研究生: |
吳俊緯 Wu, Chun-Wei |
論文名稱: |
非典型僱傭議題之網路新聞媒體報導框架分析 An Analysis on the Framing in Online News about Atypical Employment Issues |
指導教授: |
Chang, Yen-Jung |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 143 |
中文關鍵詞: | 網路新聞媒體 、新聞框架 、非典型僱傭 |
英文關鍵詞: | online news media, news frame, atypical employment |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900837 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:305 下載:0 |
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As the labor type of atypical employment is growing, labor issues are also drawing public attention. With the advent of the Internet age, the Internet has become the main channel for audiences to receive news. Because the media will "frame" news and influence the audience's perception of the topic, this study analysis and examine the real frame of Taiwan's online news media to construct issues of atypical employment in Taiwan based on framing theory. This study selects 78 articles of ET Today News Cloud, 237 articles of Liberty Times Net, and 300 articles of United Daily News Net from mainstream/mass media; 10 articles of Coolloud, 53 articles of Storm Media Group and 23 articles of Taiwan People News from non-mainstream/independent media. There’s 701 news in total for analysis. This study refers to Tankard’s framing theory for analysis, and analyze the similarities and differences between the two types of online news media reporting frameworks by content analysis.
The study found that there’re significant differences between the two types of media in the presentation of news and frame of emotion, but there is no significant difference in the amount of the report. It shows that the mainstream/mass media pays attention to the number of reports and presents topics in medium length and a pure form of reports. Most of the reports are present biased towards labor and most of them present with charts; non-mainstream/independent media pays attention to the reports in long length and report in subjective comments. Most of the reports are presently biased towards on government and most of them present with charts. The reports of the two types of media mainly with multiple sources and is written in the discourse of official authority. Non-mainstream/independent media quotes more on different types of sources and more balance on presentations in the word of labor, capital, politics, and academic. Both types of media pay attention to the relevant sub-topics about dispatch labor of and presented social reality in the reports. Only the sub-topics about part-time work are more prominent in the reports which non-direct related to atypical employment. The problems and solutions which present by two types of media are in a significant substantive frame; both types of media are attributed to the factors of the employer using and focus on the problems of labor rights, low salary, etc. The solutions that mainstream/mass media present is in a slightly flexible way, and the other is in a slightly rigid way; the non-mainstream/independent media presents a more substantive frame in the topics which directly related to atypical employment than the mainstream/mass media, it shows more about certain aspects. Reports from both types of media are mostly in neutral view, but non-mainstream/independent media use more subjective comments, they question the government's administration in the position of labor as their ideology and standpoint. In general, the media still uses specific words to frame on atypical employment issues and the image of atypical employment workers. However, the media still plays a role as a supervisor of issues and pays attention to problems and solutions to issues. The findings of this study allow Taiwan's online news media to review the balance of their reports about atypical employment issues for them to provide more detailed and objective reports in the future.
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