研究生: |
黃芳誼 |
論文名稱: |
Herbert Marcuse的文化工業之解放理論對高等教育市場化的衍釋 |
指導教授: | 洪仁進 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 196 |
中文關鍵詞: | 文化工業 、高等教育市場化 、解放理論 |
英文關鍵詞: | culture industry, marketization of high education, emancipation |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:316 下載:0 |
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研究者有感於資本主義所帶來的「工具理性」,往往透過一些潛移默化、不易察覺的作法,將某些意識型態植入高等教育的發展。因而高等教育轉化成產品的製作、行銷、消費受制於一套系統、理性化的運作程序,與其他工業生產方式相同,皆受市場經濟所左右,雖能反映時尚流行的社會價值,卻成為社會主宰個人的工具,妨礙高等教育自主性的發展,更可怕的是,它往往使高等教育「樂於」接受這樣的灌輸,耽溺其中難以自拔。因此,希冀藉由本研究,探究「文化工業」集大成的Herbert Marcuse之解放理論,藉此透析現今高等教育現象背後的真正符碼、分析高等教育走向「文化工業」、市場化發展,並究其因應之道以使高等教育達到啟蒙、解放之目的。高等教育是引領社會改進的動力,市場化更深深影響著高等教育,吾人要如何認識並突破高等教育中「文化工業」的額外壓抑?而解放的超越如何能成為一種引導高等教育走向光明未來的力量?
In the thesis ,I think that capitalism has brought out instructional rationality and inputted idealism into the development of high education by invisible way little by little. Therefore,high education transformed into one kind rational system of producing product. The management of high Education which is controlled by market economic is just like other vocational producing methods. Although that situation can react popular value of society and high education has adapted instructional rationality input naturally, it has also damaged the development of high education automonity. Seriously,it has enforced high education continually toward marketization In this study the purpose is to investigate the revolutionary theory of Herbert Marcuse who studied culture industry contributedly. In addition, by use of references, the problem confronted by nowadays the true image and managing strategies of high education’s markerization are analyzed. According to the phenomenon ,how to enlighten and revolute high education? High education push society to progress .However, marketization effect high education deeply. In the study, the conclusion to acknowledge how to break through the extra-surplus impression on high education and lead high education to optimistic and lighten future.
Keywords:culture industry, marketization of high education,emancipation.
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