研究生: |
陳悅意 Chan, Yuet-Yee |
論文名稱: |
社會故事教學提升自閉症幼兒請求行為之研究 Social Stories to Improve Requesting Behavior of Preschool Children with Autism |
指導教授: |
Liao, Ching-Yi |
口試委員: |
Liao, Ching-Yi 王慧婷 Wang, Hui-Ting 陳佩玉 Chen, Pei-Yu |
口試日期: | 2024/06/03 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 115 |
中文關鍵詞: | 社會故事教學 、自閉症幼兒 、社交溝通行為 、請求行為 |
英文關鍵詞: | social stories, preschool children with autism, social communication behaviors, requesting behavior |
研究方法: | 單一受試研究法之跨受試多探試設計 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400810 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:276 下載:19 |
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社交溝通為建立關係與滿足生活需求之重要媒介,以語言或非語言 方式達到與他人交換訊息、分享資訊、表達自我想法與需求和理解他人 情緒等目的。其中,提出請求為人類基本技能,學齡前幼兒學習進行對 答以獲取所需。然而,自閉症幼兒因社交溝通上的缺損,導致其在口語 表達上出現阻礙,進而影響自閉症幼兒與他人建立並維持關係。
本研究採單一受試研究法之跨受試多探試設計,研究對象為三名 5 -6 歲自閉症幼兒,使用社會故事教學,評估其提出請求之社交溝通行 為。所有流程均在幼兒家中進行,依據研究設計,每位參與者進行每週 三次、每次約兩個小時,共約 3-7 次的觀察,以評估幼兒在教學前的社 交溝通行為;介入期則進行約 10 次的社會故事教學;維持期包含 3 次觀 察,以確定幼兒在社會故事教學後能夠維持其社交溝通成果;而類化期 的數據收集則於基線期、介入期、維持期各收集 1-3 個數據點,以了解 及比較研究對象對於目標行為的類化情況。最後,透過視覺分析和效應 量分析所蒐集到的數據資料,並綜合質性回饋及社會效度分析作為本次 研究之結果,以供給自閉症幼兒之重要他人作為參考。主要結果如下:
Social communication is an important medium for people to build friendships, exchange messages, share information, express their thoughts and needs, and understand the emotions of others verbally or non-verbally. Among them, making request is a basic skill that allows preschoolers to get what they want. However, children with autism often have deficits in social communication, which create barriers of verbal expression to hinder the establishment and maintenance of relationships with their peers.
The learning characteristics of children with autism, including visual support, individualized instruction, structured teaching process, the use of theory of mind, and the use of reinforcers, were combined with the principles and concepts of social stories, which focuses on teaching social communication behaviors to children with high functioning autism.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of social stories and social communication behaviors of children with autism. A multiple-probe across participants design was employed to evaluate social stories on requesting skills of three children with autism aged 5-6 years at their home. The experiment was conducted three times per week for three months, totalling approximately 21-29 sessions per child, to collect data on the target behavior across the baseline, intervention, maintenance, and generalization phases. Based on the data analysis, which included visual analysis, effect size calculation, qualitative interviews, and social validity analyses, the results were as follows:
(A) Social stories coule immediately improve the requesting behavior of children with autism.
(B) Social stories had a positive effect on maintaining the requesting behavior of autism.
(C) Parents of children with autism reported that their children were able to generalize social communication behaviors to real-life situations, and they were willing to use social stories to teach their children other social communication behaviors in the future.
Based on the results of this study, there are four recommendations for future research: First, social stories can be taught in a variety of settings and used for other target behaviors. Second, teachers or parents of children with autism can be involved during the generalization phase to ensure the sustainability of the learned social communication behaviors. Finally, more participants and different research methods should be incorporated into the study design to enhance the external validity. In addition, for practitioners using social stories in the field, it is important for them to develop an outline before writing the social stories, and encourage children’s appropriate behaviors, and maintain close contact with parents throughout the teaching process.
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