簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 金怡安
Jin, Yi-An
論文名稱: 台灣家族企業二代接班人和諧/衝突轉化機制探討
Research on the Harmony/Conflict Transformation Mechanism of the Second Generation Successor of Family Businesses in Taiwan
指導教授: 康敏平
Kang, Min-Ping
口試委員: 許書瑋
Hsu, Shu-Wei
Li, Peng-Yu
Kang, Min-Ping
口試日期: 2023/06/21
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 家族企業接班問題中小企業虛性和諧
英文關鍵詞: Family Business, Succession problems, Small and Medium Size Business, Superficial Harmony
研究方法: 半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300913
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:301下載:27
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  • 中小家族企業可謂是台灣的經濟命脈,依據現行資料顯示台灣目前第一代的創業老闆年紀偏高,為了未來企業永續著想,必然得考慮該如何傳承,否則很容易引發家族紛爭,搞得兩敗俱傷。然而因為種種因素,並非每位二代接班人都十分願意接班,有些會為了維持家族和諧而委屈求全,有些則會與家族發生衝突鬥爭,接班前與接班後與家族成員的關係和自身心態是否會發生變化,以及有哪些關鍵事件造成其轉變,轉變的歷程為何。本研究採取半結構式訪談法,受訪者為來自台灣中小企業二代接班人,藉由訪談來全面性了解影響接班因素探討以及二代接班面臨虛性和諧時的態度轉變過程以及後續影響。本研究以半結構式訪談法深入探討了二代接班人在企業接班前後的心態轉變,以及其對家族和企業衝突的影響。研究發現,初期以虛性和諧維持穩定的二代接班人,會因一代是否願意進行「權力下放」與「主動關懷」而產生變化。若一代不願進行權力轉移與關懷,可能導致虛性和諧轉變為實質衝突,影響家族與企業運作。然而,一旦一、二代之間建立起實性和諧關係,並打破傳統家庭角色框架,將有助於建立平等互相尊重的關係,進一步提升企業穩定發展的可能。本研究對於理解家族企業接班的過程及其挑戰提供了有力的見解。

    Small and medium-sized family businesses can be considered the lifeblood of Taiwan's economy. Current data indicate that the age of the first-generation entrepreneurs in Taiwan is generally high. For the sustainability of these enterprises in the future, succession planning becomes imperative to avoid family disputes that can lead to mutual destruction. However, due to various factors, not every second-generation successor is willing to take over the family business. Some acquiesce for the sake of family harmony, while others may engage in conflict and struggle with their families. The relationships with family members and the self-perception of the successors may change before and after succession. The key events causing these transformations and the progression of these changes are of considerable interest.
    This study employs semi-structured interviews with second-generation successors from small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan, to comprehensively understand the influencing factors and explore the process and subsequent impact of attitude changes when facing potential conflict during succession.
    Our research in-depth investigates the mentality changes of the second-generation successors before and after enterprise succession, as well as the influence on family and business conflicts. Findings suggest that initially harmonious successors can be affected by the first-generation's willingness to "delegate power" and "proactively care". If the first generation is reluctant to transfer power and provide care, it may cause the superficial harmony to transform into substantial conflict, affecting the operation of the family and business. However, once a substantive harmonious relationship is established between the first and second generations, breaking the traditional family role framework can contribute to the establishment of equal and mutually respectful relationships, further enhancing the possibility of stable business development. This study provides potent insights into understanding the process and challenges of family business succession.

    第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1 家族企業相關文獻 4 2.2衝突相關文獻 9 2.3 和諧相關文獻 19 2.4 人際和諧/衝突的動態模式 21 第三章 研究方法 25 3.1 研究架構 25 3.2 受訪者及其基本資料 26 3.3 操作型定義 27 3.4 研究工具 29 3.5 訪談過程 30 3.6資料分析 30 第四章 研究結果 31 4.1 訪談資料析整理 31 4.2個案介紹 33 4.3 研究發現 35 第五章 總結與建議 69 5.1 研究結論與命題 69 5.2 理論貢獻 75 5.3未來研究之建議 75 5.4 研究限制 76 參考文獻 77 一、 英文文獻 77 二、 中文文獻 80

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