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研究生: 李曉鳳
論文名稱: 初級量詞活動教學研究
指導教授: 葉德明
Yeh, Teh-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 143
中文關鍵詞: 量詞認知心理活動教學
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:57
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  • 從事華語文教學已近二十年,在學校裡無時無刻不在提醒學生說中文,進而隨時隨地修正學生的發音、詞彙及語法。然而總覺得學生所說的話還是存在著其他問題,常常想了半天卻仍說不上來到底問題出在哪裡。

    During my last two decades as a Chinese teacher, I have always prompted my students to speak Chinese and have tried my best to correct their pronunciation and improve their vocabulary and grammar wherever possible. However, I can’t help thinking that there are still problems in the ways that they speak, but I have been unable to figure out what whose problems are.
    After a long period of careful observation, I noticed an interesting phenomenon in that that the majority of the students, ranging from beginners and intermediate-level students to advanced students, often misuse measure words or even try to avoid using them altogether. For instance, a beginner might say, “Zuo tian wo mai yi fu”(I bought a dress yesterday (a measure word to modify the dress is omitted in the Chinese utterance)), or the student might say, “Jie wo yi ge bi (Lend me a pen, (the word ge in bold is a misused measure word here in the Chinese utterance))”. An intermediate-level learner might say, “Wo xie le yi ge zuo wen” (I have written a composition (the word in bold is also a misused measure word)) whereas an advanced student might utter, “Na lou gao de xiang shan” (That building is as high as a mountain (the speaker avoids using a measure word altogether)). Measure words play an important role in communication between Chinese speakers, and their absence will have an adverse effect on the speaker’s ability to express themselves accurately. Therefore, measure words are of great importance to the learners of Chinese.
    Thus I began ponder over what kind of teaching methods could enable students to gain a clear idea concerning the use of measure words and have them use measure words correctly and willfully.
    Tests have shown that the application of cognition and psychology theories, supplemented with a variety of teaching methods and centered on activities, has positive effects on language learners. When imitating life-like situations in a lively atmosphere, learners become more apt at putting what they have learnt in the classroom to use in every day life. By doing so, they can better integrate themselves into Chinese society and develop a stronger interest in Chinese literature.
    However, in the teaching of measure words, a learner should not only focus on mastering measure words. The aim should also be to improve a student’s comprehensive language skills, covering listening, speaking, reading and writing though measure-word-based teaching activities.
    This thesis experiments on foreign beginners who came to Taiwan to learn Chinese for eleven weeks as the subject and conducts investigation and analysis on the effectiveness of teaching by means of experimental teaching. The thesis consists of eight chapters. Chapter One is the outline of the research. Chapter Two is the literature review, which is divided into two parts: cognitive psychology and teaching methods. Chapter Three discusses the design of teaching research methods to act in concert with the theory in the literature review. Chapter Four and Five presents a profound exploration on the teaching experiments of measure words while stressing the necessity of developing basic communication skills in the second language (Chinese) before measure words are instructed. Chapter Six deals with the achievement test which is designed to test learners’ use of measure words and which is not limited to the correct collocation of measure word phrases but extended to a smooth application in a discourse scale. Chapter Seven focuses on the discussion of the research results, in which the learning efficiency is discussed in the tests and the teaching achievements between the experiment group of the activity teaching and the control teaching group of foreign beginners are put into contrast. Chapter Eight is the conclusion and suggestions, discussing whether the hypothesized teaching goals have been attained by the activity teaching and defining the advantages and disadvantages of such teaching.
    To end this thesis, the author suggests ways in which measure word teaching can be integrated into future Chinese textbooks, thus allowing measure words to become a more important part in Chinese teaching and allow learners to learn in a more comprehensive fashion and further improve their grasp of Chinese.

    題解 第一章 研究大綱 ………………………………………………1 第一節1.1前言……………………………………………1 第二節1.2研究動機………………………………………3 第三節1.3研究目的………………………………………4 第四節1.4研究假設………………………………………5 第五節1.5研究範圍………………………………………6 1.5.1量詞範圍…………………………………………7 1.5.2量詞用法與分類……………………………………8 1.5.3研究項目……………………………………………9 第二章 文獻探討與理論取向…………………………………10 第一節2.1 文獻 …………………………………………10 第二節2.2 理論取向 ……………………………………13 2.2.1活動教學 ……………………………………………13 2.2.2華語文教學規範與理論基礎 ………………………15 2.2.3認知心理學 …………………………………16 2.2.4教學法 ………………………………………29 第三章 研究方法………………………………………………41 第四章 量詞教學之先備知識…………………………………47 第一節4.1零起點學生上課的第一個星期 ……………47 4.1.1課程設計與教學過程………………………………47 第二節4.2零起點學生上課的第二個星期 ……………55 4.2.1華語文的發音、字詞教學…………………………55 4.2.2教學過程……………………………………………57 第三節4.3「量詞」概念教學 ……………………………65 第四節4.4教材內容 ……………………………………68 第五章 量詞活動教學實驗 …………………………………71 第一節5.1初級量詞教學原則……………………………71 第二節5.2量詞教學過程…………………………………73 5.2.1詞義說明……………………………………………74 5.2.2量詞配詞遊戲………………………………………86 5.2.3各類詞彙代換………………………………………90 5.2.4長句篇章練習 ……………………………………94 5.2.5溝通、任務型教學…………………………………96 第六章 評量 …………………………………………………103 第一節6.1讀、寫測驗……………………………………104 6.1.1選擇題測驗………………………………………105 6.1.2填空題驗…………………… .105 第二節6.2聽、說、寫測驗………………………………106 6.2.1說、寫測驗………………………………………106 6.2.2聽的測驗…………………………………………108 第三節6.3評量結果………………………………………109 6.3.1讀、寫測驗………………………………………109 6.3.2聽、說、寫測驗…………………………………111 第七章 研究結果討論 ………………………………………113 第一節7.1活動教學法與一般教學法的效果比較………113 7.1.1由評量結果顯示選擇題部分……………………113 7.1.2由評量結果顯示填空題部分……………………113 7.1.3由評量結果顯示聽、說、寫……………………114 第二節7.2學生在生活上產生了何種差異………………116 第三節7.3哪些教學課程可以使用活動式教學…………117 第八章 結論與建議 …………………………………………119 第一節8.1 結論 …………………………………………119 8.1.1是否達到假設目標………………………………119 8.1.2活動式「量詞」教學有哪些優點……………………119 8.1.3活動式「量詞」教學,有哪些缺失……………120 8.1.4研究結論…………………………………………120 第二節8.2 教材建議 ……………………………………123 參考書目………124 附一……………128 附件二…………130 附件三…………135 附件四…………137 附件五…………138 附件六…………142 學生作業附錄於後總計四頁

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