研究生: |
潘美璟 Pan, Mei-Ching |
論文名稱: |
成人海洋環境意識轉化學習研究-以海岸徒步環臺活動參與者為例 The Study of the Marine Environmental Awareness Transformative Learning for Adults-Taking the Participants of Coastal Afoot Around the Taiwan Island |
指導教授: | 黃明月 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
社會教育學系 Department of Adult and Continuing Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 271 |
中文關鍵詞: | 轉化學習 、海洋教育 、海洋環境意識 |
英文關鍵詞: | Transformative Learning, Marine Education, Marine Environment Awareness |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000641 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:440 下載:48 |
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本研究發現研究參與者徒步前大多缺乏與海洋的深入接觸經驗,這與個人所處的社會、文化及教育脈絡有關。研究參與者們參與環島徒步的動機多元,但「海洋」並非關鍵因素。然而,在徒步過程中研究參與者們在獨行、身心調適、及自我對話、同行夥伴們扮演研究參與者們的情感支持者、經驗分享者、海洋環境的共同體驗者、促進認知的合作學習者、友善海洋行動的示範者以及開放議題的對話者等角色,以及透過自身對於臺灣海洋環境觀察的覺察與體驗,研究參與者們的海洋環境意識觀點,隨著徒步、觀看、對話、反思與行動的過程中,在個人脈絡、群體脈絡與外在環境互動的三個脈絡間,在認知、環境敏感度、環境價值觀、情意與行動意圖上皆有改變。研究參與者們在海洋環境意識觀點轉化學習的內涵包括「產生減塑與環保行動」、「開拓海洋認知視域」、「拉近與海洋情感上的親近與連結」以及「建立更開放的環境生態學觀點」,呼應海洋環境意識的行動、認知、態度與價值觀四個面向。而「 自我反省及評估」、「自我要求與責任感」、「身體感官的另類學習」、「覺察脈絡與連結」、「系統性觀看」、「同理與換位思考」是研究參與者如何經驗海洋環境意識觀點轉化學習的歷程主題。研究歸納出海岸環島徒步活動的經驗本質在於「認同與連結」以及「增能與行動」。最後並對成人海洋教育者及政府相關機構提出多點建議。
Based on the theory of transformative learning, this study used the phenomenology method to investigate the transformative learning experience of participants in a walk around the coast of Taiwan regarding marine environment awareness. The research participants were 6 people who participated in the entire walk around the coast of Taiwan hosted by Taiwan Association for Marine Environmental Education in 2017 and 2019. The qualitative and the phenomenology research method were adopted to, from the perspective of participants’ daily experience of walking, explore their motivation to participate in the walk, the process and results of transformative learning, as well as their interactive experience with themselves, with the group, and with the environment during their walk. We analyzed and examined the content of their marine environment awareness, how the transformation was triggered, as well as the process and the results of transformative learning during their walk. The essence of this experience was presented through textural, structural, and composite descriptions.
This study revealed that before the walk, most participants lacked the experience of being in deep contact with the ocean. This is related to their social, cultural, and educational background. Although participants had diverse motivations to participate in the walk around the island, ocean was not a key motive for them. However, during the walk, changes were observed in participant’s solo-walking, physical and psychological adjustment, self-dialogue, and interaction with their companions, who served as various roles for the participants, including emotional supporters, experience sharers, coexperiencers of the marine environment, colearners in improving cognition, demonstrators of friendly marine action, and someone to talk to in open topics. Through their own observation and experience on Taiwan’s marine environment, they had changed their viewpoint of marine environment awareness on the aspects of cognition, environmental sensitivity, environmental values, affection, and behavioral intention. Such change of viewpoint was induced through interaction with themselves, the group, and the external environment during the process of walking, observing, dialoguing, reflecting, and taking actions. The content of the participants’ marine environment awareness in transformative learning consisted of the following four: reduce plastic generation and take environmentally friendly actions, expand understanding of the ocean, enhance the emotional connection with the ocean, and establish an open environmental ecology viewpoint. These echoed the four aspects of marine environment awareness: action, cognition, attitude, and value. The themes in the transformative learning experience of the participants for marine environment awareness were self-reflection and evaluation, self-demand and sense of responsibility, alternative learning of physical senses, identification of context and connection, systematic observation, and empathy and thinking in someone else’s shoes. This study concluded that the essence of the experience of walking around the coast of Taiwan lied in identification and connection as well as increasing capacity and taking action. Finally, multiple recommendations were provided for adult marine educators and relevant government agencies.
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