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研究生: 鄭睿承
Zheng, Rui-Cheng
論文名稱: 重構田徑運動中馬克操之訓練模式—從模型與模調
Reconstructing the training mode of Mach drills in athletics from module and modulation
指導教授: 劉一民
Liu, I-Min
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 田徑馬克操跑步梅洛龐蒂模型模調
英文關鍵詞: athletics, Mach drills, running, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, module, modulation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900107
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:283下載:26
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  • 本研究的主旨為重新構築現今的馬克操訓練模式。筆者本身為一位田徑短跑選手,自接觸田徑訓練及馬克操訓練後,成績有了明顯的進步,也為跑步訓練打下基礎,在高三的一次受傷後,對於馬克操的訓練模式卻出現了轉變。受傷前,在馬克操的訓練下,修正了原本的跑步動作,跑步成績因而有所進步,因此不論是在調整跑步動作或速度也都會經由馬克操,練習的目的主要就是把馬克操的動作感覺加至跑步動作裡面,馬克操怎麼做就怎麼跑。然而,這個關係在受傷之後完全的崩解,自己依然能夠做出馬克操的動作,也還會跑步,只是跑步的感覺變得很模糊,不再像之前有著明確的感覺,於是筆者試著反思過去的訓練經驗與訓練模式,並為受傷後的訓練找到適合的模式。但是,事情並沒有想像的那麼簡單,受傷後所面臨的並不是這樣如同過去那樣的處境,所以如果想要回到過去的訓練水準,甚至是超越過去的運動表現,複製過去的訓練模式幾乎是不太可能的,那麼問題就在於受傷後如何重新連結馬克操與跑步動作之間得關係,該怎麼重新建構跑步的感覺,勢必要跳脫過去的訓練思維才有可能。在筆者擔任田徑教練以及踏入運動哲學的領域後,出現了跳脫過去思維的契機,從教練經驗與運動哲學的相關研究,在法國現象學家梅洛龐蒂那裏發現不同於筆者過去的思考方式,在其論著《知覺現象學》中分別以「模型(module)」和「模調(modulation)」這兩種思考方式來討論身體運動和動作學習。透過這兩種思考方式,筆者發現在受傷前的訓練模式多以模型來思考,並且在受傷後也欲從模型的方式來重新找回跑步的感覺,只是在考慮了受傷後的處境後發現,無法單純的以模型的方式來複製訓練,找回相同的感覺。所以,為了尋求各種可能,試著從模調(modulation)的思考模式來找尋重新連結馬克操與跑步動作之間得可能。經過本研究發現,馬克操訓練並不能僅從模型或是模調的思維來訓練,單純的模型就會變成是一種機械式、點對點的關係,絲毫沒有考慮到跑步主體的處境,而這就有可能會面臨到筆者受傷後的問題,模調就是因應這樣的思維而來,雖然單純的模調思維,就是從跑步主體出發,跑步主體能夠做出各種動作形式,即本來就會跑步,但是就會變得沒有修正跑步動作的依據,也就變成不需要有跑步技術的存在了。因此,本研究以為重新構築馬克操之訓練模式,就是要在模型與模調這兩種思考模式中,找到平衡,才能夠更加的提升馬克操練習的價值與有效性。

    The main purpose of this study is to reconstruct the current training mode of Mach drills. As a sprinter, the author has made significant progress in contact with track and field training and Mach drills, and laid the foundation for running training. However, after an injury in the third year of high school, there was a change in the training mode of Mach drills. Before the injury, the original running movement was corrected by Mach drills, and the running performance was improved. Therefore, whether it is adjusting the running movement or speed, it will also be through Mach drills. The purpose of the exercise is mainly to add the feeling of action to the running action. However, this relationship completely disintegrated after the injury. I found that I can still make Mach drills action, but also run, but the feeling of running becomes very vague, no longer has a clear feeling before, so I try to reflect on past training experience and training patterns, and to find suitable models for post-injury training. Things are not as simple as you might think. What is faced after the injury is not such a situation as in the past, so if you want to go back to the past training level, or even surpass the past performance, it is almost impossible to copy the past training mode. The question then is how to reconnect the relationship between Mark and running after the injury. How to rebuild the feeling of running, and it is necessary to jump off the training thinking of the past is possible. After the author served as a track and field coach and stepped into the field of sports philosophy, there was an opportunity to escape the past thinking, from the related experience of coaching experience and the Philosophy of Sport. In the French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty(1908-1961), the author discovered a different way of thinking than the past. In his book "Phenomenology of Perception", body movement and action learning are discussed in two ways: "module" and "modulation". Through these two ways of thinking, the author finds that the training mode before the injury is mostly based on the module, and after the injury, I also want to retrieve the feeling of running from module, but after considering the situation after the injury, I found that It is impossible to simply copy the training in a model and find the same feeling. Therefore, in order to seek all kinds of possibilities, the author tries to find the possibility of reconnecting the mark exercise and the running action from the mode of thinking of the modulation. After the research found that Mach dirlls training can not only be trained from the module or the modulation of thinking. Simple module thinking will become a mechanical, peer-to-peer relationship, without considering the situation of the running subject, and this may face the problem after the author is injured. Modulation is based on such thinking. The simple modulation of thinking is to start from the running subject. The running subject can make various forms of action, that is, the subject that would have run, but it will become the basis for correcting the running action. Therefore, this study believes that to reconstruct the training mode of Mach drills, it is necessary to find a balance between the two modes of thinking in model and mode, in order to further enhance the value and effectiveness of Mach drills.

    謝誌 ii 摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與問題意識 4 第二節 研究問題與目的 13 第三節 研究範圍與限制 15 第四節 研究價值 16 第五節 名詞解釋 17 第貳章 文獻探討 19 第一節 馬克操與跑步 20 第二節 理論基礎 32 第參章 研究方法 55 第一節 研究徑路 55 第二節 研究架構 56 第三節 論述策略 57 第肆章 馬克操與跑步經驗的反思 60 第一節 選手經驗的反思 61 第二節 教練經驗的反思 70 第三節 訓練思維的轉變 76 第伍章 馬克操訓練模式的思考模式之重新構築 78 第一節 論模型與模調之訓練思維 79 第二節 馬克操訓練模式之重構 87 第陸章 起點與轉捩點—未完待續 94 第一節 起點 95 第二節 轉捩點 97 引用文獻 102

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