研究生: |
黃國恩 Huang, Kuo-En |
論文名稱: |
教練威權領導對集體效能之影響:一個調節式中介模式之檢驗 The Influence of Coach Authoritarian Leadership on Collective Effectiveness: A Moderated Mediation Model |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Chih-Fu |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 138 |
中文關鍵詞: | 華人領導 、威權 、情感氛圍 、團隊規範 、任務相依 |
英文關鍵詞: | Chinese leaderships, authoritarianism, emotional atmosphere, team norm, task dependency |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000170 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:538 下載:12 |
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威權領導是華人領導組織行為研究中的一個重要議題,在運動情境中,運動團隊就像一個小型企業團體的縮影,有工作性亦有互動性團隊,其教練肩負團隊勝負之責,除訓練時要能展現傲人的能力與風範,讓團隊產生正向積極的氛圍與紀律規範外,當比賽時面臨決勝危機時刻,須能號令三軍,制定決策,帶領隊員團結一致,提升團隊集體意識與效能,才能力挽狂瀾、邁向成功。因此,本研究目的,主要瞭解在運動團隊中教練尚嚴領導與專權領導對集體效能的影響效果,並進一步探究正向團隊情感氛圍與團隊規範,在其中所扮演的中介角色,及任務相依性在中介模式之調節效果。研究方法採立意取樣方式,以國內24所大學校院運動代表隊的教練與選手為受試對象,並以團隊為單位共計取樣174隊,其中教練人數計有174人,運動員970人,合計有1144位研究參與者。其所得資料經飾檢建檔後,採用SPSS for windows20.0及AMOS 21 統計軟體,依研究假設進行相關的檢驗與分析。研究結果顯示尚嚴領導與專權領導對集體效能具有不同方向的影響效果,並且會透過正向團隊情感氛圍及團隊規範的中介效果影響集體效能;此外任務相依性亦會調節尚嚴領導對團隊規範與集體效能間關係的中介效果。換言之,當任務相依性越高的情況下,尚嚴領導對對團隊規範與集體效能間的中介效果越顯著。最後,本研究結果能幫助理解與驗證教練威權領導中雙構面的影響效果,並擴展理論與實證研究上之不足外,對於實際在運動場域中教練威權領導的作用歷程與效能,提供一些啟發與實務應用。
Authoritarian leadership is one of the important issues for the studies on the organization behaviors of Chinese leaderships. In sport situations, a sport team is similar to a small company. The coach is not only responsible for the competition results of the sport team, but also needs to show an outstanding capability and manner, so that positive atmosphere and discipline can be shown in the team. When the team is in some critical situations like the key point of winning the game, the coach should be able to make decisions and give the orders definitely, lead the team to be united, enhance working cooperatively, and improve performance, so that the team can escape from the bad situations and achieve the success. In this study, we aim to understand the effects of shang-yen and juan-chiuan leaderships of coaches on the performance of the sport teams, and further investigate the mediation effect of the team emotional atmosphere and norm on the team, and the adjustment effect of task dependency in the mediation mode. We adopt purposive sampling to select coaches and athletes from the sport teams of 24 domestic colleges and universities, with 174 sport teams, 174 coaches and 970 athletes, 1144 participants in total, as our research subjects. After all the collected data being checked and quantized, we adopt SPSS for Windows 20 and AMOS 21 statistics software to do the related examinations and analyses according to the research hypotheses. The research results show that, shang-yen and juan-chiuan leaderships have influences on collective efficacy in different ways, and affect collective efficacy via the mediation effect of positive team emotional atmosphere, and norm. Besides, task dependency also can adjust the mediation effect of shang-yen leadership on the relationship between team norm and collective efficacy. In other words, the higher the task dependency is, the more significant the mediation effect of shang-yen leadership on team norm and collective efficacy will be. Finally, in this study, the research results can help understand and validate the two-dimensional effect of the authoritarian leadership of coaches. Besides making up the inefficient parts between theoretical and experimental researches, the research results in this study can provide some inspirations and real applications on the operation process and effects of authoritarian leadership of the coaches in real sport fields.
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