研究生: |
倪志琳 Chi-Lean Ni |
論文名稱: |
結構教學法對學齡前自閉症兒童學習成效之研究 |
指導教授: |
Song, Wei-Cun 林幸台 Lin, Hsin-Tai |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 246 |
中文關鍵詞: | 結構教學法 、學齡前自閉症兒童 、早期療育 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:626 下載:68 |
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經為期一年弘愛學前自閉症兒童早期療育方案之規劃、成立、進行療育與研究,從參與研究學童整體能力發展、個別學習目標之達成、及家長與教師的評估意見中,可發現結構教學法為對學前自閉症兒童早期療育有效之可行模式。以Powers (1992)所提出之自閉症兒童早期介入要素:(1)運用行為分析原則之結構化療育,(2)家長參與,(3)儘早展開療育,(4)密集療育,(5)方案規劃著重類化,(6)課程強調社會互動及溝通技巧之發展,(7)療育人員受專業訓練及持續督導,(8)和一般兒童統合教育,以檢視以結構教學法為架構之弘愛學前自閉症兒童早期療育方案,亦驗證結構教學法對學前自閉症兒童療育之效果。
The Effects of TEACCH Structure Teaching Strategies to the Learning Outcome of Preschool Children with Autism
The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of TEACCH structure teaching strategies on enhancing the learning outcome of preschool children with autism. A single-subject research design combined the multiple probe design across subjects with the multiple probe design across behaviors was experimented to four 4-year-old preschoolers from Hong-Ai early intervention program for preschool children with autism. Data were presented by graphic method and analyzed by using visual analysis method. Two instruments, the Chinese Child Developmental Inventory (CCDI), and PsychoEducational Profile Revised (PEP-R) were used to compare the effects of pre and post experimental treatment. In addition, open-question questionnaires and interviews were used for parents and teachers to evaluate the effects of TEACCH structure teaching strategies.
The results of this study indicated that:
1.The pre and post measurement of CCDI and PEP-R indicated that the subjects' rate of development during intervention was better than the rate of development at the time intervention began. Besides, they performed better in the areas of comprehension-conceptual, situation comprehension, cognitive performance, and imitation than in the areas of expressive language, and cognitive verbal .
2.Except for one subject who didn't accomplish one targeted behavior in imitation, all other subjects accomplished their targeted behavior, and showed maintenance effects during follow-up sessions. The visual analysis of the graphic data to the multiple probe design demonstrated the effects of the structure teaching strategies, especially the effects of visual structure.
3.The feedback from parents and teachers indicated that structure teaching strategies improved their understandings of their children or students, and had positive effects on their attitudes, teaching approaches and adaptation to dealing with them.
4.The effectiveness of Hong-Ai early intervention program for preschool children with autism was demonstrated using the eight essential components of early intervention for children with autism identified by Powers (1992).
Further discussion was made based on the above results. Recommendations to early intervention program for preschool children with autism, and suggestions for future studies were offered.
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