研究生: |
詹慧玲 |
論文名稱: |
結合相互教學法之閱讀理解策略教學對國中學生閱讀科學文章的影響 |
指導教授: | 方泰山 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
化學系 Department of Chemistry |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 133 |
中文關鍵詞: | 相互教學法 、閱讀理解 、科學文章 、科學閱讀教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | reciprocal teaching method, reading comprehension, science text, teaching of reading science text |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:318 下載:17 |
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壹、實驗組在「科學文章閱讀表現量表」總分優於對照組,兩組並達<.05 顯著差異水準。
貳、實驗組在「科學文章閱讀態度」及「科學文章閱讀行為」的分量表中表 現優於對照組並達<.05顯著差異水準。而在「科學文章閱讀價值」的 分量表中兩組未達顯著差異之水準。
參、在科學文章閱讀測驗(1)及科學文章閱讀測驗(2)表現有顯著的進步 ,實驗組在t檢定中達顯著差異。數據顯示本研究對實驗組女生有顯著 的提升,並在前後達顯著差異,實驗組男生在後測分數有進步,但與前 測間未達顯著差異之水準。
伍、實驗組在預測策略及摘要策略運用,人數比例明顯增加。發問策略使用 人數增加較不明顯。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects on the ninth-grade students in junior high school by using the reciprocal teaching method on reading science text.
Reciprocal teaching method is a combination of predicting, summarizing, questioning and clarifying in the reading process. Through the dialogues and interaction with peers, students can learn the meaning of constructing texts to promote reading comprehension. Hope the study can improve the reading efficiency of students and help them to become a good reader.
The quasi-experimental method was used. The researcher teaches in a medium-sized junior high school. The research subjects were 6-3 ninth-grade students, divided into the experimental group and control group, picked up from two classes. The researcher chose a science text relating to the curriculum. The experimental group combined the reciprocal teaching method to the science text during the practical teaching process, whereas the control group read the same materials without the method. Comparing the differences in ten-week sessions, one time a week, with totally 500 minutes of reciprocal teaching instruction.
The major findings of this study were as follows:
1.The experimental group had a higher score on “ reading performance scale in science text” than that of the control group, both up to <.05 significant difference.
2.The experimental group had a higher score on “ reading attitude in science text” and “reading behavior in science text” than that of the control group and up to <.05 significant difference. However, both on “ reading value in science text” had no significant difference.
3.The experimental group had a higher score on the reading tests (1) and (2) in science text, up to significant difference on t test. The data show that the girls in the experimental group had significant difference before and after experiment, but the boys in the experimental group had no significant difference before experiment, but had significant difference after experiment.
4.The experimental group, up to significant difference, had a higher score on achievement test in Science than that of the control group.
5.The numbers in the experimental group had a positive increase with the strategies of predicting and summarizing. The numbers with the strategy of questioning had a negatively increase.
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