研究生: |
余坤煌 |
論文名稱: |
台北地區學校衛生人員對健康教育專業證照制度意見之研究 |
指導教授: |
Huang, Song-Yuan |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 143頁 |
中文關鍵詞: | 學校衛生人員 、健康教育 、健康教育專業 、健康教育專業證照制度 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:454 下載:51 |
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摘 要本研究旨在探討學校衛生人員對健康教育專業人員的專業角色、專業標準、專業能力、專業教育與在職教育,以及對建立健康教育專業證照制度的看法。本研究以八十九學年度服務於台北縣、台北市國民中學健康教育教師及國民中、小學衛生組長、校護為研究對象,採郵寄問卷調查方式,調查695位樣本。由516份可用問卷(回收率為74.2%)的統計分析,獲得下列結論。一、學校衛生人員普遍認為健康教育人員專業證照制度的建立有其重要性與必需性,且認為專業證照制度的建立有助於學校衛生工作的推展。為了達成健康教育人員的七大任務,健康教育專業人員應普遍培養推動專業工作的能力,而在專業教育上應著重工作實務相關課程及應用性的課程,以便在職場中運用。二、不同背景的學校衛生人員對健康教育專業角色、專業標準、專業能力與專業教育的看法也有所不同,尤其不同學歷、不同主修課程和不同職務間的差異性更大;不同背景的學校衛生人員對建立健康教育人員專業證照制度的看法和實施在職教育的看法都有所不同。三、學校衛生人員對健康教育專業角色、專業標準與專業教育的看法間有顯著正相關;個人背景變項與對專業的看法能顯著預測學校衛生人員對建立健康教育人員專業證照制度的看法;而影響學校衛生人員對建立健康教育人員專業證照制度看法的重要變項有參加在職教育意願、對專業標準重要性的看法、對專業教育重要性的看法、主修課程、性別、年齡等。根據上述結論,本研究提出下列建議:一、健康教育專業人員證照制度應儘快建立,並鼓勵從事學校衛生工作者,透過專業證照的取得與定期的換證,維持其專業能力、素養與服務的品質;健康教育專業人員證照制度的建立,應考慮學校衛生人員的看法與需求,並以提升學校衛生人員專業能力為宗旨,以符合學校衛生人員的真正需要。二、發展健康教育專業人員證照制度,應先澄清健康教育專業人員的角色、任務與能力,讓健康教育工作者能充分瞭解其專業角色與功能,認清其任務,肯定其專業,並發揮專業能力,以提供民眾適切的健康教育服務;而實施在職教育是建立專業證照制度的一部分,推動健康教育人員專業證照制度時,應妥善規畫在職教育方案,提供健康教育人員充分且適切的課程、研習和活動。三、我國健康教育專業證照制度的發展,應由成立專業組織、建立專業標準著手,其次是透過加強專業教育以提升從事健康教育工作人員的專業能力,最後則是推動專業認證工作及辦理在職教育與換證工作。學校衛生法已於民國九十一年二月六日由總統明令公佈施行,顯示學校衛生工作的重要性已受到大家的重視,對推動學校衛生工作更有了法律上的保障。未來政府應進一步推動「健康教育師法」的立法,確立健康教育專業人員的法律地位與權利和義務,做為建立健康教育人員專業證照制度之法源依據,以提供民眾更有保障的健康教育服務。四、因應世界潮流,我國應先建立本土化綜合性健康教育專業證照制度,將來再建立分類健康教育專業證照制度,以提升我國健康教育工作之水準,促進全民健康。 ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the opinions of school health personnel in Taipei Area regarding the health education certification system. The professional role, professional standard,、professional competency, professional education and in-service training as well as their perspectives on establishing the Certification System of Health Education were included in the study. The study was based on 695 questionnaires which were mailed to health education teachers, school health coordinators and school nurses of the primary and junior high schools in 2000 academic year in Taipei Area. With 516 effective questionnaires (74.2%) collected and analyzed. The conclusions of the study were as follows: (1) Most of the school health personnel agreed that it is both significant and necessary to establish the health education certification system, and that it is helpful for promoting school health education. To achieve the 7 major responsibilities of health educator, the school health personnel should foster the competency for job promoting. And job related training program and practical course must be emphasized. (2)There were differences on the opinions regarding the issues of professional role, professional standard,、professional competency and professional education among the school health personnel. There were differences on the opinions regarding health education certification system and in-service training among the school health personnel. (3)There were significant positive correlations on the opinions regarding professional role,、professional standard, professional competency and professional education among the school health personnel. And the opinions of the school health personnel regarding health education certification system were obviously predictable by the variables of individual’s background and his/her opinions toward professionalism. Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations were drawn: (1) The health education certification system should be established as soon as possible. The opinions and demands of the school health personnel need to be considered while establishing the health education certification system. (2)It is necessary to clarify the professional roles, responsibilities and competencies of health educator before establishing the health education certification system. And the implementation of in-service training is a part of the health education certification system. (3) In order to establish the health education certification system, it is necessary to organize a professional organization, to regulate a professional standard, to enhance professional education, and to implement in-service training and certification renewal program. (4) To adapt with the worldwide trend, first of all, the comprehensive health education certification system should be established in the Republic of China. Further on, the certification system is to be classified by perspective field so as to upgrade the quality of health education profession and to promote the public’s health.
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the opinions of school
health personnel in Taipei Area regarding the health education certification
system. The professional role, professional standard,、professional competency,
professional education and in-service training as well as their perspectives
on establishing the Certification System of Health Education were included in
the study.
The study was based on 695 questionnaires which were mailed to health
education teachers, school health coordinators and school nurses of the
primary and junior high schools in 2000 academic year in Taipei Area. With 516
effective questionnaires (74.2%) collected and analyzed.
The conclusions of the study were as follows: (1) Most of the school health
personnel agreed that it is both significant and necessary to establish the
health education certification system, and that it is helpful for promoting
school health education. To achieve the 7 major responsibilities of health
educator, the school health personnel should foster the competency for job
promoting. And job related training program and practical course must be
emphasized. (2)There were differences on the opinions regarding the issues of
professional role, professional standard,、professional competency and
professional education among the school health personnel. There were
differences on the opinions regarding health education certification system
and in-service training among the school health personnel. (3)There were
significant positive correlations on the opinions regarding professional role,
、professional standard, professional competency and professional education
among the school health personnel. And the opinions of the school health
personnel regarding health education certification system were obviously
predictable by the variables of individual’s background and his/her opinions
toward professionalism.
Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations
were drawn: (1) The health education certification system should be established
as soon as possible. The opinions and demands of the school health personnel
need to be considered while establishing the health education certification
system. (2)It is necessary to clarify the professional roles, responsibilities
and competencies of health educator before establishing the health education
certification system. And the implementation of in-service training is a part
of the health education certification system. (3) In order to establish the
health education certification system, it is necessary to organize a
professional organization, to regulate a professional standard, to enhance
professional education, and to implement in-service training and certification
renewal program. (4) To adapt with the worldwide trend, first of all, the
comprehensive health education certification system should be established in
the Republic of China. Further on, the certification system is to be
classified by perspective field so as to upgrade the quality of health
education profession and to promote the public’s health.
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