簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳惠秋
Chen, Hui Chiu
論文名稱: 親情語彙—陳惠秋人物繪畫創作研究
"The Pictorial Language of Family Emotions" by Chen, Hui Chiu
指導教授: 黃進龍
Huang, Chin Lung
口試委員: 楊永源
Yang, Yung-yuan
Chuang, Min-Chung
Huang, Chin-Lung
口試日期: 2022/06/06
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系美術創作碩士在職專班
Department of Fine Arts_Continuing Education Master's Program of Artistic Creation
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 親情人物畫象徵再現繪畫語言
英文關鍵詞: family love, figure painting, symbol, reproduction, painting language
研究方法: 文獻綜合研究法 創作實踐法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200604
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:241下載:3
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  • 本論文是以學齡前兒童與家人間的情感為主題,探討人物繪畫中情感的表現。在藝術中,情感是構成創作的要素,然如何掌握抽象的語彙,將情感與意念轉換成可視的直覺形式,進而掌握繪畫的感染力?透過文獻與學理的研究,了解人物繪畫中情感表現的特質,在創作實踐中建立個人情感形式的繪畫語言,此為本論文主要研究的目標。


    The thesis aims to investigate the emotional expressions in figure painting of the affection between preschool children and their family members. In terms of art, affection is an essential factor for the creation of works. But how can we master the abstract vocabulary, transform affection and ideas into visual and intuitive forms, and then master the infectiousness of painting?Through literature review and the study of theories, the characteristics of the expression of affection in figure paintings can be understood, and a pictorial language based on my personal affection can also be created. This is the main goal of this creative research.

    In Chapter 1, which is the introduction, the motivation and purpose of my research on creation are described, including the scope, methodology and process of research, and the definitions of terms. In Chapter 2, covers the academic foundation of mine, and the review of literature. It is about considering the form of painting language in terms of the creative nature of aesthetics and art; then the understanding of the emotional characteristics of preschool children's affection is obtained with the application of sociology and child psychology. The interpretation and expression of affection by artists are observed by appreciating the literature works about affection and the Chinese and Western artworks of affection, respectively. In the last section of this chapter, the literature which discusses the use of colors and the emotionality of colors, and the symbolism of colors applied by the Impressionist artists is adopted for finding my personal emotional connections. Chapter 3, describes my creative thinking and concepts in this study, including the form of creation, the media used, the techniques and the process of creation. Chapter 4 provides the analyses of works. The works in the series created this time are interpretated one by one. In Chapter 5, which is the conclusion, my thinking on the creation of a figure painting is re-examined in the processes of the exploration and sorting of theories through the writing of this paper and the practice of creation, and this enlightens my thinking on the expression of affection and the transformation of forms.

    In the sketching process of a work, I adopt the concepts of "sense of unity", "artistic life form", and "aesthetic empathy" to review the images conceived by me from a flash of inspiration. By doing so, I become able to find a direction for my creative plan. My hope is to develop more possibilities for painting in my continuous process of art creation in the future.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究的動機與目的 1 第二節 研究的範圍 4 第三節 研究方法與流程 5 第四節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 學理基礎與文獻探索 9 第一節 繪畫語言的思考 9 第二節 親情的情感特徵 25 第三節 文學中的親情表現 31 第四節 繪畫中的親情表現 39 第五節 色彩與情感的研究 53 第三章 創作理念 61 第一節 創作思維 61 第二節 創作內容 64 第三節 創作形式 66 第四節 媒材與技法 68 第四章 作品解析 74 第一節 家庭親情系列 74 第二節 赤子純真系列 87 第五章 結論 95 參考文獻 97

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    三、 參考論文
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    四、期 刊
    1. 朱瑞玲、章英華,〈華人社會的家庭倫理與家人互動:文化及社會的變遷效果〉論文發表於中央研究院經濟研究所舉辦之「華人家庭動態資料庫」學術研討會,臺北市,(2001,7月)。
    2. 宋 灝,〈跨文化美學視域下的中國古代畫論〉,《揭諦》,第14期(2008年2月1日)
    3. 李沛青,〈談現代家庭中父親角色的定位、父職內涵及父職教育的發展〉,《網路社會學通訊期刊》,第49期(2005年10月15日) 。
    4. 胡朝景,〈肖像畫的另一種可能-論雨果.波納敏的幽魂肖像系列〉,《慈濟通識教育學刊》, 第11期, P166 - 198(2017 )從 W. J. T. Mitchell 的抽象繪畫論述看現代主義以降的詩畫關係。
    5. 黃應全,〈首都師範大學學報(社會科學版) 〉, 2018年第5期
    6. 盧妍伶,〈家庭結構與兒童幸福感〉,《台灣社區工作與社區研究學刊》,第四卷第2期。
    7. 陳國傑,李芷葳,蕭文杰共同發表, 〈論中國寫意繪畫與西方表現主義繪畫之異同〉,南華大學美學與視覺藝術學報第2期。

    1. 暮澤剛己(2011)當代藝術關鍵詞100。台北:麥田出版

    1. 薛承泰 ,2020
    https://ifstudies.org/blog/single-parent-families-in-taiwan- ,
    2. 張忠明教援 , 美學導論
    3. 艾瑞克森(Eric H. Erickson)的心理社會發展論,
    4. 為什麼藝術要寫實
    5. 雲田畫論_淺析顧愷之的「傳神論」
    https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/culture/ba6noam.html, 2018/04/04
    6. 謝赫氣韻生動說
