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研究生: 蘇榕
Su, Jung
論文名稱: 層層刮覆的視境:魯希迪四部曲小說之離散美學
The Palimpsest Vision: Diaspora Aesthetic in Salman Rushdie's Tetralogy
指導教授: 田維新
Tien, Wei-Hsin
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 1999
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 225
中文關鍵詞: 魯希迪羊皮紙離散美學第三世界《午夜兒女》《恥辱》《魔鬼詩篇》《墨爾人的臨去之嘆》
英文關鍵詞: Rushdie, Palimpsest, Diaspora Aesthetic, Third World, Midnight's Children, Shame, The Satanic Verses, The Moor's Last Sigh
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:392下載:19
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  • 層層刮覆的視境:魯希迪四部曲小說之離散美學
    摘 要

    The Palimpsest Vision: Diaspora Aesthetic in Salman Rushdie's Tetralogy
    Salman Rushdie's tetralogy-Midnight's Children, Shame, The Satanic Verses, and The Moor's Last Sigh-is a sequence of novels concerning the representation of diaspora experience. Its intertextuality and complicated diaspora aesthetic enable each of the four novels to explain, illumine, and complement one another, proposing several significant agendas of the post-colonial discourse and conjuring up the palimpsest vision of the eclectic culture.
    The introductory chapter includes four significant topics which foreground the subsequent argument: the ambivalent positionality of Rushdie and his works, the relation between diaspora and the concept of "home," Rushdie's diaspora aesthetic, and the symbolic meaning of the tetralogy. Chapter Two highlights the mockery of the ideal of authenticity in Midnight's Children. The unreliable, palimpsest narration aims to not only subvert and critique the official history but also unravel the crisis of Third World national formation and its reliance on nationalism. The main concern of Chapter Three consists in the expropriation of the periphery in Shame, which exhibits the inner conflict of the diaspora aesthetic. Centering on "crossing frontiers," Chapter Four analyzes how the diasporic subject, motivated by the metropolitan emergent discourse, adopts the transgressive act of cultural translation to liberate itself from the myth of unitary identity. Chapter Five elucidates how Rushdie visualizes his cultural eclecticism in The Moor's Last Sigh with ekphrasis and the politics of hybridity and laments the betrayal of that ideal. The concluding chapter looks upon the transgressive will as an impetus for the orchestration of Rushdie's diaspora aesthetic. In redefining the concept of "home," animating the act of frontier crossing with translation and migration, comparing the heterogeneity of culture to hybridity, and re-inscribing the overlapping vision of culture with the metaphor of palimpsest, Rushdie's tetralogy opens the dialogic space for the regeneration of culture.

    Contents Abstract v Acknowledgements vii Editions Cited xi Plates xiii Chapter I Introduction 1 Positions 11 Diaspora and the Concept of "Home" 20 Rushdie's Diaspora Aesthetic 29 Reading Rushdie's Four Novels as a Tetralogy 38 II In Search of Origin: Authenticity and Nation in Midnight's Children 45 The Use and Abuse of Authenticity 51 The Birth of Nation It/Self 66 Overlapping Trajectories 74 Nation and Saleem's Unreliable Narration 82 III Articulating Silence: The Expropriation of the Periphery in Shame 90 Fabricating the Palimpsest Country 94 Borders and Exile 106 Home and the "Carceris" 110 Sufyia Zinobia: the Expropriation of the Female 114 IV Crossing Frontiers: Diaspora Identity in The Satanic Verses 125 Making Visible the Unseen in the Act of Transgression 129 The Split of the Diasporic Subject: Farishta vs. Chamcha 146 The Repudiation of the Symbolic Father 158 Metamorphosis and the Metropolis 173 V Inscribing the Palimpsest: Politics of Hybridity in The Moor's Last Sigh 178 Re-presenting the Lost Portrait via Ekphrasis 186 Decoupling "the Other" 195 The Specter of Empire 202 Aurora Zogoiby: the Fading Spectrum 205 VI Conclusion: The Will to Transgress 213 Works Cited 226

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