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研究生: 周珊旭
Chou, Shan-Hsu
論文名稱: 新創品牌之行銷策略研究:以L公司進口之法國頂級紅酒為例
The Research on the Marketing Strategy of the Newly Created Brand: A Case Study of the Top French Wine Imported by L Company
指導教授: 王千睿
Wang, Chien-Jui
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 波爾多葡萄酒法國AOC國外進口頂級葡萄酒品牌O2O行銷新創品牌行銷策略列級知名莊園法定產區酒體驗行銷策略文化行銷策略4C行銷策略
英文關鍵詞: Bordeaux wines, France AOC, Foreign imports, Top red wine brands, O2O marketing, Marketing strategy of newly created brand, Well-known column-level manor, AOC, Experiential marketing strategy, Cultural marketing strategy, 4C marketing strategy
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GFEMBA.004.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:504下載:18
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  • 隨著科技的日新月異,民眾的生活方式及消費習慣等都發生了相當大的變化。物質生活的不斷提升,促使民眾對精神生活親身體驗的高度重視,消費需求的變化,加上網路社交通訊群組的興起,為企業的發展帶來了新著商機和威脅。本研究為葡萄酒市場環境加以分析,並借鏡於傳統與現代葡萄酒的行銷策略,以L公司新創品牌為例,提出以網路社交媒體為行銷費體,以線下實體店及旗艦店酒窖為行銷體驗實驗店,並以線上線下O2O行銷、體驗行銷、文化行銷及4C行銷策略,為實際行銷策略的L公司葡萄酒創新行銷商業模式,預期對

    波爾多為法國十大葡萄酒產區之中占地最大的,其所出產的葡萄酒有95%屬於法定產區酒(AOC)級別。波爾多當地葡萄酒貿易相當發達,每年法國15%的外貿盈餘來自波爾多葡萄酒,波爾多葡萄酒產業儼然成為波爾多城市的“城市商標”,甚至可以代表整個法國葡萄酒的品牌形象。 而勃根第地區則是公認AOC體系最完善的地區,全法國將近450個AOC,勃根第就佔有101個。波爾多地域廣泛,雖然僅有57個AOC產區,但確能生產全法國1/4的AOC葡萄酒。



    國內隨著民眾生活水準的不斷提升,將會成為未來世界上比較具有潛力的葡萄酒市場之一 。國內葡萄酒貿易的發展方面,有許多得天獨厚的競爭優勢,對法國波爾多葡萄酒世界行銷策略的分析和研究,有助於由國外進口頂級葡萄酒之L公司的新創品牌聚焦於本身的條件,尋求適用於國內推廣國外進口頂級葡萄酒之品牌行銷策略,對於葡萄酒貿易商及相關的商務活動具有相當重要的實用價值。



    With the ever-changing technology, people's lifestyles and spending habits have undergone considerable changes. The continuous improvement of material life has prompted people to emphasize on the actual spiritual experience. Changes in consumer demand, coupled with the sudden emergence of online social media, have brought new business opportunities and threats to the development of enterprises. This study analyzes the wine market environment and uses the traditional and modern wines as an example marketing model. Taking L-case companies as an example, this paper proposes to use online social media as the marketing media and offline entity's flagship store as the marketing experience entity, With the online and offline O2O marketing, experiential marketing, and cultural marketing as the actual marketing model, the Company's top-tier wine innovative marketing business model is expected to have a considerable degree of value for the development of domestic wine import enterprises.

    Bordeaux is the largest of France's top ten wine regions; with 95% of its wines being AOC-rated. Wine trade in the thriving, 15% of France's foreign trade surplus every year from Bordeaux wine. Bordeaux wine industry has become a Bordeaux city "business card," to the point where it can even represent the entire French wine image. In Frances, there is an estimate of 450 AOC system; Burgundy region is known for having the most well-rounded AOC system among them because it owns more than 1/4 of the cake, which comes to a total of 110. On the other hand, even though Bordeaux only has 57 AOCs in its large area, it has the ability to produce about a quarter of all AOC wines in France.

    Bordeaux and Burgendy are the two most important wine regions in France. Since Company L has more familiarity with Bordeaux wine, thus 70% of the French Bordeaux wines is imported by Company L. This research will only be focusing on the characteristics and the main influencing factors of the Bordeaux wine industry, and introduces the new brand of the top wine imported by the L case study company. It also integrates the characteristics of the Bordeaux geographical and climatic environment, the legal restrictions, the concept of on-site vineyard winemaking and the Bordeaux wine industry to explore the reasons for the rise of Bordeaux wine industry.

    In recent years, there has been a boom in grape wine in Taiwan. The consumption, investment and collection of grape wine have become the focus of everyone's attention. Therefore, the study on the marketing mode and related effects of Bordeaux wine in the international market is of great value. Bordeaux is especially famous for its wines. Bordeaux, the traditional French wine region, has a long history of wine culture and advanced winemaking. It has accumulated a unique and leading wine marketing model that includes both Traditional marketing programs and models, as well as some new models that are advancing with the times and according to local conditions, have all shown a good marketing effect on the promotion of Bordeaux wines at different levels.

    With the continuous improvement of people's living standard in Taiwan, the potential of wine market in the future is greater than ever. There are many unique domestic advantages in the development of the wine trade. Through the analysis and research on the marketing model of the Bordeaux wine world, it is helpful for companies that import new brands of top-grade wine from abroad to focus on their own conditions and seek for application. The brand marketing mode of promoting top-level imported wines from abroad is of considerable practical value to wine traders and related business activities.

    With its elegant taste, various tasting methods and rich health effects, wine has been gradually, yet effectivity accepted by the domestic public. With the reduction of the tariffs on wine, foreign wine merchants began to attach importance to the domestic market. Wine business also will be rapidly developed in Taiwan. Among the imported wines, in addition to the traditional Italian, French and other wines, some minor wines in America, Australia and Spain are beginning to gain popularity. When the spending on imported wines increased, the domestic wine market had a higher import preference for wines from France, Australia and Chile than on Spain, Italy and the United States. French wine imports in the domestic market occupy a stable market share. In this context, many wine importers are facing considerable challenges. With the continuous improvement of domestic economic development, consumers' demand for wine has been gradually increasing, resulting in more and more imported wine has entered the domestic market. In the fierce market competition, the development of top wineries imported from abroad Faced with the harsh challenges, developing a suitable marketing model is the key factor in responding to the market environment for many imported wine industries.

    The Brand is an intangible assets of enterprises, in the development of enterprises play a very important function. With the rapid development of the domestic economy and the effective promotion of consumer attitudes, wine culture has been rapidly promoted in people's minds. The recognition and pursuit of top-tier wine brands will also be strengthened.

    目次 致謝 i 摘要 ii Abstract iv 目錄 vi 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究目的 1 第二節 研究動機 1 第三節 研究貢獻 1 第二章 文獻探討 3 第一節 名詞釋義: 葡萄酒產品概念之定義 3 第二節 法國波爾多葡萄酒的出口發展歷程 4 第三節 葡萄酒進口之法規與稅制 5 第四節: "酒標"的嚴格標準將波爾多葡萄酒產業加以標準化 6 第五節 名詞釋義: 品牌與新創品牌之定義 15 第六節 新創品牌管理理論 15 第七節 新創品牌行銷概念 17 第八節 新創品牌行銷理論內容 18 第九節 相關之行銷策略理論 24 第三章 研究方法 29 第一節 文獻資料法 29 第二節 產業分析法 29 第三節 個案分析法 29 第四節 研究限制 29 第四章 歷程結果與討論 31 第一節 產業分析 31 第二節 法國波爾多頂級葡萄酒出口行銷策略對國內頂級葡萄酒進口商先進的借鏡經驗 46 第三節 個案分析: 大同亞瑟頓葡萄酒成功之進口行銷策略對國內葡萄酒進口商先進的借鏡經驗 52 第五章 L公司新創品牌行銷策略之執行案例 56 第一節 L公司新創品牌多樣化的行銷通路商業模式 56 第二節 L公司新創品牌執行案例之O2O線上線下行銷策略 58 第三節 L公司新創品牌執行案例之體驗行銷策略 61 第四節 L公司新創品牌執行案例之文化行銷策略 62 第五節 L公司新創品牌執行案例之4C 行銷策略 63 第六節 L公司成立紅酒投資管理部門 65 第六章 結論與建議 67 第一節 法國波爾多頂級葡萄酒出口行銷策略對國內頂級葡萄酒進口商的經驗影響 67 第二節 L公司新創品牌之線上線下(O2O)、體驗、文化及4C行銷策略的借鏡 68 第三節 建議 70 參考文獻 72 附錄 73

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