研究生: |
張哲榕 |
論文名稱: |
水中有氧運動的介入對老年女性平衡能力及下肢肌力之影響 Effects of Water Aerobic Exercise on Balance and Lower-extremity Strength for Old Women |
指導教授: | 林曼蕙 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 水中有氧運動 、老年女性 、平衡能力 、下肢肌力 |
英文關鍵詞: | water aerobic exercise, lower-extremity strength, elderly women, balance |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:471 下載:59 |
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本實驗之受試者為33位年齡高於65歲之老年女性(平均年齡為68.9± 3.9歲,平均身高153.3± 4.7公分,平均體重58.9± 7.5公斤,平均安靜血壓值:收縮壓131.7 ± 20.9mmHg、舒張壓75.2± 11.3 mmHg,平均安靜心跳率76.7 ±10.2次)。於2005年3月7日至5月13日完成10週、每週3次、每次60分鐘及目標心跳率達到最大心跳率之65%至80%之水中有氧運動課程。
所有受試者在水中有氧運動課程介入之前後,各接受平衡能力及下肢肌力檢測,包括:(1)靜態平衡:閉眼單足立測驗及開眼單足立於Castsys2000平衡能力測試儀器; (2)動態平衡:8呎起立-走測驗;(3)下肢肌力:垂直跳及30秒坐站測驗。所得資料以描述性統計及成對樣本t考驗進行統計分析。
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of water aerobic exercise on balance and lower-extremity strength for old women.
SUBJECTS: Thirty voluntary old females (age= 68.9± 3.9 year, height= 153.3± 4.7 cm, weight= 58.9± 7.5 kg, systolic pressure= 131.7 ± 20.9mmHg, diastolic pressure= 75.2± 11.3 mmHg, and heart rate= 76.7 ±10.2 beat)
DESIGN: 10-week-long water aerobic exercise of YMCA water fitness program, conducted from March 7th, 2005 to May 13th, 2005. All subjects performed the exercise three times per week, 60minutes a period . The target heart rate of the water aerobic exercise was to achieved 65%~80% maximal heart rate.
MEASURE: Before and after doing water aerobic exercise, all subjects took balance and lower-extremity strength tests, which includes: (1)static balance test: (a)closed-eyes on one foot stand, (b) one- leg stance with eyes open for 30 seconds on Catsys 2000 force platform on flat ground. (2) dynamic balance test: 8 foot up and go test. (3) lower-extremity strength test: (a) vertical jump meter, (b) 30-second chair stand test. Data were statistically analyzed by t-test.
RESULTS: Pre- to post-test analysis revealed that the score of closed-eyes on one foot stand, one- leg stance with eyes open for 30 seconds on Catsys 2000 force platform on flat ground, 8 foot up and go test, vertical jump meter and 30-second chair stand test conducted after the subject’s taking the water aerobic exercise was significantly better (p< .05) than that of the tests conducted before their taking the water aerobic exercise.
CONCLUSIONS: The water aerobic exercise is of great help in maintaining and enhancing balance and lower-extremity strength for old women. To improve old woman’s balance and lower-extremity strength, the water aerobic exercise is recommended.
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