研究生: |
施彥舟 Shih, Yen-Chou |
論文名稱: |
能源教育網站背景與框架色彩之研究 A Study of Energy Education Websites Frame Color and Backgroud Color |
指導教授: |
Chien, Yu-Hung |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 84 |
中文關鍵詞: | 能源教育網站 、網站背景色彩 、網站框架色彩 |
英文關鍵詞: | Energy education website, Website background color, Website frame color |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:269 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
本研究分三個實驗階段,第一階段實驗調查 30 位大學生對於 18 種網站背景色彩的主觀喜好程度,並透過 SPSS 群集分析選出 4 種背景色彩(紫紅色、黃橙色、藍色、綠色);第二階段實驗則根據第一階段實驗所選出 4 種背景色彩(紫紅色、黃橙色、藍色、綠色),搭配 2 種框架色彩(框架色彩分離與框架色彩不分離)共 8 種網站頁面進行能源教育網站設計並進行視覺疲勞度量表、能源認知測驗及教材動機量表;第三階段則依據第二階段結果進行整體評估並選出 2 種背景色彩(紫紅色、黃橙色)與框架色彩(框架分離),加上原始能源教育網站共 3 種網站
1. 背景色彩為紫紅色與黃橙色的能源教育網站,對於大學生能源知識學習效益上高於藍色與綠色的能源教育網站。
2. 框架色彩分離的能源教育網站,對於大學生的視覺疲勞度高於框架色彩不分離的能源教育網站。
3. 背景色彩為紫紅色與黃橙色且框架色彩分離的能源教育網站,對於大學生在能源知識的學習效益較佳。
4. 網站評價的實質層面,背景色彩為紫紅色與黃橙色且框架色彩分離的能源教育網站,優於原始網站色彩。
5. 網站評價的感覺層面,背景色彩為紫紅色且框架色彩分離的能源教育網站,優於黃橙色與原始網站色彩。
In recent years, as energy issues receive more and more attention,various energy education websites have also gradually increased in number.
Foreign energy education websites use multiple colors, such as orange,yellow, red and black, while domestic ones mainly use blue and green and thus, in comparison, are more monotonous in color and less original. In view of the foregoing, this study chooses college students as study subjects to explore the influence of website background colors and frame colors on visual fatigue, learning effectiveness, learning motivation and website rating when users use energy education websites so as to provide a reference standard in designing energy education-related websites for website designers in the future.
The study is divided into three stages of experiments. In the first-stage experiments, we investigated 30 college students’ subjective preference of 18 website background colors and selected four background colors (purplish red,
yellowish orange, blue and green)through SPSS luster analysis. In the second-stage experiments, we combined the four background colors (purplish red, yellowish orange, blue and green) selected in the first-stage experiments with two kinds of frame colors (separate or non-separated frame colors) to generate eight kinds of web pages for energy education website design, and then we conducted visual fatigue scales, cognitive tests on energy, and motivation scales on teaching materials. In the third-stage
experiments, we carried out an overall evaluation on the results in the second stage and selected two background colors (purplish red and yellowish orange) and a kind of frame color (separate frame colors), together with the original energy education website, to investigate the learners’ rating in terms of substantive aspects and feeling aspects on these three kinds of web pages.
The findings of the three stages of experiments in this study indicate the following:
1. College students’ learning effectiveness in energy knowledge for the energy education website with purplish red and yellowish orange as background colors is higher than that for the one with blue and green as
background colors.
2. College students’ visual fatigue for the energy education website with separate frame colors is higher than that for the one with non-separated frame colors.
3. College students has better learning effectiveness in energy knowledge for the energy education website with purplish red and yellowish orange as background colors and with separate frame colors.
4. The energy education website with purplish red and yellowish orange as background colors and with separate frame colors receives a higher rating in terms of substantive aspects than the one with the colors of the original website.
5. The energy education website with purplish red as background color and with separate frame colors receives a higher rating in terms of feeling aspects than the ones with yellowish orange or with the colors of the original website.
The findings of this study show that the learning effectiveness for the energy education website with purplish red and yellowish orange as background colors and with separate frame colors is not lower than that for
the one with blue and green as background colors. In addition, the energy education website with purplish red and yellowish orange as background
colors also receives a higher rating than the one with the colors of the original energy education website. Therefore, other colors like purplish red and yellowish orange may be considered to be used in the construction of an energy education website, which not only preserves the learners’ learning effectiveness for the energy education website but also allows the website to
be distinguished from other energy education websites due to the difference in color, thereby attracting more learners to navigate and use the website.
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