研究生: |
黃郁琇 Huang, Yu-Hsiu |
論文名稱: |
大學生知覺父母婚姻關係對其親密關係態度之影響—以依附風格為中介角色分析 The Influence of College Students' Perception of Their Parents' Marital Relationship on Their Attitude Toward Intimacy-An Analysis of Attachment Styles as a Mediating Role |
指導教授: |
Chen, Hsing-Jung |
口試委員: |
Cheng, Li-Chen 巫麗雪 Wu, Li-Hsueh 陳杏容 Chen, Hsing-Jung |
口試日期: | 2022/04/06 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
社會工作學研究所 Graduate Institute of Social Work |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 129 |
中文關鍵詞: | 大學生 、知覺父母婚姻關係 、依附風格 、親密關係態度 、中介作用 |
英文關鍵詞: | college students, perception of parents' marital relationship, attachment style, intimacy attitude, mediating role |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200986 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:472 下載:52 |
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本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺灣北部、中部、南部地區共18 所大專院校之760 名大學生為研究樣本。問卷採用「知覺父母婚姻關係量表」、「人際依附風格量表」與「青少年愛情態度量表」進行施測。
針對研究問題,運用統計軟體SPSS,以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關、迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,研究主要發現如下:
一、 大學生知覺父母婚姻關係的親密與和諧程度偏高,僅在「情感表達」與「意見一致性」感受較低,且大學生知覺父母婚姻關係較沒有分離傾向與衝突現象。
二、 大學生的依附風格以焦慮依附佔最多數,排除依附次之,安全依附第三,而逃避依附是最少的,顯示出大學生的依附風格較偏向非安全依附。
三、 在親密關係態度上,大學生在正向愛情態度偏高,而在負向愛情態度則偏低,顯示大學生的親密關係態度較偏正向。
四、 個人背景變項中,「性別」、「是否曾經有過交往經驗」在依附風格有顯著差異;「父母婚姻狀態」在知覺父母婚姻關係有顯著差異;「經歷過幾段交往關係」、「目前親密關係狀態」及「交往時間」在依附風格與親密關係態度均有顯著差異。
五、 大學生知覺父母婚姻關係的共同相處、情感表達及意見一致性越高,則其正向愛情態度越高、負向愛情態度越低。
六、 大學生知覺父母婚姻關係與安全依附、焦慮依附及逃避依附均達顯著相關,僅排除依附不顯著。
七、 大學生依附風格與親密關係態度達顯著相關。
八、 大學生的依附風格在知覺父母婚姻關係與親密關係態度之間扮演中介角色。
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between perceived parental marital relationships, attachment styles, and intimacy attitudes among college students, as well as the differences in parental marital relationships, attachment styles, and intimacy attitudes of college students with different background variables. The study also aims to examine whether attachment styles play a mediating role in the relationship between perceived parental marital relationship and intimacy attitudes among college students.
A questionnaire survey was used in this study. A total of 760 college students from 18 colleges and universities in northern, central, and southern Taiwan were surveyed as the study sample. The questionnaire was administered using the Perceived Parental Marital Relationship Scale, the Interpersonal Attachment Style Scale, and the Adolescent Love Attitude Scale.
Aiming at the research problem, statistical software SPSS was applied to analyze
the data by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation, and regression analysis, etc. The main findings of the study are as follows.
1. The perception of intimacy and harmony in parents' marital relationship is high, but the perception of "emotional expression" and "agreement" is low. College students also perceive that their parents' marital relationship is less prone to separation and conflict.
2. Preoccupied attachment is the most common attachment style among college students, followed by dismissing attachment, secure attachment, and fearful attachment. This shows that the attachment styles of college students are more inclined to non-secure attachment.
3. In terms of intimacy attitudes, college students show higher positive attitudes toward love and lower negative attitudes toward love, indicating that college students' attitudes toward intimacy are more positive.
4. Among the personal background variables, there were significant differences in attachment style in terms of "gender" and "whether you had ever had a relationship"; "marital status of parents" had significant differences in perceived parents' marital relationship; "experienced in several relationships", "current intimate relationship status" and "duration of relationship" in terms of attachment styles and intimate relationship attitude.
5. The higher the college students perceive the get along, emotional expression, and consensus of opinion of their parents' marital relationship, the higher their positive love attitudes and the lower their negative love attitudes are.
6. The perception of parental marital relationship is significantly related to secure attachment, preoccupied attachment and fearful attachment, but only dismissing attachment is insignificant.
7. Attachment styles of college students are significantly correlated with intimate relationship attitudes.
8. Attachment styles of college students play a mediating role between perception of parental marital relationship and intimacy attitudes.
Based on the results of the study, the researcher conducted a discussion and summarized the conclusions. The study also proposes suggestions for education, counseling, social work practice, and future research. The study proposes to by assisting clients to self-aware their attachment styles and learn how to cope in interpersonal relationships, or by retrospectively clarifying the influence of their original family experiences, they can develop unique attachment styles and establish and learn positive harmony and intimate relationship, using marriage education, marriage counseling courses and gender education, to create a correct concept of intimacy for young people and their families.
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