研究生: |
邱淑娟 Chiu, Shu-chuan |
論文名稱: |
課程改革脈絡下一所完全中學變革準備度之歷程研究 A Case Study on Readiness for Change of a Six-year High School in the Context of Curriculum Reform |
指導教授: |
Chen, Pei-Ying |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 179 |
中文關鍵詞: | 變革準備度 、完全中學 、課程改革 |
英文關鍵詞: | Readiness for Change, Six-year High School, Curriculum Reform |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000368 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:403 下載:58 |
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本研究所得之結論有 (1) 學校生存危機為啟動課程變革歷程的首要因素; (2) 遴選新校長是改變學校變革條件的重要關鍵點;(3) 職涯經驗和組織作為深深影響教師變革準備度; (4) 個人變革效價關注焦點在學生學習非個人利益; (5) 完中國高中部更需要加強訊息處理及溝通互動; (6) 有為的領導團隊如同帶動變革準備度的領頭羊;(7) 影響個人和組織準備度的因素力道有強也有弱; (8) 個人和組織變革準備度互相影響而且相互加乘。
本研究對老師的建議有(1)主動掌握變革訊息,掌握契機開展自我;(2) 呼朋引伴準備變革,積極參與變革增能; 對學校的建議包含 (1) 凸顯變革領導角色,拓展領導團隊能量; (2) 規劃變革支援系統,妥善處理內外訊息; (3) 考量變革管理能量,依據條件因地制宜; (4) 提升個人變革準備,擴大組織變革能量。對後續研究的建議有二:(1) 採用質性訪談量化問卷並行研究法;(2) 開展研究內容範疇及拉長研究期程。
Education in Taiwan has undergone a new wave of reform since 2011 when the government officially announced to launch 12-year Basic Education Program by 2014. A new curriculum structure under the new program, which was released in November 2014, has demanded high schools take a myriad of actions to meet new goals, which brings tremendous challenges. Under such circumstances, it is perfect timing to research on readiness for change of a school. The case study aims to understand and record the transforming process of the new curriculum of the research subject as well as to discuss the factors of readiness for change that have an impact on both individual teachers and the school organization. Besides, it intends to explore the interdependent relationships between individual- and organization-level and the influence on the curriculum reform in the school.
Some conclusions are drawn from the research: (1) The sense of crisis regarding the survival of the school is the key force that drives the school to work hard on curriculum reform. (2) Choosing a new principal is a turning point for school conditions and could be highly relevant to change readiness. (3) Change readiness is strongly influenced by individual experiences at work as well as organization actions. (4) When it comes to change valence, the priority is to enhance student learning rather than gain personal interest. (5) It takes more effort to wisely deal with external and internal information as well as create a favorable atmosphere for communication in a six-year high school. (6) A cooperative and effective team of administrators acts as a bellwether in the process of curriculum change. (7) Factors that influence individual change readiness and organizational change readiness have different impacts in the process. (8) Individual change readiness and organization change readiness are interactive and mutual influence can result in a synergy that can be very productive. In the end, some suggestions are provided based on the above conclusions, which are followed by the researcher’s reflection in the end.
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