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研究生: 羅梅娜
López Mayorga, Paula Ximena
論文名稱: 基本心理需求滿足在領導者反應性、團體投入度和幸福感間的中介角色
Leader Responsiveness, Group Engagement, and Well-being: A Mediation role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction
指導教授: 王麗斐
Wang, Li-Fei
口試委員: 黃柏僩
Huang, Po-Hsien
Chen, Shiu-Jung
Wang, Li-Fei
口試日期: 2022/01/19
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 83
中文關鍵詞: 基本心理需求團體投入團體領導者反應幸福感
英文關鍵詞: basic psychological needs, group engagement, leader's responsiveness, Well-being
研究方法: Structural Equation ModelingMediation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200354
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:315下載:18
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  • 自我決定理論是一種良好的研究動機的方法,尤其應用在教育、運動、鍛鍊、健康和工作上。不過,當今的研究尚未進一步探討那些動機有助於解釋團體氣氛與團體領導者反應在幸福感上的關係。本研究使用結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling,簡稱SEM模型)檢驗自主、能力與連結三種基本心理需求,在團體領導者反應與團體投入度對團體參與者的幸福感之中介效應。最後結果呈現,自主、能力、連結具有完全中介效果。另一方面也發現,在團體中,夥伴間的關係相較團體領導者,對於心理需求的滿足更具有預測力。本研究提供討論和建議。

    Self-determination theory is a well-studied motivational approach applied in education, sports, exercise, health, and work. However, researchers have yet to explore what motivational underpinnings help explain the relationship between group climate and leader responsiveness on well-being. The current study uses SEM to examine the mediation effect of autonomy, competence, and belongingness between student-rated leaders’ perceived responsiveness and group engagement in group participants’ well-being. Results suggest that basic psychological needs have a full mediation role. The relationship with group members is a stronger predictor of need satisfaction than the leader’s responsiveness. Discussions and recommendations are provided.

    Acknowledgement i Abstract iii Chinese Abstract v Table of Contents vii List of Tables xi List of Figures xiii Chapter 1 Overview 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Purpose of Study 3 1.3 Significance of Study 3 1.4 Research Questions and Hypothesis 6 1.4.1 Mediation study 7 Chapter 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 Research Background 9 2.2 Child Development 11 2.2.1 Child Pathology 11 2.2.2 Healthy development 13 2.3 Relationships Within the Group 14 2.3.1 The responsive relationship with group leaders 14 2.3.2 Leader’s personhood 15 2.3.3 Group climate: an amalgamate of relationships 16 2.4 Motivation 18 2.4.1 When there is engagement, there is motivation 18 2.4.2 Leading towards psychological growth: Basic psychological needs 19 2.5 Well-being 23 2.5.1 Doing and feeling well 23 2.5.2 Evidence for the mediation role of BPN 25 2.6 Summary of the Study Rationale 27 Chapter 3 Methodology 31 3.1 Research Framework 31 3.2 Participants 33 3.2.1 Demographics 33 3.3 Instruments 33 3.3.1 Measures 33 3.4 Procedure 38 3.5 Data Screening and Analysis 39 Chapter 4 Results 41 4.1 Preliminary Analysis 41 4.1.1 Pearson correlations 41 4.1.2 Preliminary SEM analysis 42 4.2 Structural Equation Modeling 46 4.2.1 Regression weights 46 4.2.2 Model fit of SEM 47 4.2.3 Mediation results 48 4.3 Summary 48 Chapter 5 Discussion 53 5.1 Research Problem 53 5.2 Research Findings 54 5.3 Research Implications 56 5.4 Limitations and Future Directions 58 Referrals 61 Appendix Syntax for Mediation Model 83

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