研究生: |
葉俊偉 Yeh, Chunwei |
論文名稱: |
企業組織因素對組織創新氣候與組織創新影響之研究 A Study of The Influence from Enterprise Organizational Factors to Organizational Innovation with Organizational Innovation Climate as a Mediator and Regional Culture as a Moderator |
指導教授: |
Lee, Tawei |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 217 |
中文關鍵詞: | 組織因素 、組織創新氣候 、組織創新 、區域文化 |
英文關鍵詞: | Organizational Factors, Organizational Innovation Climate, Organizational Innovation, Regional Culture |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:337 下載:22 |
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經過資料的分析整理,研究者得到以下的結論:一、集權化、專業化、彈性化等三項組織因素,對於組織創新有顯著的影響;外在導向則對組織創新整體以及技術創新有顯著的影響;二、集權化、專業化、彈性化等三項組織因素,對於組織創新氣候有顯著的影響;三、組織創新氣候對於組織創新有顯著的影響;四、在集權化、專業化、彈性化等三項組織因素影響組織創新的過程中,組織創新氣候具有部分的顯著中介作用;五、區域文化在外在導向與創新氛圍抑制之間,具有顯著的調節作用;六、台灣與大陸兩地員工,在區域文化各構面的分數上,已經相當接近,尤其與Hofstede & Bond(1988)的調查有很大的差別。依據以上的結論,研究者分別針對管理實務與後續研究提出建議。在管理實務上:一、應該適當降低組織集權化的程度;二、應該特別重視員工的專業化;三、在組織文化的形成與哺育方面,應該朝向彈性化發展;四、重視整體組織創新氣候的培育,提升創新資本蓄積以及創新行為互動,同時降低創新氛圍抑制;五、就管理創新來說,公司應該注重組織創新氣候與其各個構面,對於集權化與彈性化所造成的中介影響;六、就技術創新來說,公司應該注重組織創新氣候與創新行為互動,對於集權化與專業化所造成的中介影響;七、重視台籍員工與陸籍員工,在區域文化各個構面分數已經相當接近的情況;八、在經營管理的過程中,應該拋開兩地員工間區域的差別。在後續的相關研究上:一、以質化與量化研究交替進行的方式,深入探討此一領域的主題:二、針對研究變項再做探討;三、研究工具需要再強化;四、進一步擴充研究對象。
This research is to explore the influence from organizational factors(OFs) to organizational innovation(OI) with organizational innovation climate(OIC) as a mediator and regional culture(RC) as a moderator. The main purposes include: 1. To verify whether OFs affect OI obviously or not. 2. To verify whether OFs affect OIC obviously or not. 3. To verify whether OIC affect OI obviously or not. 4. Explore the mediate role of organizational innovation climate(OIC) between OFs and OI. 5. Explore the moderate role of RC between OFs and OIC. 6. Explore the difference of each dimension in RC between Taiwan’s and mainland China’s employees. 7. Base on the research results, make some practical suggestions.
After formal process of research, qualitative first with interview and quantitative last with questionnaires and multi-regression, researcher had concluded the consequences below. 1. Centralization, professionalization and flexibility have direct influence to OI. 2. Centralization, professionalization and flexibility have direct influence to OIC. 3. OIC has direct influence to OI. 4. Centralization, professionalization and flexibility play the mediate role partly between OFs and OI. 5. RC plays the moderate role between externalization and innovation climate restraint. 6. There is no significant difference of each dimension in RC between Taiwan’s and mainland China’s employees. Base on these results, researcher has made some suggestions about the practice of management: 1. Organization should decrease the centralization degree. 2. Organization should increase the professionalization of employees. 3. Organization should make organizational culture more flexible. 4. Organization should think highly of OIC’s mediate influence on management innovation and technical innovation. 5. Organization should make no difference between Taiwan’s and mainland China’s employees.
At last, researcher has made some suggestions about relative researches in the future: 1. Use both qualitative and quantitative methods to deeply explore the subjects related to this area. 2. Go steps further on the research variables, research scales and research targets.
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