研究生: |
張依瑾 Yi-Chin Chang |
論文名稱: |
全球流動性與全球(非)正義:人權的再現 Global Mobility and Global (In)justice: Representations of Human Rights |
指導教授: |
Huang, Tsung-Yi |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 108 |
中文關鍵詞: | 全球人口 流動 、人權 、移動權 、再現 、全球流動性 |
英文關鍵詞: | global people flow, human rights, right of mobility, representation, global mobility |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:288 下載:10 |
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日常行使移動權的方式眾多,本文特別針對兩種移民的文本再現:非法移民與觀光業。第一章先援引一些包括巴利巴爾(Etienne Balibar)、薩森(Saskia Sassen)和哈維(David Harvey)的地理學者的研究,試圖理論化現今人權的困境,尤其是全球人口流動所造成的困難。第二章將分析《在此世界》(In This World)與《美麗壞東西》(Dirty Pretty Things)中,對非法移民的再現;討論因經濟全球化而起的疆界重整,會導致除國家外,還有更多的利益團體有機會操弄多孔的彊界,並藉此從非法移民身上獲利。第三章討論《小地方》(A Small Place)和《債與命》(Life and Debt)如何再現加勒比海小國的觀光業;這章主要透過分析文本中,觀光客的消費能力與高能動性,和幾乎無能動性的當地人之間的強烈對比,研究移動權因受資本主義和全球化的影響,所產生的轉變。
Global people flow is one of the most intensive activities of globalization and it impacts seriously on the countries and societies that receive immigrants of any kind. Approaching the global people flow and the issue of global mobility from the concept of human rights/right of global mobility, this thesis aims not only to see how the right of mobility is understood and represented on the scale of theory and law, but also to study how people realize and practice this right in their everyday life.
The forms of everyday practice of global mobility are various and I particularly focus on the literary representations of two kinds of immigrants: the illegal immigrants and global mass tourism. In Chapter One, first drawing on few geographical theorists’ studies, including that of Etienne Balibar, Saskia Sassen and David Harvey, I intend to theorize the contemporary plights of human rights, especially those caused by global people flow. Chapter two analyzes the filmic representations of illegal immigrants: Michael Winterbottom’s In This World and Stephen Frear’s Dirty Pretty Things. It mainly discusses that the reorganization of borders brought about by economic globalization makes more and more interest parties, besides nation-states, have opportunities to play with the porous borders and gain profits from these illegal immigrants. Chapter Three deals with global tourism in Caribbean countries represented in Jamaica Kincaid’s A Small Place and Stephanie Black’s Life and Debt. I intend to examine the transformations of the right of global mobility because of capitalism and globalization by analyzing the sharp contrast in the texts between the consuming power and high mobility of the tourists and the local who scarcely move.
The serious difficulties in implementing human rights are mostly resulted from global people flow that navigates the border of each nation-state. Without stable borders, human rights can hardly continue to be practiced in the form of citizenship. Meanwhile, human rights, which arte established for achieving equality among human society, are transformed and challenged by the logic of capitalism and economic globalization. Dealing with these dilemmas, the studies of the geographical theorists and the literary representations expect to create possible spaces for the weak to speak for themselves and on the other hand, they hope their readers and audience may be educated to debunk the illusion of economic equality promised by globalization.
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