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研究生: 林秀玲
Lin, Hsiu-Ling
論文名稱: 社會情緒學習在臺灣推動現況暨其對兒童社會情緒學習、 學習動機、主觀幸福感影響之研究
The Current Situation of Social Emotional Learning in Taiwan and Its Influence on Children's Social Emotional Behavior, Learning Motivation, and Subjective Well-Being
指導教授: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
口試委員: 宋曜廷
Sung, Yao-Ting
Chen, Huey-Jiuan
Chiu, Fa-Chung
Huang, Po-Sheng
Wu, Hsiang-Yi
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
口試日期: 2022/07/19
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 389
中文關鍵詞: 社會情緒學習學習動機主觀幸福感社會情緒問題行為社會情緒學習方案
英文關鍵詞: Social Emotional Learning, learning motivation, subjective well-being, socioemotional problem behavior, SEL courses
研究方法: 實驗設計法準實驗設計法調查研究主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201861
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:1977下載:658
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  • 社會情緒學習(SEL)是由美國學業、社交與情感學習協作組織(Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning,簡稱CASEL)所提出,包含了五個核心能力:自我意識、自我管理、社會意識、人際關係和負責任的決定。本研究將針對SEL探討課綱、教學、工具與課程。本研究共獲得以下四個成果:
    研究三旨在探討小學生之社會情緒學習表現,以臺北市小學生為樣本對象,並經由自行編制的社會情緒學習量表進行問卷施測,全部回收有效問卷為220份。在信度方面,各分量表具有可接受到良好的內部一致性(Cronbach’s α係數= .88~.91)、全量表Cronbach’s α係數為.96,穩定的重測信度(rs= .74~.85),以及理想的組合信度(.62~.85)。經分析發現,本量表與焦慮、違規行為、學習動機、幸福感均達顯著相關,顯示本量表具有良好的效標關聯效度,可做為評量學生SEL表現的測量工具。

    Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is proposed by Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), which focuses on the following five aspects: Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, interpersonal relationships, and responsible decision-making.Given the growing impact of SEL on education in Taiwan, this research conducted a series of studies to examine the following: The design of the syllabus, the experience of professional teachers, the scales to test students’ abilities, and the curriculum designed for SEL.
    This study achieved the following four results:
    In Study 1, we used qualitative content analysis tocompare the curriculum of Integrative Activities in Taiwan and the curriculum of Illinois’SEL Curriculum in U.S.A, it is found that there are four similarities:Three major learning themes, providing a safe and supportive environment, emphasizing awareness and inquiry, and co-learning between teachers and students. There are the following five suggestions for promoting SEL through Integrative Activities in the future: Designing courses for the five cores, collecting appropriate teaching resources, developing curriculum for different grades, promoting teacher training or study, and developing tools that can verify the effectiveness of SEL teaching.
    In Study 2, we interviewed 8 award-winning teachers in SEL teaching, and analyzed the following five points through qualitative research: SEL is based on interpersonal interaction learning with emotional awareness as the primary, learning process should emphasize experience and demonstration, SEL can improve students' emotional awareness, Emotional management and self-efficacy, SEL needs to face the challenges of teaching and counseling.
    In study 3, we explored the social-emotional learning performance of primary school students. Taking primary school students in Taipei as the sample object, the self-developed social-emotional learning scale was used to conduct the questionnaire test, and 220 valid questionnaires were recovered and verified by internal consistency reliability, construction validity and simultaneous validity. In terms of reliability, each subscale had acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’sα= .88~.91) and the full scale Cronbach’s α is .96, stable retest reliability (rs =.74~ .85). And the ideal combination reliability (.62~.85). After the test, it was confirmed that it was significantly related to anxiety, abnormal behavior, learning motivation, and well-being and can be used as a measuring tool to objectively evaluate the SEL effect.
    In Study 4, the research design used the unequal group pre-test and post-test experimental design. Aintegrative activities course was combined to design a SEL course (5 weeks) for senior primary school students. Through quasi-experimental research, it was confirmed that the students in the experimental group had better performance in “social-emotional learning,”
    “learning motivation,”“anxiety,”“abnormal behavior,”“subjective well-being” and other performances were significantly better than those of the students in the control group.

    謝詞i 中文摘要iii 英文摘要v 目次vii 表次xi 圖次xv 第一章緒論1 第一節研究背景與研究動機1 第二節研究目的、研究問題與研究假設3 第三節重要名詞解釋4 第二章文獻回顧7 第一節社會情緒學習(SEL)的內涵、測量與發展7 第二節學習動機的理論、內涵與測量38 第三節主觀幸福感的理論、內涵與測量41 第四節兒童社會情緒行為問題的定義、內涵與測量44 第五節社會情緒學習的教學方案47 第六節研究架構圖59 第三章十二年國教綜合活動課綱與伊利諾州SEL課綱之分析比較(研究一)61 第一節研究架構與設計 61 第二節研究方法63 第三節研究內容64 第四節資料處理與分析69 第五節研究結果與討論70 第四章正在推動SEL課程之老師的經驗與建議(研究二)115 第一節研究架構與設計115 第二節研究方法 115 第三節研究對象117 第四節研究內容119 第五節資料處理與分析120 第六節研究結果與討論122 第七節結論與建議147 第五章社會情緒學習量表之中文化暨信效度分析(研究三)151 第一節研究架構與設計151 第二節研究假設 153 第三節研究對象153 第四節研究工具153 第五節資料收集之程序157 第六節資料處理與分析159 第七節社會情緒學習量表編製結果160 第八節小學生的社會情緒學習174 第九節結論與建議180 第六章SEL課程對兒童社會情緒、行為表現、學習動機、幸福感之影響(研究四)181 第一節研究架構與設計181 第二節研究假設 183 第三節研究對象184 第四節研究工具184 第五節SEL課程介入方案187 第六節資料處理與分析194 第七節結果與討論195 第七章總結論..225 第一節綜合討論225 第二節研究貢獻 231 第三節研究建議232 第四節研究限制233 第五節結論233 參考文獻235 中文文獻235 英文文獻242 附錄253 附錄 1 社會情緒學習量表252 附錄 2 國中小動機量表授權同意255 附錄3青少年幸福感量授權同意256 附錄4 國小綜合活動(三上)與SEL內涵相近的課程257 附錄5國小綜合活動(三下)與SEL內涵相近的課程259 附錄6國小綜合活動(四上)與SEL內涵相近的課程261 附錄7國小綜合活動(四下)與SEL內涵相近的課程263 附錄8國小綜合活動(五上)與SEL內涵相近的課程266 附錄9國小綜合活動(五下)與SEL內涵相近的課程269 附錄10國小綜合活動(六上)與SEL內涵相近的課程273 附錄11國小綜合活動(六下)與SEL內涵相近的課程278 附錄12國小綜合活動(七上)與SEL內涵相近的課程281 附錄13國小綜合活動(七下)與SEL內涵相近的課程290 附錄14國小綜合活動(八上)與SEL內涵相近的課程298 附錄15國小綜合活動(八下)與SEL內涵相近的課程303 附錄16國小綜合活動(九上)與SEL內涵相近的課程304 附錄17國小綜合活動(九下)與SEL內涵相近的課程316 附錄18伊利諾州第一階課綱(幼稚園到三年級) 322 附錄19伊利諾州第二階課綱(四到五年級)324 附錄20伊利諾州第三階課綱(六到八年級)326 附錄21伊利諾州第四階課綱(九到十年級)328 附錄22伊利諾州第五階課綱(十一到十二年級)330 附錄23社會情緒學習課程正念是超人教案設計(1)332 附錄24社會情緒學習課程正念是超人教案設計(2)342 附錄25社會情緒學習課程正念是超人教案設計(3)353 附錄26社會情緒學習課程正念是超人教案設計(4)361 附錄27社會情緒學習課程正念是超人教案設計(5)372 附錄28社會情緒學習課程正念是超人教案設計(6)382

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