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研究生: 吳怡欣
論文名稱: 青少年自我尊重模式之驗證
The Verification of the Self-esteem Model of Adolescents
指導教授: 張景媛
Chang, Ching-Yuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 174
中文關鍵詞: 青少年自我尊重模式自我尊重(自尊)與重要他人的情感關係與父母的情感關係與老師同儕的情感關係學業成就動機學業成就
英文關鍵詞: adolescent, Self-esteem Model, self-esteem, the relationship with significant others, the relationship with parents, the relationship with teachers and classmates, academic achievement motivation, academic achievement
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:606下載:0
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  • 本研究主要目的有三:(一)探討青少年在「與重要他人的情感關係」、「自我尊重」與「學習表現」三者之間的關係;(二)建構一個青少年自我尊重模式,並且以實徵資料來驗證本研究所提出的「青少年自我尊重模式」與實徵觀察所得資料的適配情形;(三)深入瞭解自尊程度不同的青少年在「與重要他人情感關係」(包括母親、父親、導師、同儕)以及「自我尊重」(包括家庭自尊、學業自尊、身體意象自尊、社會人際自尊、利他自尊、整體自尊)等方面分別有何不同。

    The purposes of this study were:(1) to explore the relation among adolescents’ perception of their relationships with significant others, self-esteem, and learning performance;(2) to verify the goodness of fit between empirically observed data and the Self-esteem Model proposed by the researcher;(3) to compare the differences of self-esteem and the relationships with significant others between high and low self-esteem adolescents separately.
    The participants of this study were 781 second-grade junior high school students in Taipei City. Instruments used in this study were Adolescents’ Self-esteem Scale, Adolescents’ Perceived Relationships with Significant Others Inventory, and Academic Achievement Motivation Scale. The researcher used canonical correlation analysis and LISREL to analyze the data obtained. Furthermore, the researcher interviewed four students who got low grades in Adolescents’ Self-esteem Scale and four students who got high grades in that scale, and then analyzed the contents obtained from the transcripts of the interviews.
    The main findings were as follows:
    (1) The relation among adolescents’perception of their relationships with significant others, self-esteem, and learning performance:
    There was canonical correlations between adolescents’ perceived relationships with significant others and their self-esteem;there was also canonical correlations between adolescents’ self-esteem and their learning performance.
    (2) The goodness of fit of the Self-esteem Model:
    Although the value of chi-square was significant (p<.05), the other overall model fit indices and the fit indices of internal structure of model indicated that Self-esteem Model (the theoretical model) fitted the observed data. There were significant direct effects of adolescents’ perceived relationships with their parents on their self-esteem, adolescents’ relationships with their teachers and classmates on their self-esteem, and self-esteem on learning performance.
    (3) The analysis of the transcripts of the interviews:
    High self-esteem adolescents had better relationship with their mother, father, teacher, and classmates and healthier self-image than low self-esteem adolescents did. On the one hand, high self-esteem adolescents felt they were be loved, accepted, trusted, understood, and respected by significant others. But, on the contrary, low self-esteem adolescents didn’t think so. On the other hand, low self-esteem adolescents were not satisfied with themselves and they were self-criticized and self-rejected whereas high self-esteem adolescents were self-accepted and self-satisfied.
    At the end of this thesis, results were discussed and suggestions for parents, educators and future researches were offered.

    目 錄 ˙誌謝 I ˙中文摘要 III ˙英文摘要 V ˙目錄 VII ˙附表目次 IX ˙附圖目次 X 第一章 緒論 1  第一節 研究動機與目的 1  第二節 待答問題 5  第三節 研究假設 5  第四節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 11  第一節 自尊的理論基礎 11  第二節 與重要他人的情感關係與個體自尊發展的關係 24  第三節 自尊與學業成就的關係 32  第四節 自尊與學業成就動機的關係 35  第五節 本研究的理論架構 37 第三章 研究方法 39  第一節 研究架構 39  第二節 研究對象 42  第三節 研究工具 44  第四節 實施程序 53  第五節 資料處理 55 第四章 研究結果 56  第一節 青少年與重要他人的情感關係、自我尊重及學習表現 的典型相關分析 56  第二節 青少年自我尊重模式之驗證 62  第三節 自尊程度不同的青少年之訪談內容分析 75 第五章 討論 126  第一節 青少年與重要他人的情感關係、自我尊重及學習表現 的典型相關研究 126  第二節 青少年自我尊重模式之研究 129  第三節 訪談內容分析研究 135 第六章 結論與建議 148  第一節 結論 148  第二節 建議 152 參考文獻 157  中文部分 157  西文部分 159 附錄 163  附錄一 正式量表(包含「自尊量表」、「與重要他人情感關 係量表」,以及「學業成就動機量表」在內) 163  附錄二 自尊量表之項目分析與因素負荷量一覽表 168  附錄三 與重要他人的情感關係量表之項目分析與因素負荷 量一覽表 171  附錄四 學業成就動機量表之項目分析與因素負荷量一覽表 173  附錄五 訪談大綱 174 附表目次 表3-2-1 有效預試樣本人數分配表 42 表3-2-2 正式研究有效樣本人數分佈表 44 表3-3-1 自我尊重量表各分量表的內部一致性係數及折半信度 46 表3-3-2 與重要他人的情感關係量表各分量表的內部一致性係 數及折半信度 49 表3-3-3 學業成就動機量表的內部一致性係數及折半信度 51 表4-1-1 受試者與重要他人的情感關係與自尊的典型相關分析 摘要表 57 表4-1-2 受試者之自尊與學習表現的典型相關分析摘要表 60 表4-2-1 受試者在與重要他人的情感關係、自我尊重、學習表 現得分的平均數與標準差 62 表4-2-2 受試者在各變項上得分的相關係數表 63 表4-2-3 青少年自我尊重模式的整體適配度考驗結果 65 表4-2-4 青少年自我尊重模式測量指標之個別項目信度及潛在 變項的組成信度、平均變異抽取量 67 表4-2-5 青少年自我尊重模式所有估計參數的顯著性考驗 69 表4-2-6 青少年自我尊重模式四個潛在變項間接效果值的顯著 性考驗及標準化的效果值 72 表4-2-7 青少年自我尊重模式四個潛在變項間的全體效果值、 顯著性考驗與標準化效果值 73 表5-3-1 自尊程度不同的青少年在感受方面之差異比較表 143 表5-3-2 自尊程度不同的青少年在思考方式方面之差異比較表 144 表5-3-3 自尊程度不同的青少年在行為表現方面之差異比較表 145 附圖目次 圖2-5-1 青少年自我尊重模式圖 38 圖3-1-1 典型相關研究架構圖(一) 39 圖3-1-2 典型相關研究架構圖(二) 40 圖3-1-3 青少年自我尊重模式因果徑路圖 41 圖4-2-1 青少年自我尊重模式的因果徑路係數 71 圖5-3-1 自尊程度低的青少年之感覺-思考方式-行為表現圖 146 圖5-3-2 自尊程度高的青少年之感覺-思考方式-行為表現圖 147

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