研究生: |
陳昭宇 Chen, Chao-Yu |
論文名稱: |
探討BBL取向體育教學成效及其對教師實務知識的影響 A Study of the Effects of PE Teaching on Brain-Based Learning and Its Influence on Teacher’s Practical Knowledge |
指導教授: |
Lin, Ching-Ping |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 299 |
中文關鍵詞: | 以腦為基礎的學習 、與腦相容的課程與教學 、社會腦 、運動教育模式 、教師實務知識 |
英文關鍵詞: | brain-based learning, brain-compatible curriculum and teaching, social brain, sport education model, teacher’s practical knowledge |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:434 下載:33 |
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本研究旨在探討BBL取向體育教學成效及其對教師實務知識的影響。本研究係以量為主、質為輔的研究取向,採用「多層次取向研究設計」。研究參與教師以立意取樣選取兩個班作為研究參與對象,一個班為實驗組,實施16節BBL取向體育教學;另一個班為控制組,實施16節傳統體育教學。實驗組與控制組在教學前、後均實施個人概念構圖、學習動機及問題解決能力等測驗,以瞭解學生知識理解、學習動機、問題解決的表現,並透過訪談法、課室觀察、文件分析等方法蒐集質性資料,作為量化資料的解釋與驗證。在資料分析方面,量化資料主要是透過相依樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子共變數分析處理;質性資料則是以持續比較法(constant comparison method)進行資料的分析與歸納。研究結果發現:實驗組在知識理解與學習動機均優於控制組,實驗組的知識理解、學習動機以及問題解決能力在教學後均有顯著進步,而且BBL取向體育教學對實驗參與教師實務知識有明顯的影響。根據前述結果提出研究結論:
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of PE teaching on Brain-Based Learning and its influence on teacher’s practical knowledge. The study was based on the designs with multilevel use of approaches. The participants in the study were one PE teacher and two classes which are chosen by purposively sampling. Experimental group was give BBL PE teaching, and control group was given PE traditional teaching. Both groups were given Personal Concept Mapping, Learning Motivation test, and test of Problem Solving Ability in Basketball for pre and post-test to examine the effects of different PE teaching. This study was taken qualitative research approach such as semi-structured interview, observation, and document analysis will be adopted, and quantitative data will be conducted with Independent-sample t-test, paired-sample t-test, analysis of covariance, and descriptive analysis to collect and analyze data. The followings were the results: experimental group was achieved better in concept map, learning motivation, and problem solving ability than control group. the conclusions were as following:
1. Within the small-side group, the students were developed social skills through interactions between PE teacher and students, and games are also offered to enrich the environment, which combined with felt-meaning and deep meaning to expand the scope of nature knowledge.
2. PE Teacher creates “relaxed alertness” with games and play to maintain the dynamic tension between challenge and comfort. The students are exposed to “orchestrated immersion” to experience a sense of living wholeness and engage complex and real projects. Meanwhile, the students are in “active processing” that is both personally meaningful and conceptually coherent. That is a path to understanding, rather than simply to memory and also includes the process of reflection, contemplation, and creative elaboration.
3. Novel and challenge materials are given to students to attract the attention and develop the appreciation. Moreover, the human brain is social brain, the students are supported and consolidated in social relationship and a sense of community which contributes to safety, security and relaxed alertness to reduce threat and develop the problem solving abilities.
4. PE teacher have perceived the differences between PE teaching on BBL and traditional PE teaching. As the result, PE teaching on BBL has shown its benefits and uniqueness. To create friendly, safety, and enriching environment, PE teacher prefer BBL more than traditional method to create more teaching effects.
Based on above conclusions, few suggestions are provided for PE teaching and other studies in the future. For PE teaching, first of all, PE teachers can try to build the atmosphere with BBL principles to increase the teaching effects. Secondly, PE teaching method should be substituted with “explore” for “simplification” and “empowerment” for “limitation”. Thirdly, build up the “Learning Community” to unfold the possibilities for PE teaching. Besides, For the studies in the future, firstly, team teaching can be engaged to create better teaching effects. Secondly, the follow-up studies can be engaged to examine the continuous effects of PE teaching on BBL. Finally, try to seek the evidences of BBL PE teaching with interdisciplinary cooperation.
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