研究生: |
楊筑婷 Yang, Chu-Ting |
論文名稱: |
EFL大學生寫作動機及寫作回饋的認知對寫作成績之影響 The Effects of Self-determination and Perceptions of Teacher Corrective Feedback on L2 Writing Performance |
指導教授: |
Chu, Hsi-Chin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 78 |
中文關鍵詞: | 路徑分析 、內在動機 、外在動機 、第二語言寫作 、教師寫作回饋 |
英文關鍵詞: | path analysis, L2 writing, teacher WCF, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DE.003.2019.A07 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:482 下載:36 |
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本研究目的為二:(一)探討影響第二語言寫作成績的相關因素。(二)以路徑分 析法分析預測各變項和第二語言寫作成績的直接與間接的因果關係。本研究旨在透過路徑分析,觀察第二語言寫作成績、動機以及第二語言學習者對於 教師寫作回饋的認知,了解這些變項之間的直接與間接的關係。本研究藉由文獻回顧, 先畫出對於這三個變項的假設路徑圖。之後,本研究收集 330 筆大學生問卷資料以及其 之英文寫作成績,來驗證此假設路徑圖。路徑分析的結果顯示,「內在動機- 刺激」可以有效預測「第二語言學習者對於教 師寫作回饋在文法、語言問題上的認知」以及「第二語言學習者對於教師寫作回饋在架 構問題上的認知」。而「第二語言學習者對於教師寫作回饋在架構問題上的認知」可以 有效預測第二學習者的寫作成績。至於間接效果的部分,路徑分析的結果顯示,「第二 語言學習者對於教師寫作回饋在文法、語言問題上的認知」可以有效調節「內在動機- 刺 激」和「第二語言學習者對於教師寫作回饋在架構問題上的認知」。除此之外,「第二語 言學習者對於教師寫作回饋在架構問題上的認知」也可以有效調節「第二語言學習者對 於教師寫作回饋在文法、語言問題上的認知」和寫作成績。透過此模型,教師可以清楚 了解如何有效運用教師寫作回饋、動機來增強學生第二語言寫作的成績。
When compared to other language skills, most EFL learners consider writing the most challenging skill in second language learning (Maarof, Yamat & Li, 2011). To delve into the issue about how to teach L2 writing more efficiently, the current study aimed to examine the causal relationships among SDT-related variables, L2 learners’ perceptions of two different types of teacher WCF and writing performance. To this end, this study firstly drew a hypothesized path analysis model based on the rationales reviewed in the literature review. In addition, the valid data of 330 subjects adapted from Tsao (2018) were recruited to examine the model. The results revealed that intrinsic motivation had the largest predictive power on L2 learners’ perceptions of teacher WCF both about local and global issues and L2 learners’ perceptions of teacher WCF about global issues could significantly predict L2 learners’ writing scores. With regard to the mediating effects, intrinsic motivation toward stimulation could exert significant indirect effects on L2 learners’ perceptions of teacher WCF about global issues via L2 learners’ perceptions of teacher WCF about local issues. In addition, L2 learners’ perceptions of teacher WCF about local issues could also exert significant indirect effects on writing performance via L2 learners’ perceptions of teacher WCF about global issues. The importance of intrinsic motivation, L2 learners’ perceptions of teacher WCF regarding local and global issues in acquiring L2 writing were all highlighted in this study. In short, the results provided several insights for educators to teach L2 writing.
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