macau. Secondly, we can integrate social resources and facilitate the connection between the government and the community to reach a cooperative strategy. The third is to establish a professional development system for outdoor education teaching staff, which is conducive to the effective development and implementation of outdoor education in Macau. Safety risk management is an indispensable core part of the outdoor education curriculum, and we are committed to raising the attention and awareness of risk assessment and management among staff members, students and parents. Fourth, the effectiveness of the subsequent evaluation indicators can be evaluated through the Delphi’s technique and hierarchical analysis, and the relative weights and priorities of the effectiveness items can be assessed by the preference weights of the decision makers, such as experts and scholars, in order to further verify the representativeness of the outdoor education evaluation indicators constructed in this study.

    第壹章 緒 論 ..................................................................................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 ..................................................................................... 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 ..................................................................................... 6 第三節 研究之重要性 ......................................................................................... 7 第四節 名詞釋義 ............................................................................................... 10 第貳章 文獻探討 ............................................................................ 12 第一節 課程評估概念之探究 ........................................................................... 12 第二節 戶外教育之意涵與推動現況 ............................................................... 28 第三節 戶外教育課程之相關探討 ................................................................... 51 第四節 澳門實施戶外教育課程之現況 ........................................................... 59 第五節 本章總結 ............................................................................................... 69 第參章 研究方法 ............................................................................ 72 第一節 研究架構 ............................................................................................... 72 第二節 研究一:系統性文獻回顧 ................................................................... 73 第三節 研究二:深度訪談法 ........................................................................... 76 第肆章 結果與討論 ........................................................................ 80 第一節 系統性文獻回顧之結果分析 ............................................................... 80 第二節 課程規劃與組織評估指標之結果分析 ............................................... 89 第三節 課程設計與發展評估指標之結果分析 ............................................. 100 第四節 課程實施與教學評估指標之結果分析 ............................................. 111 第五節 課程成效與優化評估指標之結果分析 ............................................. 119 第六節 安全風險管理機制評估指標之結果分析 ......................................... 126 第伍章 結論與建議 ...................................................................... 132 第一節 結論 ..................................................................................................... 132 第二節 建議 ..................................................................................................... 139 第三節 研究限制與反思 ................................................................................. 143 參考文獻 ............................................................................................... 146 附錄 ....................................................................................................... 159

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