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研究生: 邱旻昇
Min-Sheng Chiu
論文名稱: 從期望地位的觀點探討學生在科學小組討論中互動的平等性
The Equality of Peer Interactions in Scientific Group Discussions :From the Perspective of Expectation States Theory
指導教授: 楊文金
Yang, Wen-Gin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 218
中文關鍵詞: 期望地位理論科學小組討論互動的平等性合作學習權力與尊榮的秩序基本期望假設
英文關鍵詞: expectation states theory, scientific group discussions, the equality of peer interactions, cooperative learning, power and prestige order, basic expectations assumptions
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:615下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在透過期望地位的觀點,剖析學生在不同性質的討論活動中互動的平等性。基於此一旨趣,本研究首先從社會學、社會心理學、合作學習、社會計量學等理論的文獻評析,探討學生在互動時可能產生的狀況,並將其應用於探討小組互動的平等性問題,最後試圖找出改變小組互動平等性的可能辦法。根據上述的結果,設計「對照組」與「實驗組」兩類教學討論進行實徵研究,並以錄影、錄音的方式蒐集所需資料。於此,本研究提出以下結論:
    一、 研究中的兩個班級,在研究前後,其班級結構穩定性很高。而學術地位與同儕地位的相關性也都達到了顯 著水準。因此施以小組活動的方式,對班級結構的影響不大。
    二、 在一個自然、未經處置的小組討論中存在著互動不平等的現象,即高地位的學生在各方面的表現皆比低地 位的學生來得傑出,驗證了「權力與尊榮的秩序(power and prestige order)」是很穩定的。而且大致上也 符合了「基本期望假設」。根據本研究的發現與歸納,可以進一步的提出教室中的基本期望假設。
    三、 對於以實驗組進行教學討論的方式,來改變教室中基本期望假設的嘗試,可以得到以下結果:學生的互動 仍然維持著不平等性,因此驗證了「權力與尊榮的秩序難以改變」的命題。但是經過了這個教學處置後, 中、低地位的學生與在對照組之下的表現相比較之後,在許多方面有了明顯的進步。因此,在不損及高地 位學生權益的前提之下,此法的確有其功效。於此,根據本研究的發現與歸納,可以針對教室中的基本期 望假提出更進一步的修正。
    四、 單一能力的改良任務(實驗組)對互動平等性的改變程度較有限,所以一個多元能力任務的開發、以及強 調科學教室中的多元價值將是達到互動平等性的重要課題。
    五、 如欲使用靶狀圖去瞭解學生在不同的任務中表現是否有所差異,除非是學生的表現有很大的改變,否則此 法無法達成目標。因為它很難描述出學生在不同任務中的進步或退步情形。
    六、 經由學生的對話分析,可以得到由量的分析所簡併的許多訊息。除此之外,由對話分析過程,可以發掘許 多由量的分析所無法發現的問題。是以,倘若能更深入地應用此類的研究取向於教室同儕互動中,例如話 語分析(discourse analysis),相信對研究者或教師而言,一定能夠提供許多研究與教學上的建議。而本 研究關於學生的對話分析結果顯示,「地位」的差異對於小組學生的互動的確扮演著很重要的角色,它影 響了學生的參與度、學習興趣…等。因此,這對科學教育實務而言,有著不可忽視的重要性。

    The purpose of the study was to analyze the equality of peer interactions in different kinds of group discussions from the perspective of expectation states theory(E.S.T.). The study began with a literature review from sociology, social psychology, cooperative learning, sociometry and discussed the possible situations in students' interacions which were applied into discussing the equality of interactions within group. Finally, the researcher tried to find the way improving the equality within group. Based on the discussions above, the researcher took two kinds of teaching approaches in the empirical study--the first was controlled teaching and peer discussions, the second was experimental teaching and peer discussions--and collected data in the forms of audio and video tape-recording. The findings of this study were summarized as follows:
    1. The classroom structures of two classes were still stable after this study. And the correlation of the academic and the peer status had reached the level of significance. So, the influence to classroom structures through group activity was not salient.
    2. There were inequalities in a natural, undisposed group discussions. It was to say that the high status students' performances were better than the low status students, and then proved the power and prestige order within group was very stable. So, it was accordant with the basic expectations assumptions. Based on the research findings, advanced suggestions about basic expectations assumptions in classroom were proposed.
    3. The results of attempt of changing basic expectations assumptions in classroom through experimental teaching and peer discussions were: the inequalities still existed among students' interactions, and hence verified the proposition of the power and prestige order was difficult to change. But after this disposition, the performances of the medium and low status students had improved obviously in a lot of aspects than that in the controlled teaching and peer discussions. So, in the premiss of not harming the high status students' advantage, the experimental teaching and peer discussions were really feasible. Hence, based on the experimental teaching and peer discussions and basic expectations assumptions in classroom , an advanced suggestion was proposed.
    4. The extents of improving equality by the task that stressed on single ability (experimental teaching and peer discussions) were limited, so it was important for improving equalities by developing multiple ability tasks and stressing on the multi-values in science classroom.
    5. Unless the student's performances had obviously changed in different tasks, the target sociograms couldn't show the differences of the student's performance between these tasks. Because the sociograms couldn't describe the progress or regress of one student's performances in the different tasks.
    6.Through the dialogue analysis could get lots of informations degenerated by quantity analysis. Besides, through the process of dialogue analysis could find many problems that quantity analysis couldn't. So, if we could lucubrated this kind of research method and applied it into the peer interactions, such as discourse analysis, it must have many
    suggestions and implications for researcher and teacher. The results of students' dialogue analysis showed that the status played an important role for students' interaction in groups, it influenced students' participation rates, interests, and etc. Hence, it was very important to the practice of science education.
    Finally, based on research findings of this study, further avenues of research in the field were discussed and suggested.

    第壹章 緒論..1 第一節 研究背景..3 第二節 研究目的與問題..8 第三節 研究限制與範圍..10 第四節 名詞釋義..10 第貳章 文獻探討..13 第一節 社會互動與科學學習..13 第二節 期望地位..26 第三節 任務的類別對互動的影響..37 第四節 期望地位的改善..44 第五節 學生地位分類之研究..48 第參章 研究方法..55 第一節 研究設計的理念..55 第二節 研究工具的設計..57 第三節 研究對象的選取..74 第四節 研究進行的程序..76 第五節 資料的處理與分析..80 第肆章 研究結果分析與討論..85 第一節 班級結構之整理及其穩定性之分析..85 第二節 各類別的學生在不同性質的任務中,其基本期望各分項的表現分析..91 第三節 各組學生在不同性質的任務中,其發言頻率、影響程度及程序分配的靶狀圖分析..116 第四節 學生對不同性質任務之知覺分析..121 第五節 學生的科學學習成就分析..129 第六節 小組同儕指導階段的對話分析..131 第七節 小組討論階段的對話分析..151 第伍章 結論與建議..165 第一節 實徵研究發現摘要..166 第二節 結論..172 第三節 討論與建議..174 參考文獻..179 中文部分..179 英文部分..183 附錄..191 附錄一:班級結構問卷調查..191 附錄二:小組學習及討論任務..193 附錄三:學生知覺問卷(一)、(二)..217

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