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研究生: 褚哲威
Che-Wei Chu
論文名稱: 輔助視障者於枕木紋行人穿越道線行走安全系統之研製
A safe walking system for assisting the visually impaired persons on pedestrian crossing
指導教授: 葉榮木
Yeh, Zong-Mu
Tsai, Chun-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 機電工程學系
Department of Mechatronic Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 枕木紋行人穿越道影像處理視障
英文關鍵詞: pedestrian crossing, image processing, visual impairment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:243下載:6
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  • 視障者一般在行經交通道路口時,要如何獲取行人穿越道上的資訊來達成安全行走的目的是很重要的問題。所以本研究所研製的辨識系統可以用來輔助視障者準確地偵測出枕木紋行人穿越道線。針對動態的影像進行辨識處理。透過使用可攜式的攝影設備,代替視障者的雙眼以偵測出枕木紋行人穿越道線,輔助其能安全地穿越枕木紋行人穿越道路口。讓視障者在穿越馬路時取得前方行人穿越道的資訊,可以有更安全的行走資訊。
    本研究主要是以影像處理的方式來達成,整個演算法架構為:載入影像分序圖、彩圖轉灰階、灰階轉黑白、圖形濾波、最後標出圖框。偵測枕木紋行人穿越道線部分,本論文採用了連通物件標籤法(Connected Component Labeling)及面積濾波(Size Filter),而這兩種方法應用上容易因影像雜訊太多而產生誤差,為了解決這個問題,本論文嘗試以中值濾波器(Median Filter)與形態學濾波器(Morphological Filter)來抑制影像雜訊之影響。

    When the visually impaired walk across the roads, how do they obtain the necessary information to pass through safely? This is a serious issue concerning people’s life. Therefore, the auxiliary visual identification system developed by the Institute can be very helpful to assist the visually impaired to detect and notify where the pedestrian crossing is. By wearing portable video gears, the visually impaired can easily acquire effective and accurate information with coordination when a pedestrian’s crossing lying ahead. Our system could provide the visually impaired with more secure and trusted notification of the environment.
    This study is based on image processing approach to reach its goal. The procedures of this research include loading serial images, gray scale converting, binarization, graphic filtering and targeting on the objects in the long run. The paper uses Connected Component Labeling Algorithm and Size Filter theory together to accomplish the task of targeting on the zebra crossing. It is found that by applying these two methods in the process would cause certain inaccuracies due to much noise in an image. In order to solve this problem, this paper attempts to adopt Median Filter approach and Morphological Filter theory to suppress and minimize the effect of image noise.
    Experimental contents are likely to do with different weather conditions and a variety of road scenes. After realistic involving with the system, we gladly obtain the satisfying results of overall recognition rate of 99% and the processing speed is about 0.03 seconds per frame.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 表目錄 vi 圖目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 研究動機 1 1-2 研究目的 5 1-3 枕木紋行人穿越道線簡介 7 1-4 系統架構 8 1-5 論文架構 9 第二章 相關研究與文獻探討 10 2-1 電子式行進輔具 10 2-2 引導式電子輔具 13 2-3 立體視覺輔具 18 2-4 電子晶片與人工視網膜科技 21 2-5 文獻回顧 23 第三章 枕木紋行人穿越道之影像處理 25 3-1 RGB色彩空間 26 3-2 HSV色彩空間 27 3-3 灰階化(Gray Scale Manipulation) 29 3-4 二值化(Binarization) 30 3-4-1 自適性閥值二值化(Adaptive Thresholding) 31 3-4-2 自適性閥值產生步驟 33 3-5 空間域濾波 36 3-5-1 均值濾波器(Average Filter) 38 3-5-2 中值濾波器(Median Filter) 40 3-6 Sobel濾波器(Sobel Filter) 43 3-7 形態學運算(Morphology) 44 3-7-1 膨脹運算 46 3-7-2 侵蝕運算 47 3-7-3 斷開和閉合 49 3-8 連通物件標籤(Connected Component Labeling) 51 3-9 面積濾波(Size Filter) 54 第四章 實驗結果與討論 57 4-1 程式介面 58 4-2 白天與夜間的偵測結果 59 4-3 加入感興趣區域後的偵測結果 66 4-4 利用Multipass Filter提升處理速度 71 4-4-1 方法概論(Method) 71 4-4-2 標記原則說明(Labeling Procedure) 72 4-4-3 決策樹的運用(Decision Tree) 75 4-4-4 結果討論與說明 77 4-5 不完整的枕木紋線偵測結果 79 4-6 不同角度的枕木紋線偵測結果 81 第五章 結論與未來研究方向 83 參考文獻 84

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