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研究生: 陳巧芬
Chen Chaio-Fen
論文名稱: 四種入侵性不同的豆科野百合屬歸化植物之生理特徵比較
Approaches on physiological traits of four naturalized Crotalaria congeners in Taiwan
指導教授: 吳姍樺
Wu, Shan-Hua
Kao, Wen-Yuan
Lin, Teng-Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 入侵性野百合屬同屬入侵種生理特徵
英文關鍵詞: invasiveness, Crotalaria, congener, physiological trait
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:262下載:3
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  • 入侵性(invasiveness)指外來物種進入非其原生地後,在當地擴散並建立族群的能力。過去的研究顯示,臺灣豆科野百合屬(Crotalaria)四種歸化植物:南美豬屎豆(Crotalaria zanzibarica Benth)、黃野百合(C. pallida Ait. var. obovata (G. Don) Polhill)、黃豬屎豆(C. micans Link)和恆春野百合(C. incana L.),其入侵性的強弱顯著不同:南美豬屎豆(Cz)>黃野百合(Cp)>黃豬屎豆(Cm)>恆春野百合(Ci)。
    本研究提出下列假說來檢驗這四種野百合屬歸化植物的生長及生理特性:入侵性較強的物種(1)其種子可在較廣的溫度範圍和較廣的土壤深度條件下發芽;(2) 其種子小苗相對生長速率較快;(3)擁有較多的葉片數量、葉面積;(4)總生物量(biomass)值較高,也會將較多的生物量投資在葉片部位;(5)有較高的植株高度;(6)單位葉片面積擁有較高的最大光合作用速率。

    Invasiveness is the ability of alien plants to spread beyond their introduced sites and become established in new locations. It has been shown that invasiveness is usually determined by reproductive, morphological, physiological traits and growth strategies. Previous studies have shown that four introduced Crotalaria spp., Crotalaria zanzibarica Benth, C. pallida Ait. var obovata, C. micans Link, and C. incana L., in Taiwan have siginificant difference in invasiveness. The order of the invasiveness is C. zanzibarica >C. pallida>C. micans>C. incana.
    To invegestigate the factors contributing to the invasiveness of the four species, I collected seeds of the four species and germinated them in greenhouse. I approached the invasiveness by comparing seed germination plasticity, seedling relative growth rate, total biomass and biomass allocation of adult plants, and photosynthesis capacity of the four Crotalaria congeners.
    I proposed following hypotheses to test the relationship between measured traits and invasiveness, species with higher invasiveness:(1) can germinate under wider temperature ranges and soil depth conditions;(2) have higher relative growth rate at seedling stage;(3) have more leaves per plant;(4) accumulate more biomass and allocate more biomass to leaves;(5) grow taller, and (6) have higher maximum photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area.
    The results showed that the trend of the seed germination traits, the seedling relative growth rate, and leaf photosynthetic traits of the four species were not consistent with their invasiveness of the four species. Among the traits invegestigated, the total biomass accumulated, leaf biomass and total leaf area, in plants of three month old were the best indicators of the invasiveness.
    The results support the hypotheses (3) and (4). Accordingly, I concluded whole plant biomass and leaf biomass were the most important factors contributing to these congeners’ invasiveness.

    圖目錄 2 表目錄 4 中文摘要 5 Abstract 6 壹、前言 8 貳、材料和方法 13 材料 13 1.種子採集地點 15 2.打破種子休眠 15 方法 18 (一)種子發芽率(Germination rate) 18 1.戳洞處理對種子發芽率之影響 18 2.溫度梯度試驗 18 2.土壤深度試驗 18 (二)小苗相對生長速率及生長分析 19 1.植株栽植及生長條件 19 2.測量項目 19 2.1植株大小、葉面積及乾重 19 2-2計算小苗相對生長速率 19 2-3路徑分析 19 (三)成熟植株生物量比較 20 (四)葉片特徵比較 21 1.小葉差異之比較 21 2.葉綠素含量測定 21 3.飽和光度下光合作用PSII光使用效率及計算電子傳遞鏈速率 21 4.葉片表皮氣孔密度 22 5.水含量 22 資料處理及統計分析 22 叁、結果 23 (ㄧ)種子 23 1-1種子重量 23 1-2戳洞處理對種子發芽率的影響 24 1-3土壤深度對種子發芽率的影響 24 1-4溫度對種子發芽率的影響試驗 24 (二)小苗相對生長速率 27 2-1小苗相對生長速率(RGR):季節和物種間比較 27 2-2 野百合屬物種在6週生長期間生物特徵表現趨勢 33 2-3 路徑分析(Path analysis) 41 (三)成熟植株生物量配置(Biomass allocation) 45 (四)葉片特徵 52 4-1小葉之間的差異 52 4-2物種間葉片的差異 54 肆、討論 57 (一)入侵性是否和種子特性相關 57 1-1種子形態和特徵 57 1-2入侵性和土壤深度發芽率是否相關 58 1-3入侵性和種子溫度發芽率 59 (二)小苗相對生長速率 59 2-1入侵性和小苗相對生長速率 59 2-2生長速率相關因子探討 61 (三)入侵性和成體植株生物量的關係 61 (四)入侵性和葉片特徵 62 伍、結論 64 參考文獻 65

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