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研究生: 連婉婷
Lien Wan-Ting
論文名稱: 臺北市高中階段資優生與一般同儕的同理心反應研究-以多向度結構模式為基礎
A study on Empathy of gifted students and regular students in Taipei city:A Multidimensional approach
指導教授: 陳美芳
Chen, Mei-Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 215
中文關鍵詞: 同理心多向度結構模式高中數理資優生一般同儕關注焦點助人行為展現形式
英文關鍵詞: empathy, a multidimentional approach, gifted students, average students, focus of attetion, the forms of helping behavior based on empathy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:267下載:39
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  • 本研究以Davis(1996)同理心多向度結構模式為基礎,旨在探討誘發關注焦點的不同和學生身份對同理心內在情感的對應式產出、反應式產出、內在認知產出、人際產出的助人行為之影響。研究方法以實驗研究法為主,採取2X3因子實驗設計,藉由誘發不同關注焦點為操弄自變項(情緒焦點、困境焦點、不指定焦點)且將學生身份(資優生、一般同儕)納入另一自變項,探討對各面向同理心反應的影響。
    研究對象為臺北市高中男生,經招募而自願同意參與本研究,正式樣本共406位,包括192位資優生和214位一般同儕。依T-IRI測得的同理心內在傾向高低做為配對變項,先形成數組配對組,再從各組隨機分派到各個實驗處理組別,確保在實驗操弄前六細格各組的同理心內在傾向變異情形具同質性,且各組組內的同理心內在傾向呈常態分配。實驗實施程序,先請受試者觀賞自製影片暖身,再各自傾聽錄音檔(包括用以誘發不同關注焦點的指導語,以及高中生call in傾訴心聲的廣播),藉此引發同理心反應,並於影音檔結束立即在研究者自編的「多面向同理心反應量表」自陳作答。

    Based on Davis' (1996) multidimensional approach to empathy, the purpose of this study is to explore the effect of manipulated different focus of attention and varied students on empathy outcomes. These empathy outcomes here include: parallel and reactive outcomes, which are both derived from intrapersonal affective outcomes; attribution judgment, derived from intrapersonal non-affective outcomes; interpersonal outcomes, discussed here only in regard to helping behavior based on empathy.
    The study mainly uses Experimental Research method, and adopts 2x3 factorial experimental design to manipulate the differences in the focus of attention considered as an independent variable (including being concerned about the other’s emotions, concerned about the other’s plight, and being the control group with no interventions), and adds varied students (categorized as gifted students and regular students) into a background variable to discuss the influences on the dependent variable, multidimentional empathy outcomes. A total of 406 senior high school students from Taipei City were recruited as the participants in this study, including 192 gifted students (excelling in mathematics) and 214 regular students. The participants were volunteers after the researcher got into contact with them personally and delivered the informed consent for them. In order to control gender difference in empathy, the participants are all male.
    The experiment proceeded as follows. First of all, according to dispositional empathy measured by testing via T-IRI, the Taiwanese version of the International Reactivity Index, which was developed by Chiang (2009), all of the participants were separated in several matching groups. Then, participants in each matching group were randomly assigned to three experimental treatment groups to ensure that the six sub-groups created via the two student categories and three foci (emotional focus, problematic focus, and no specified focus of attention) show a normal distribution within each group, and the variability of dispositional empathy between the groups is consistent with homogeneity. Next, the participants were primed by viewing homemade videos. Next, the participants were primed by viewing homemade videos. This was done to have participants receive various instructions in order to manipulate differences in the participants' focus of attention and to induce the participants’ vicarious affective arousal and other reactions of multidimensional empathy by listening to a program broadcast which consisted of a senior high school student calling the radio station and telling the audience of his plight; depression. The instruction and the broadcast program were merged into one audio tape-recorded in sequence according to the experimental procedure. After listening to the audio tape, the participants immediately answered the "Multidimensional Empathy Scale" in order to report their vicarious emotions, feelings, thoughts and their motivation to take some action in response to the object's need.
    The results support that: (a) With respect to parallel outcomes from intrapersonal affective outcome, there was significant interaction effect between the manipulated “focus of attention” and the various students on empathy outcomes. Moreover, for regular students, when they observed depression in others, being concerned about the other’s plight significantly enhanced the participants' more vicarious affective arousal than being in the control group did; being concerned about the other’s plight also significantly enhanced the participants' more vicarious affective arousal than being concerned about the other’s emotions did. As for being concerned about the emotions of others, gifted students could significantly feel more vicarious affective arousal in the observer of the target's depression than regular students could. However, when being concerned about the other’s plight, regular students could significantly feel more vicarious affective arousal in the observer of the target's depression than gifted students could. (b) Regarding, regarding reactive outcomes from intrapersonal affective outcome, “empathic concern” and “personal distress”, there were no significant interaction effects between the manipulated “focus of attention” and the various students on empathy outcomes. There was only a significant effect of the manipulated “focus of attention” on empathic concern:For regular students, being concerned about the other’s plight indeed significantly enhanced the participants' empathic concern than being the control group without interventions. (c) And, there was no significant interaction effect between the manipulated “focus of attention” and the varied students on volunteering to help the needy target either. (d) Yet, concerning the forms of helping behavior based on empathy, there was significant interaction effect between the manipulated “focus of attention” and the various students. Furthermore, there was only a significant effect of the various students on the forms of helping behavior based on empathy, and the results of post-hoc comparison: Among the participants who have a tendency to respond in expressive support, the percentage of regular students is greater than that of the gifted students; but among the participants who have a tendency to respond in the form of problem-solving based instrumental support, the percentage of gifted students is greater than that of regular students. (e) In addition, in face of other’s negative emotions, gifted students could distinguish from the different types of emotions and judge main type out of the other's negative emotions.
    Finally, recommendations are given regarding how to enhance empathy and future research direction based on the result of this study.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 13 第三節 待答問題與研究假設 14 第四節 名詞釋義 16 第二章 文獻探討 21 第一節 同理心的內涵與成份 21 第二節 以多向度結構模式檢視同理心 40 第三節 同理心的測量 52 第四節 資優生特質與同理心 71 第五節 文獻探討對本研究的啟示 81 第三章 研究設計與實施 85 第一節 研究架構 85 第二節 實驗設計 87 第三節 研究對象 98 第四節 研究工具 100 第五節 實驗流程 121 第六節 資料處理與分析 125 第四章 研究結果 127 第一節 誘發不同關注焦點對資優生與一般同儕在同理心內在情感對應式產出之影響 127 第二節 誘發不同關注焦點對資優生與一般同儕在同理心內在情感反應式產出之影響 136 第三節 誘發不同關注焦點對資優生與一般同儕在同理心認知性內在產出-歸因之影響 139 第四節 誘發關注焦點的不同對資優生與一般同儕在同理心人際產出之影響 142 第五章 討論 147 第一節 誘發不同關注焦點對資優生與一般同儕在同理心內在情感的對應式產出之影響 148 第二節 誘發不同關注焦點對資優生與一般同儕在同理心內在情感的反應式產出之影響 153 第三節 誘發不同關注焦點對資優生與一般同儕在同理心內在非情感反應的影響 156 第四節 誘發關注焦點的不同對資優生與一般同儕在同理心人際產出的影響 160 第六章 結論與建議 169 第一節 研究結論 170 第二節 研究建議 176 參考文獻 183 附件一:實驗材料腳本蒐集工具(試探研究用) 199 附件二: 研究參與同意書 202 附件三: 臺灣版-人際反應性指標量表-使用同意書 203 附件四: 臺灣版-人際反應性指標量表 204 附件五:自編-多面向同理心反應量表 206 附件六:實驗偽裝影片腳本 209 附件七: 臺北市高中生call in獨白心聲之廣播錄音檔內容腳本 210 附件八:某電視台主播參與本研究實驗影片拍攝和指導語錄音的「知情同意書」 215

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