研究生: |
楊淳皓 Yang, Chun-hao |
論文名稱: |
在部落任教原住民籍教師的生涯故事:一個敘說研究 The Career Stories of Aboringinal teachers Who Teach in the Tribe: A Narrative Research |
指導教授: |
Jin, Shuh-Ren |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 227 |
中文關鍵詞: | 部落 、原住民籍教師 、生涯故事 、敘說研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | tribe, aboriginal teacher, career story, narrative research |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:342 下載:36 |
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1. 在前段的生涯中,三位研究參與者傾向追求「家庭層面的認同」。
2. 在後段的生涯中,三位研究參與者皆追求的是「族群文化認同」。
3. 促進三位研究參與者生涯發展的社會文化脈絡有四,即「家庭」、「部落文化」、「教會」及「工作場所」。
4. 阻礙三位研究參與者生涯發展的社會文化脈絡有二,即「教育機構」及「漢族對原住民的態度」。
1. 三位研究參與者的族群文化認同引導其生涯選擇,族群文化認同發展的階段與其生涯表現的穩定度有著密切關係。
2. 三位研究參與者的族群文化認同是「正向認同」的歷程,非「族群污名認同」歷程。
3. 「從對抗污名到族群自信心」和「從深化認同到奉獻族群」兩個共同主題少見於其它類似研究。
4. 「部落文化」和「教會」是促進三位研究參與者生涯發展的兩個特殊社會文化脈絡。
5. 「部落內外」是促進三位研究參與者生涯發展之社會文化脈絡與阻礙其生涯發展之社會文化脈絡的「分界線」。
The Career Stories of the Aboriginal Teachers Who Teach in the Tribe: A Narrative Research
Chun-hao Yang
The present study was intended to understand the subjectivity of Taiwan aborigine’s career development by analyzing three aboriginal teachers who teach in the tribe. The two research questions were: (1) What is the meaning and identity which the aboriginal teachers chase in their careers?; (2) What are the social-cultural contexts which facilitate or block the career development of the aboriginal teachers?
The narrative research method was adapted and the data-analysis procedure followed the concept of the hermeneutical circle.
The main understandings of the career stories of the three participants of the study were as follows:
1. In the earlier period of career, the three participants chased the meaning on the family dimension.
2. In the later period of career, the three participants chased the meaning on the racial dimension.
3. The social-cultural contexts facilitating the participants’ career development were the family, the tribe, the church and the workplace.
4. The social-cultural contexts blocking the participants’ career development were the educational institutions and the attitude of the mainstream society toward aborigines.
Besides, the study found:
1. The racial/cultural identity development of the participants guided their career choices and was closely related to the stability of their career development.
2. The participants chased “positive racial identity” instead of “stigmatized racial identity”.
3. Rarely reported in the literature concerning minorities’ racial/cultural identity development were the two common themes: “From Resist Stigmas to Racial Confidence” and “ From Deepen One’s Racial Identity to Devote Oneself to Race”
4. The tribe and the church seem to be the two special social-cultural contexts that facilitate Taiwan aborigines’ career development.
5. The tribe seems to be the boundary which divide the social-cultural contexts facilitating Taiwan aborigines’ career development and those blocking their career development.
Finally, based on the findings, the study propose suggestions for career guidance and the future research.
KEY WORDS: tribe, aboriginal teacher, career story, narrative research
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