研究生: |
方凱鴻 Fang, Kai-Hong |
論文名稱: |
以鏈結資料建置圖書館目錄查詢系統之研究 A Study of Building Online Public Access Catalog with Linked Data |
指導教授: |
Ke, Hao-Ren |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 97 |
中文關鍵詞: | 鏈結資料 、館藏檢索系統 、語意網 |
英文關鍵詞: | Online Public Access Catalog |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205132 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:364 下載:43 |
分享至: |
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
自1990年代,Tim Berners-Lee建立全球資訊網之後,建構結構化且具有語意的資訊網路,透過資料間相互連結的語意網技術,是奠定圖書館下一代目錄提供網路資源檢索服務的重要基礎,鏈結資料則是實踐語意網的最佳實務。
本研究達成以系統實作的方式建置一套線上公用目錄,並且依循著鏈結資料的生命週期來逐步建置,使用鏈結資料讓傳統書目資訊得以提供與其他館藏相關連的額外資訊,系統使用性量表達到標準,因此本系統的使用性對使用者而言是可被接受的。訪談結果顯示,本系統得到的正面回饋有:1) 自動建議檢索詞;2) 提供書籍封面縮圖;3) 呈現作者總覽圖表;4) 提供電影改編資訊與系列作品介紹。然而亦有使用者給予負面回饋是可供本研究進行改進:1) 基本書目欄位較少;2) 缺乏QR Code功能。
Library catalogs serve as a role to guide readers the position of collections. With the advance of science and technology, library catalogs evolve from card catalogs into online public access catalogs (OPACs). In order to give readers additional information, Libraries has used various APIs for integrating information from the Internet into OPACs . However, inconsistent APIs may increase the difficulties of maintaining OPACs.
Various resources have been quickly developed on the Internet since Tim Berners-Lee invented World Wide Web in 1990s. With the developed Internet technology, Semantic Web also matures gradually. Therefore, with linked data and simplifing the procedures of using web information, this study integrates various data on the Internet into OPACs. Besides, this study transforms bibliographic records into the sets of linked data, and provides users to browse and download. Finally, this study uses System Usability Scale (SUS) and interviews to evaluate the usability of the proposed linked-data-enabled OPAC system to understand users’ acceptance of this system.
This study aims to establish an OPAC system that provides information additional to traditional bibliographic records with the technology of linked data. The proposed system was developed by following the life cycle of linked data. The SUS evaluation showed that the system's usability is acceptable for users. The results of interviews demonstrated that it had positive and negative opinions from our participants. They gave positive feedbacks of the system, including: 1) automatically suggestions of search terms; 2) providing book covers’ images; 3) displaying authors’ graphs; 4) providing adapted information of the movies and brief introduction of series. However, some of the participants indicated two negative opinions to improve our system: 1) basic bibliographic columns is lesser; 2) lacking for QR code function.
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