研究生: |
陳薇晴 Chen, Wei-Ching |
論文名稱: |
社會住宅之信息設計創作研究 Information Design for Social Housing |
指導教授: |
Su, Wen-Ching |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 104 |
中文關鍵詞: | 社會住宅 、設計思考 、信息設計 |
英文關鍵詞: | Social housing, Design thinking, Information design |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:263 下載:0 |
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世界快速變遷,人類社會不斷產生比上一個世紀更為複雜與多樣化的各種社會問題。面臨社會問題的巨大挑戰,閱讀巨量又未經整理的資訊變成一種沉重的負擔且不利於傳播,近年來社會議題如:全球貧富差距、貨幣系統的真相、以巴戰爭…等,利用信息設計專注在Graphic Design Archive (2014)提出的資訊的清晰度(clarity)、人類的理解(human understanding)和組織的科學性(the science of the organization)上,因大幅提高大眾對繁瑣社會議題的理解力而成為趨勢。信息設計師在這項趨勢當中所扮演的兩個角色為:1.彙整資訊、2.設計資訊。本創作研究以當代急需關注的社會議題:社會住宅為主題,首先,彙整資訊:蒐集臺灣社會住宅問題、歐洲社會住宅發展、設計思考論述,再以設計思考流程來彙整歐洲社會住宅發想、構思、執行等各階段發展歷程,試圖以設計的角度剖析社會住宅─一個為了解決當代社會問題而發展的策略產物。第二,設計資訊:綜合彙整信息設計論述,蒐集各國案例並以Ladislav Sutnar (1897-1976)提出的「信息設計是功能(function)、流程(flow)、形式(form)的總和」做為社會住宅信息設計個案分析的原則。總和以上兩大項研究結果應用於創作,分別設計:「城市劇變住宅短缺」、「住宅短缺對應措施」、「住宅改革計劃1914」、「建築環境可持續性」、「量的追求、質的提升」等5件作品。透過社會住宅的信息設計創作讓大眾更容易了解社會住宅,作為社會住宅概念宣導用,期許能為臺灣民眾的住房觀念帶來全新思考邏輯,為推廣臺灣邁向福利國家有所貢獻。
In our rapidly changing world, human society continues to have more complex and diverse social problems this century than in the last century. In order to understand the enormous challenges of these social problems, reading large amounts of unorganized information is necessary, but becomes burdensome and is not easily spread. In recent years, social issues such as: Global inequality, Hidden secrets of money, The Israeli/Palestinian war, use information design. They focus on the clarity of information, human understanding and scientific organizations, (such as the Graphic Design Archive (2014)proposal in 2014), to obtain a substantial increase in public awareness of the complicated social issues. This therefore has made information design become a trend. An information designer plays two roles in this trend as follows: 1st. Rearranging information, 2nd. Information design. This study focuses on social housing which needs urgent attention as a theme, 1st. Rearrange information: collect discourse of Taiwan’s social housing problems, European social housing development and design thinking, then rearrange the information through the design thinking process to see social housing as a design strategy to solve social issues. 2nd. Information design: collect information design exposition and design cases of information designed for social housing, review these cases with "information design as the sum of function, flow and form" proposed by Ladislav Sutnar (1897-1976) as a principle. Lastly apply the conclusion to design work. There are 5 topics as follows: "Housing shortage caused by social upheaval", "Government responses of housing shortage", “Housing reform 1914”, “Environmental Sustainability”, “The pursuit of quality and quantity”. Information design makes it easier for the public to understand social housing. Through this study, I hope to bring a new concept of thinking for social housing to the people in Taiwan, and contribute to promote Taiwan becoming a country that has a great social housing policy.
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