研究生: |
童文聰 Wen-tsung Tung |
論文名稱: |
永恆的迫近:艾德嘉‧愛倫坡恐怖故事中之游移辯證 Perpetual Imminence: The Slipping Dialectics in Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Terror |
指導教授: |
Frank Stevenson |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 1998 |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 94 |
中文關鍵詞: | 愛倫坡 、恐怖 、故事 |
英文關鍵詞: | Poe, Terror, Tales |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:264 下載:0 |
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As a whole, Poe’s tales of terror are highly subversive in nature: they call into question epistemological validity and ontological stability. The protagonists of the tales generally find themselves thrown into an unspeakable state of “perpetual imminence,” slipping ceaselessly between two poles—what Bataille calls “continuity” and “discontinuity,” the subject’s move toward disintegration into the larger life-and-death totality, and its reactive move back toward the “discontinuity” of integrated subjectivity. This epistemological “exhaustion” can also be seen in terms of transgression/taboo, or eroticism/solipsism. To know, then, becomes an impossibility: the desire to know must end in its ultimate form as “communication” (of/through “continuity”), which simultaneously calls for the decomposition of the “knowing” subject and the escape from the chains of the signifying system.
In Poe’s slipping dialectics which permeates his tales of terror, non-signification (the unnameable) is celebrated while identity anxiety is brought to the fore in grotesque and contorted forms. Caught between, the “slipping” protagonists have no way to hold firmly onto their presumed identities (ontologically as well as culturally). Existence itself becomes fluid and labyrinthine, ruptured by numerous ontological/epistemological “openings.” If anything, human life in these tales is presented as a labyrinth with countless misleading exits, each of which opens into another haunting labyrinth. Nevertheless, the unsignifiable “communication”—the ultimate desire for self-annihilation—remains tempting and imminent as an Object of Desire. But it emerges as something like an abyss—while the protagonists are lured by the urge to fling themselves down, they are always held back by the re-emerging sense of subjectivity.
Chapter One gives a terse introduction of Georges Bataille’s theoretical structure and then examines two “vortex” tales in the light of Bataille’s subtle dialectics of “continuity” and “discontinuity.” Vortices are seen as the slide into “continuity,” with which the protagonists wish to be integrated so as to cross beyond or through their ontological closures. But the horror called forth by this desire for excess drives them to “close themselves in” again, either by seeking to survive or creating an enclosed “textual subjectivity.” Chapter Two focuses on the inter-contamination of transgression and taboo in three “transgressive” tales. Like the elusive dialectics of “continuity” and “discontinuity,” the relationship between transgression and taboo is both ambivalent and complementary. In each tale, the protagonist cannot commit transgressive acts without being strangely haunted by the inner censorship of the taboo. Having transgressed or validated the taboo in the hope of attaining the “sacred I,” he always has to slip back into the “tabooed I.” Chapter Three explores the identity anxiety implicit in “Morella” and “Ligeia.” In the former tale, this anxiety is shown in the protagonist’s rejection of erotic involvement with his wife Morella. The cause of this repudiation rests in his unconscious aspiration to keep intact his solipsistic subjectivity, since eroticism—the merging of two separate beings—requires the radical self-questioning of one’s identity. But this idealistic desire is deflated by the uncanny revenge of Morella’s “auto-erotic” transmigration. In “Ligeia,” identity anxiety takes shape in the murky composite of Ligeia and Rowena, the collapsing fusion of one entity with another. The protagonist’s self-contradictory longing for “continuity” can only find expression in the projection of his identity onto Rowena.
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