研究生: |
林啟賢 chi-hsian Lin |
論文名稱: |
意象使用型態、意象能力在不同自信心的運動員之差異探討--檢驗運動員知覺的意象功能 Differences in imagery content and imagery ability between high and low confident athletes—Examining athletes’ perceptions of the functions of imagery |
指導教授: |
Chien, Lau-Hoei |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 185 |
中文關鍵詞: | 意象 、運動意象量表 、修訂版動作意象量表 、自信心 、運動員知覺的意象功能 |
英文關鍵詞: | imagery, sport imagery questionnaire, movement imagery questionnaire-reviesed, confidence, athletes’ perceptions of the functions of imagery |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:616 下載:76 |
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摘 要
本研究以Martin等 (1999) 所提出的意象在運動心理學的應用模式及Marphy and Martin (2002) 所提出的運動意象使用的三階段模式為架構,探討高、低特質運動自信心運動員的意象使用型態、意象能力及運動員知覺的意象功能。首先翻譯修訂運動意象量表及修訂版動作意象量表並建構其信、效度,以擁有適當的研究工具;接著探討高、低特質運動自信心的運動員在意象使用型態與意象能力的差別;高、低特質自信心的運動員各自在意象使用型態的差別;最後檢驗運動員知覺的意象功能。本研究分為二階段,第一階段以四所大學共237位運動員為對象,平均年齡為21.042.91歲,其中男生140人、女生97人,建構Hall等 (1998) 所發展出的運動意象量表及Hall and Martin (1997) 所發展出的修訂版動作意象量表的信、效度;第二階段則以六所大學共395位男、女運動員為研究對象,其中男生227人、女生168人,平均年齡為20.411.92歲。填寫運動意象量表中文修訂版、修訂版動作意象量表、特質運動自信心量表、運動自信心量表。資料蒐集完成後,先以內部一致性分析及驗證性因素分析考驗運動意象量表和修訂版動作意象量表的信、效度;再以側面圖分析、累積百分比及卡方適合度考驗去進行資料分析處理,結果發現:(一)高特質運動自信心的運動員在五種意象使用型態 (特定認知意象、一般認知意象、特定動機意象、一般覺醒動機意象及一般支配動機意象)皆優於低特質運動自信心的運動員;高特質運動自信心的運動員在動覺及視覺動作意象能力優於低特質運動自信心的運動員;(二)高特質運動自信心的運動員在一般支配動機意象的使用與其它四種意象使用型態 (特定認知意象、一般認知意象、特定動機意象及一般覺醒動機意象) 並沒有差異;低特質運動自信心的運動員在一般支配動機意象的使用低於其它意象使用型態;(三)運動員知覺的意象功能與運動意象量表中的五種意象使用型態的功能有差異;即意象內容對於個別運動員的意義並不相同。
The purpose of this study was to examine how high and low trait sport confidence athletes differed in their imagery content and imagery ability, and to examine athletes’ perceptions of the functions of imagery. The framework of this study was based on both Martin’s (1999) model of “Mental Imagery Use in Sport” and Marphy’s and Martin’s (2002) model of “Three Level of Imagery in Sport”. First, both the tools of sport imagery and movement imagery were revised, and then to examine these two tools of reliability and validity. Second, this study was to assess the differences between high and low trait sport confidence athletes on the imagery content and the imagery ability. Third, this study was to examine athletes’ perceptions of the functions of imagery.Two stages of data collection were executed. At the first stage, subjects were 237 student athletes (140 male and 97 female) from four universities in Taiwan in order to testify the reliability and validity of sport imagery and movement imagery. At the second stage, subjects were 395 student athletes (227 male and 168 female) from six universities around Taiwan. Data were analyzed by LISREL8.50 and SPSS 12.0. There were internal consistency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, profile analysis, cumulative percents and chi-square test for goodness of fit . The results of this study were following: (1)The results showed high sport confident athletes had better on imagery content (motivational specific, motivational general-arousal, cognitive general, cognitive specific, and motivational general-mastery) than low sport confident athletes did. High confident athletes had better on both kinesthetic and visual imagery abilities than low confident athletes did;(2)For the high confident athletes, there were not differences among motivational general-mastery and others types of imagery content (motivational specific, motivational general-arousal, cognitive general, and cognitive specific). For the low confident athletes, there were differences among motivational general-mastery and others types of imagery content;(3)There were differences among the perception of function of imagery and five types of imagery content. That is, the content of imagery did have different individual meaning for each athlete.
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