研究生: |
黃麗容 Kitty Huang |
論文名稱: |
紐西蘭毛利語教育之研究—以小學「完全浸滲式」毛利語教學為例 On Maori Language Education: Total Immersion Maori Program |
指導教授: |
Chang, Chien-Chen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 毛利教育 、毛利語教育 、浸滲式語言教學 、「完全浸滲式」毛利語教學 |
英文關鍵詞: | Maori education, Maori language education, Immersion language programs, Total Immersion Maori language programs |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:320 下載:0 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
1. 紐西蘭毛利語教育是族群社會覺醒的產物。
2. 紐西蘭毛利語教育有政府法令的配合。
3. 推動紐西蘭小學毛利語教育的關鍵人是校長。
4. 毛利兒童是否接受小學毛利語教育,尊重家長選擇權。
5. 政府有特別款補助小學推動毛利語教育。
6. 經費運用各校各有考量重點。
7. 從事毛利語教育的人力資源多樣。
8. 毛利語課程的實施遵循《紐西蘭課程大綱》。
9. 活動的實施展現毛利文化的特色。
10. 所在的社區對教學的實施有共識。
Aboriginal language education in Taiwan follows in the steps of up-to-bottom policies after Community and Local Study Programs launched by Ministry of Education. Pilot language programs, either in aboriginal kindergartens or primary schools, tend to be on the way with Aboriginal Education Act passed in 1997.Take Maori language education for example. Maori language programs are set up in a bottom-to-top style, slightly different from those in Taiwan, with Te Kohanga Reo (language nest) thriving in kindergartens and Maori Medium Education prevailing in primary schools. Among all, total immersion Maori programs in primary schools are bound to be a most effective teaching model, if sufficient resources and profitable conditions are available. Thus, this study aims to explore the historical contexts of Maori language education, introduce the theory and practice of immersion Maori programs, and give Taiwan aboriginal language education some food for thought. Moreover, some suggestions mean to benefit the establishment of aboriginal primary schools in the near future.
To fulfill these purposes, the researcher employs literature analysis and semi-structured interview as the main study approaches. Field study is engaged in New Zealand for five weeks. The General Library located in University of Waikato provides the researcher ready access to government documents, literature review by local educators and related research papers, which offer supplementary information not obtained in Taiwan. On the other hand, school-based interview centered on two schools adopting total immersion Maori programs serves to reveal the actual teaching milieu and clarify the theory of immersion language programs. The subjects for interview amounts to eight persons, including six school personnel---principals, Maori teachers, Board of Trustee’s representatives--- and two bilingual educators. The researcher cites each subject’s statements in order of themes to undergo discussion and analysis. Major findings on total immersion Maori programs in primary schools are as follows:
1. Maori education in New Zealand derives from the awareness of Maori community.
2. Maori education in New Zealand uses government policies as a guide.
3. The key man supporting the promotion of Maori education in a primary school is the principal.
4. Whether all Maori children should accept Maori Language programs depends on their parental choice.
5. The government has offered a bulk grant for the promotion of Maori language education.
6. The allocation of Maori language funds varies from school to school, with its own priority.
7. The human resources engaged in Maori language education are of great diversity.
8. Teaching practice of Maori language programs should follow NZ curriculum Framework.
9. Teaching activities put stress on the display of Maori culture.
10.Immersion Maori programs are adopted in a school where its community has consensus.
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