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研究生: 黃鉦貽
Gordon Cheng-yi Huang
論文名稱: 臺灣高中英文教科書問題與活動設計中認知層次與知識型態之分析研究
Analysis of Cognitive Processes and Knowledge Types of Questions and Activities in Senior High School English Textbooks in Taiwan
指導教授: 葉錫南
Yeh, Hsi-Nan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 英文教科書思考能力布魯姆認知分類修訂版
英文關鍵詞: English Textbook, Thinking Skill, Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:790下載:27
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  • 本論文旨在探討當前高中英文教科書中問題與思考活動的知識型態與認知層次,研究結果可作為高中英文教師挑選教科書之參考,以符合學生當前及未來的需求。

    The study aims to probe into knowledge types and cognitive levels of questions and thinking activities in the current senior high English textbooks in Taiwan. Research results can serve as a reference for high school English teachers to select the textbooks to suit their students’ current and future need.
    Fostering students’ thinking skills in classrooms has always been an important aim of education. In the implementation of the 2010 Guidelines for Senior High School English Curriculum, incorporation of thinking skills and creativity into English language pedagogy is required. New textbooks have incorporated numerous questions and activities to help students develop higher-level thinking skills.
    Bloom’s taxonomy has been an important tool in organizing thinking skills, providing a very concrete structure that helps foster the development of thinking skills in the classroom. Based on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, a total of 1510 questions and activities in five series of textbooks are analyzed. Textbook FEC shows the largest number of thinking-skill items, followed by Textbook FES, LT, NI and SM.
    In knowledge dimension, factual knowledge is the most widespread, and around eighty percent of the questions and activities belong to this category. The following top two are meta-cognitive knowledge and conceptual knowledge. Procedural knowledge is the type that can hardly be detected in current textbooks. However, no explicit tendency in ranking can be found across the five sets of textbooks.
    In cognitive process, questions and activities at the Remember level account for the highest proportion, followed by Understand, Analyze, Evaluate and Create. Apply is the category that was scarcely identified across the five sets of textbooks.
    Lower-order thinking-skill items prevail over higher-order ones, which account for around 25 percent among all. On the whole, Textbook FES has the highest proportion of higher-order skills, while Textbook LT has the least. In the two lower-level skills, the proportion of Understand items increases from Book 1 to Book 2 in four sets of textbooks. However, for each of the four higher-order cognitive processes, no significant difference is found between the two volumes.
    Finally, based on the research findings, some pedagogical implications are provided in the study for textbook writers and language teachers.

    CHINESE ABSTRACT..................................................................................................i ENGLISH ABSTRACT.................................................................................................ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................................iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................vi LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................viii LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................... ix CHAPETER ONE INTRODUCTION ......................................................................1 Background and Motivation ......................................................................................1 Definition of Key Terms ...........................................................................................5 Purposes and Research Questions of the Study.. ......................................................7 Significance of the Study ..........................................................................................8 Organization of the Thesis..........................................................................................9 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................10 Thinking skills..........................................................................................................10 Critical Thinking..............................................................................................12 Teaching Thinking in A Language Curriculum................................................14 Teaching Thinking in ESL/EFL Countries………………................................19 Teaching Thinking in the EFL Context in Taiwan………………....................22 Bloom’s Taxonomy .................................................................................................25 The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.........................................................................26 Application the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.......................................................31 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY.................................................................36 The Five Selected Textbooks for Analysis...............................................................36 Units for Analysis.....................................................................................................36 Raters and Inter-Rater Reliability.............................................................................40 Instruments & Coding Scheme................................................................................42 Knowledge Dimensions......................................................................................43 Cognitive Processes............................................................................................48 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................................61 Results of Inter-rater Reliability...............................................................................61 Distribution and Proportion of Questions and Thinking Activities..........................62 Classification of Knowledge Dimension and Cognitive Process.............................66 Knowledge Types of Questions and Activities in Textbooks..............................67 Distribution of Knowledge Types in Individual Textbooks..........................67 Comparison of the Five Textbooks in Knowledge Types.............................71 Cognitive Process of Questions and Activities in Textbooks.............................76 Distribution of Cognitive Processes in Individual Textbooks......................76 Comparison of the Five Textbooks in Cognitive Process............................82 Higher-/Lower-order Skills of Questions and Activities in Textbooks...............90 Summary..................................................................................................................96 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION............................................................................98 Summary of Major Findings....................................................................................98 Implication for Teachers and Textbook Writers.....................................................100 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research.............................101 Thesis References.......................................................................................................106

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