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研究生: 陳珏汝
Chen, Yu-Ju
論文名稱: 高中職學生自尊、因應型態、拒網自我效能與網路成癮之相關研究
The Relationship of Self-Esteem, Coping Styles, Internet Refusal Self-Efficacy, and Internet Addiction among Senior High School Students
指導教授: 林旻沛
Lin, Min-Pei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 三元影響理論自尊拒網自我效能網路成癮壓力因應型態
英文關鍵詞: coping styles, Internet addiction, refusal self-efficacy of Internet use, self-esteem, the theory of triad influence
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900041
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:331下載:44
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  • 本研究旨在探討青少年網路成癮之相關關聯因素,並以三元影響理論(The theory of triad influence)觀點切入,採用該理論之「個體影響因素」之變項,探討青少年自尊、壓力因應型態、拒網自我效能對網路成癮之關聯與預測關係,並檢驗拒網自我效能於自尊對網路成癮以及因應型態對網路成癮之中介關係。本研究針對1,168位高中與高職學生進行「Rosenberg自尊量表」、「壓力因應量表」、「拒網自我效能量表」及「陳氏網路成癮量表」等問卷之施測,而後以描述統計、皮爾森相關分析及結構方程模式進行分析。研究結果顯示:(1)高中職學生平均每週上網時間為25.15小時(SD = 20.45),其中使用智慧型手機上網的每週總時數為17.92小時(SD =20.08);(2)自尊與網路成癮呈顯著負相關且可負向預測網路成癮;(3)逃避-情緒導向因應與網路成癮呈正相關且可正向預測網路成癮;(4)拒網自我效能與網路成癮呈負相關且可負向預測網路成癮;(5)拒網自我效能部份中介自尊與網路成癮的關係;(6)拒網自我效能部份中介逃避-情緒導向因應與網路成癮的關係;(7)逃避-情緒導向因應可完全中介自尊與拒網自我效能的關係。本研究建議自尊、壓力因應型態及拒網自我效能,可分別作為網路成癮的遠程、近程及促發因素,並建議家長、教育及諮商輔導相關人員,可促進青少年的高自尊、減少於壓力情境下採取逃避或情緒化之因應方式、提升於高風險情境下能夠拒絕或停止上網之技巧,如此將可有效預防網路成癮之風險。

    Based on the theory of triadic influence (TTI) theoretical framework, this study was designed to examine (a) the relationship among self-esteem, coping styles, refusal self-efficacy of Internet use and Internet addiction (IA), (b) the mediating role of refusal self-efficacy in the relationship between self-esteem and IA, and (c) the mediating role of refusal self-efficacy in the relationship between coping styles and IA. Using a cross-sectional design, 1,168 participants (1019 females) were recruited from senior high schools. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Stress Coping Checklist, Refusal Self-Efficacy of Internet Use Questionnaire, and Chen Internet Addiction Scale were used to assess the levels of self-esteem, coping style, refusal self-efficacy of Internet use, and IA. Initial descriptive statistics were compiled, and Pearson correlation was used to identify the relationship among related variables. Furthermore, structural equation model was used to determine the mediating effects. The results showed that (a) the average time of the weekly Internet use among senior high school students was 25.15 hours (SD=20.45), and the average time of the weekly Internet use via smartphones was 17.92 hours (SD=20.08); (b) self-esteem was negatively correlated with IA, and negatively predicted IA; (c) avoidance/emotion-focused coping was positively correlated with IA, and positively predicted IA; (d) refusal self-efficacy of Internet use was negatively correlated with IA, and negatively predicted IA; (e) the relationship between self-esteem and IA was partially mediated by refusal self-efficacy of Internet use; (f) the relationship between self-esteem and avoidance/emotion-focused coping was partially mediated by refusal self-efficacy of Internet use; (g) the relationship between self-esteem and refusal self-efficacy of Internet use was fully mediated by avoidance/emotion-focused coping. It is suggested that self-esteem, coping styles, and refusal self-efficacy of Internet use could be ultimate, distal, proximal causes of IA, respectively. The results of this study may have practical implications for parents, teachers and practitioners. Specially, these finding demonstrated that enhancing self-esteem, reducing avoidance/emotion-focused coping under the stressful situation, strengthening the techniques of refusing to use the Internet may prevent adolescents from IA.

    致謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 目次 vi 表次 viii 圖次 ix 第一章 緒論 1  第一節 研究動機與目的 1  第二節 研究問題 4  第三節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻回顧 7  第一節 網路成癮之內涵與相關研究 7  第二節 自尊與網路成癮的相關研究 12  第三節 因應型態與網路成癮的相關研究 14  第四節 拒網自我效能與網路成癮的相關研究 17  第五節 三元影響理論背景、發展與應用 19  第六節 研究假設 25 第三章 研究方法 26  第一節 研究設計 26  第二節 研究參與者 26  第三節 研究工具 27  第四節 研究程序 29  第五節 資料分析方法 30 第四章 研究結果 32  第一節 高中職學生使用網路之概況 32  第二節 自尊、因應型態、拒網自我效能與網路成癮之相關分析 33  第三節 自尊、因應型態與拒網自我效能對網路成癮之預測分析 34  第四節 自尊、因應型態與拒網自我效能對網路成癮預測之中介模式分析36 第五章 討論與建議 42  第一節 自尊、因應型態、拒網自我效能與網路成癮之關聯 42  第二節 中介模式之討論 48  第三節 研究限制與建議 52 參考文獻 55  中文部分 55  西文部分 57 附錄 68  附錄一 個人資料表 68  附錄二 陳氏網路成癮量表 69  附錄三 Rosenberg自尊量表 70  附錄四 壓力因應量表 71  附錄五 拒網自我效能量表 75

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