簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 許勻婷
Hsu, Yun-Ting
論文名稱: 客家音樂應用之二胡協奏曲—以黎俊平《日光山影》為例
The Erhu Concerto with Hakka Music Application — a case study based on Lee Chun-Ping's The Mountain in the Sunlight
指導教授: 蘇鈺淨
Su, Yu-Ching
口試委員: 蘇鈺淨
Su, Yu-Ching
Lin, Ya-Hsiu
Huang, Chen-Chi
口試日期: 2024/11/30
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 民族音樂研究所
Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology
論文出版年: 2025
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 127
中文關鍵詞: 日光山影黎俊平二胡臺灣客家音樂
英文關鍵詞: The Mountain in the Sunlight, Lee Chun-Ping, Erhu, Taiwanese Hakka Music
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500393
論文種類: 代替論文:作品連同書面報告(藝術類)
相關次數: 點閱:62下載:1
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  • 近年來,客家音樂元素(例如:老山歌、山歌仔、平板、小調⋯⋯等)持續的被臺灣作曲家以不同主題及手法應用在不同形式的樂曲上,除了各類大型國樂團曲目外,也有一些絲竹、重奏等的創作,其中更有一部分是為二胡譜寫的作品,如:朱雲嵩的《油紙傘下的回憶》(2006)、鄭光智的《油桐花下》(2012)、黎俊平的《日光山影》(2018)以及何立仁的《客風弦韻》(2020),這些作品的曲式及音樂素材皆不相同,儘管都是由二胡擔任主奏樂器的客家風格樂曲,但表現出來的情感、畫面都有著各自強烈的特色,有些柔美、有些趣味、也有些堅毅。

    Since 2000, Hakka music elements, such as folk songs, Lao-shan-ge, Shan-ge-zhi, Ping-ban, Xiao-diao, etc., have been continuously applied by Taiwanese composers to different forms of music with different themes and composition techniques. In addition to various repertoire of large-organization Chinese orchestra, there are also some ensembles of traditional stringed and woodwind instruments, some of which are for the erhu. The works such as "Memories Under the Oil-paper Umbrella" (2006) by Zhu Yun-Song etc.. In recent ten years, "Under the Tung Blossom" (2012) by Zheng Guang-Zhi, "The Mountain in the Sunlight" (2018) by Lee Chun-Ping and "Ke-Feng-Xian-Yun" (2020) by He Li-Ren. The musical forms and musical materials of these works are different, even they are all Hakka style with the erhu as the lead instrument. Although the music is beautiful, the emotions and pictures express their own strong characteristics. Some are soft, some are interesting, and some are persevering.
    This research paper mainly discusses the Erhu Concerto, "Sunlight Mountain Shadow", which is composed by Taiwanese composer, Lee Chun-Ping, with Hakka style. It organizes, analyzes and compares the Hakka elements used in the paragraphs, parts, types and techniques. In the end, it sorts out analysis and comparison. We can find that on the basis of many Hakka music elements, Lee Chun-Ping chose the element "Ping-ban" as the main motive, and used " Shan-ge-zhi " and "Cai-cha-ge" as secondary motives. He interspersed the melodious tune of "Ping-ban" with changing time signatures as embellishments to develop the entire piece. In addition to realizing the types and methods of Hakka music elements used in "Sunlight Mountain Shadow", you can also study the expected inheritance, application and development of Hakka culture in Taiwanese traditional music.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 目次 iv 圖目錄 v 表目錄 vi 譜目錄 vii 凡例 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 2 第二節 文獻回顧 4 一、臺灣客家山歌 4 二、客家音樂素材應用之器樂協奏曲 17 第三節 研究方法與步驟 18 第二章 黎俊平的創作背景與客家音樂創作 21 第一節 黎俊平的生平經歷 21 第二節 黎俊平的音樂創作之路 26 第三章 《日光山影》樂曲詮釋與分析 29 第一節 曲式結構 29 第二節 旋律分析 32 一、引子及呈示部 33 二、發展部 40 三、再現部及尾聲 51 第三節 節奏分析 60 一、二胡獨奏 63 二、樂團聲部 66 第四節 樂曲詮釋 85 一、二胡獨奏樂段 85 二、二胡獨奏與樂團聲部之間的對唱樂段 98 第四章 結論 100 參考資料 102 附錄一、黎俊平訪談紀錄一 104 附錄二、黎俊平訪談紀錄二 114

    一、 專書著作
    二、 學位論文
    三、 期刊、雜誌或研討會論文
    張添雄。〈台灣客家的山歌與民謠〉。《屏東文獻》No. 9 (2005):227-259。
    張紹焱。〈客家山歌介紹〉。《師友月刊》No. 175 (1982):8-12。
    劉煥雲、張民光、黃尚煃。〈台灣客家山歌文化之研究〉。《漢學研究集刊》No. 4 (2007),165-192。
    四、 曲譜、樂譜
    56942 (摘錄於November 25, 2023)。
    五、 網路資料
    poser/composer_file?id=4028888d66ba9e070166ba9ef1cc17e8&showWork=true (摘錄於 September 21, 2023)。
    世界客家博覽會。〈關於世客博-宗旨與目的〉。https://www.hakkaexpo2023.tw/aboutHakkaExpo#04 (摘錄於January 15, 2024)。
