簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 錢文屘
Chien, Wen-Man
論文名稱: 合歡山景油畫創作研究
A Study of Oil Painting Landscape of Hehuan Mountain
指導教授: 黃進龍
Huang, Chin-Lung
口試委員: 黃進龍
Huang, Chin-Lung
Lin, Wei-Min
Huang, Kuen-Po
口試日期: 2024/06/01
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系美術創作碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Artistic Creation
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 合歡山崇高風景畫層次雲霧
英文關鍵詞: Hehuan Mountain, sublime, landscape, layers, clouds and mist
研究方法: 參與觀察法文獻分析法創作實踐法內容分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401629
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:180下載:3
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  • 筆者從小喜歡繪畫,也喜歡在天氣好的時候騎重機旅遊,經過中部橫貫公路的合歡山,俯視群山,山的陵線層次分明,雲霧繚繞,呈現的美感,讓筆者印象深刻,念師大研究所論文的主題,就選擇合歡山景油畫創作為研究的主題。

    Since childhood, I have loved painting and also enjoy motorcycle touring when the weather is good. While passing through Hehuan Mountain on the Central Cross-Island Highway, I was deeply impressed by the layered ridgelines of the mountains and the beauty of the mist that swirled around them. This experience inspired me to choose Hehuan Mountain's landscape as the subject for my thesis research during my graduate studies at the National Taiwan Normal University.
    The purpose of this research is to depict the mountain landscape of Hehuan Mountain, expressing my personal observations, experiences, and the imagery in my mind. The research also explores the history of mountain landscape painting in art, examining the various methods and characteristics of these works in different times and places. The research methods used include literature analysis, direct observation, creative practice, and content analysis. The key terms for this research are Hehuan Mountain, the sublime, landscape, layers, and mist.
    The study delves into European painting, tracing the evolution from the Renaissance period, where the focus was on figures with landscapes as a backdrop, to the development of landscape painting as an independent genre. European mountain painters often depicted the emptiness or sublime romantic atmosphere of high mountains or dramatic cliff scenes. American mountain painters focused on the vast, sublime wilderness of America's giant mountain ranges, sometimes incorporating mythological elements to express the grandeur of the United States. Japanese mountain painters often depicted the sacred image of Mount Fuji, while Taiwanese mountain painters captured the rugged peaks or the misty, ethereal highlands of Taiwan. Mountain landscapes are associated with the aesthetics of the sublime, evoking feelings of awe and fear when standing at the edge
    of a cliff. Historically, Hehuan Mountain was a hunting ground for the Atayal people and has preserved its pristine landscape. The mountain features a topography that is gentle in the east and steep in the west, and is home to native species such as Formosan sambar deer and Formosan serow, as well as high mountain plants like Yushan cane, Yushan juniper, and Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum.
    The structure of this thesis includes an introduction, research motivation and objectives, research scope and limitations, research methods, definitions of key terms, literature review, including discussions on landscape painting, mountain landscape themes in painting, sublime aesthetics, and the geographical and cultural aspects of Hehuan Mountain. It also covers the creative concepts and practices related to Hehuan Mountain, the artistic philosophy behind the Hehuan Mountain landscape creation, the forms and content of the artwork, the materials and techniques used, the creative process and practice, and an analysis of the content of the Hehuan Mountain oil paintings, concluding with a summary of the findings.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機與目的1 第二節 研究範圍與限制3 第三節 研究方法4 第四節 名詞釋義6 第二章 文獻探討8 第一節 風景繪畫8 第二節 繪畫中的山景題材15 第三節 崇高美學與合歡山的地理人文33 第三章 合歡山景繪畫創作理念與實踐43 第一節 創作理念43 第二節 創作形式內容48 第三節 媒材技法51 第四節 合歡山景創作歷程59 第四章 合歡山景繪畫作品解析63 第一節 層次系列63 第二節 雲霧系列71 第五章 結論78 參考文獻80 附錄92

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