研究生: |
張舒妍 Shu-Yan Zhang |
論文名稱: |
G.K. 切斯特頓《布朗神父探案全集》系列中的東方形象塑造 East Images in G. K. Chesterton’s The Complete of Father Brown Series |
指導教授: |
Zheng, Yi-Ting |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
東亞學系 Department of East Asian Studies |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 109 |
中文關鍵詞: | G. K.切斯特頓 、偵探小說 、東方形象 、敘事學 、話語 |
英文關鍵詞: | G.K. Chesterton, detective novels, East images, Narrotology, discourse |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:448 下載:10 |
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G. K.切斯特頓創作的偵探小說《布朗神父探案全集》,處在外表精明的偵探和物證推理搭配的偵探小說黃金時代,創造出一個外型平凡的宗教人物式偵探,搭配心證推理的辦案方式,不僅是偵探小說史上的先例,同時也是他個人對19、20世紀歐洲世界由人文、科學甚至神祕主義思想主導社會趨勢的反省跟質疑。
The detective novel series of The Complete of Father Brown was written by G. K. Chesterton the man who created a normal appearance religionary detective as an inference-maker by mentally inference was a pioneer in the golden age of detective novels which usually been cast by an astute detective with rational and scientific inference process. What he also wanted to present is the reflection and query of 19 and 20 century people who followed thoughts of humanism, scientism and mysticism.
This kind of reflection and query also shows in his East images creation in The Complete of Father Brown series. Although only to Egypt is the farthest place of Chesterton’s East experiences. As a reporter, society critic, and writer he still can use the concept of the East as a “discourse” to transmitting his belief by introducing and critics of East event and by using elements of East in fiction creations to reach story effects. In introducing and critics articles, he extremely against the mystical rumor of East since the Middle Ages and try to persuading that Christian belief is the real mysticism; in fiction, he try to make mystical effects by using elements of East at beginning for the purpose of destructing East mysticism through the wisdom and the belief of the truth of Father Brown in the end. The way he describing the East is different from Scientism or Humanism in the same ages of Europeans. However, he still shows the thoughts of colonist in religion choosing.This essay tried to look back to 13 to 20 century the East images transitions of Europe first, and then point out the history legends, myths, and culture of the East countries in order to know the connection between Chesterton’s fiction and real East history culture might be. Third, through the theory of Structuralism Narrotology analyzing of East images such as characters, legends, curses, symbolizations...and so on in The Complete of Father Brown by Chesterton lived in 19 to 20 century to find out how Chesterton combined his Gazing and experiences of East and destructed the rumor of East mystical in the novels gradually.
We can see Chesterton’s East discourse shows in two ways: By introducing and critics of East event as an “author” out of text, and by using elements of East in fiction creations to reach story effects in the text as a “hiding author” who let unreliable narrator tell stories and expected his hiding readers could understand his transmitting of truth of belief. These two ways of East discourse by Chesterton demonstrated the Orientalism which been bring up by Said who seen the fact of East discourse that East is not a concrete object but a product of collective memory made by legend, rumor, gazing and fertile ground of ideology.
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BlackHat Mystery Bookstore-G. K. Chesterton
Books by Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith) (sorted by popularity)
British Library (Home > Learning > History > Victorians)
Definitions of Atheism-Algirdas Julien Greimas, on semantics
G. K. Chesterton-Discover the wit and wisdom of Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
Manfred Jahn-Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative http://www.uni-koeln.de/~ame02/pppn.htm
Martin Ward's Home Page
Mosher, Harold F., “The Semiotics of A. J. Greimas: An Introduction”
Newspaper Home
Open Library-G._K._Chesterton
Project Gutenberg Australia
The American Chesterton Society
The Complete “Father Brown”, by G. K. Chesterton
Un nommé Chesterton