研究生: |
王雅勤 |
論文名稱: |
以色列籍華語學習者讚美回應之跨文化語用分析與教學應用 An Analysis on the Cross-cultural Pragmatics of Compliment Responses by Israeli Learners of Chinese and Pedagogical Applications |
指導教授: | 謝佳玲 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 186 |
中文關鍵詞: | 讚美回應行為 、中介語 、語用失誤 、禮貌準則 、跨文化語境 |
英文關鍵詞: | compliment response speech acts, interlanguage, pragmatic failures, politeness principle, cross-cultural environment |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:519 下載:79 |
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本文以Yu(2003)的研究架構為基礎,再參照Leech(1983)的禮貌準則與Brown & Levinson(1987)的禮貌策略,提出不同語境下華語讚美回應的常見句式。本實驗中的組別分別有三:華語母語者、希語母語者、以色列華語學習者。筆者分別探討三組的讚美回應策略的選用情形,以及在不同的讚美主題—外表、能力,與不同的社會變項—性別差異、相對權勢、社會距離中,華語和希語兩組的策略選擇差異為何,從中找出學習者語用失誤的原因。主要的研究方法為角色扮演及個別訪談,從真實語料的採集、量化分析的數據、質化分析的紀錄三方面解構華語母語者、希語母語者的語言表徵和文化內涵,以及學習者在跨文化語境中的表現狀況。
Pragmatic competence is easily neglected by language teachers and teaching materials; however it is an important skill that learners need to master before they can attain communicative competence. There are three groups in the experiment: Chinese native speaker, Hebrew native speaker and Israeli learners of Chinese. The aim of this study is to investigate the similarities and differences between responses to compliments in these three groups, and examine the factors that lead to pragmatic failures by Israeli learners of Chinese. At the end of this study, the author provides a teaching plan based on the synthesis of language forms and language functions that is intended to improve learners’ communicative ability when responding to compliments.
This study utilizes the research framework used by Yu (2003), and takes into account the politeness principles proposed by Leech (1983) and Brown and Levinson (1987). The author analyzes the strategies available to speakers of Chinese and Hebrew for responding to compliments regarding various topics, such as “appearance” and “ability”, and takes into account social factors like “gender”, “relative power” and “social distance”, with the goal of finding patterns in Chinese responses to compliments in varying situations. The data used in this study has been collected using role plays and personal interviews of native speakers of Chinese and Hebrew, and Israeli learners of Chinese.
The results of this study show that Taiwanese respondents, whose culture is defined by indirectness, tend to use self-praise avoidance strategies to respond to compliments, while Israelis, whose culture is oriented towards sincerity, tend to use acceptance strategies. The data analyzed in this study also reveals that:
1) Response strategies are the same for both genders in both Chinese and Hebrew.
2) “Relative power” and “social distance” have greater influence on the choice of strategy in Chinese than in Hebrew. Under the influence of Hebrew response strategies, responses to compliments by Israeli learners of Chinese tend to be direct. Textbooks also influenced the strategies used by Israeli learners of Chinese, as evidenced by their use of “nail nali”, which was not used by Taiwanese respondents.
This paper concludes with a teaching plan based on the author’s findings. This plan takes cross-cultural pragmatics as its conceptual basis. The author proposes a teaching method that associates language forms with language functions; she integrates ‘relative power’ and ‘social distance’ into class activities and suggests communicative language teaching (CLT) methods be used.
2, 4-13。
之建議。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學主辦之「第四屆全球華人網路教 育」研討會論文集(頁1-11),台北。
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