研究生: |
盧詩雲 Lu, Shih Yun |
論文名稱: |
UV 噴墨印刷網點製作紅外線浮水印— 以應用於 PET 之個人化產品為例 Infrared Watermark by UV Inkjet Printing— An Example of Personalized Products on PET |
指導教授: | 王希俊 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 69 |
中文關鍵詞: | 半色調 、紅外線浮水印 、PET 、噴墨印刷 、個人化產品 、加值應用 |
英文關鍵詞: | Halftoning, Infrared Watermarking, PET, Inkjet Printing, Personalized Products, Value Added Application |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:419 下載:12 |
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現今資訊科技日新月異,產品獨特性與防偽功能亦日益受到重視,個性化產品的推陳出新也帶動著印刷產業的進展。因此,本研究運用數位過網技術結合紅外線光學原理,以 UV 噴墨列印可變資料之浮水印隱藏於 PET 材質球員卡圖紋之中,增加防偽加值的獨特性。首先針對 2010 溫布頓前八強盧彥勳球員卡設計具版權之圖紋,並利用碳黑色墨吸收紅外線,而青、洋紅、黃色墨在紅外線下穿透而呈現透明之光學特性,將經數位過網的碳黑色墨網點與不同網點覆蓋百分比的青、洋紅、黃色墨網點形成的中性灰進行匹配試驗,找出人眼觀察下最符合灰平衡的網點覆蓋百分比,再結合紅外線光學特性設計出二維條碼與序號作為隱藏資訊,以 UV 噴墨印刷輸出於球員卡圖紋之中,最後利用紅外線攝影裝置進行偵測。實驗結果顯示,人眼觀察下,隱藏資訊呈現灰階並隱藏於球員卡圖紋設計之中;在紅外線攝影裝置偵測下,具碳黑色墨的隱藏資訊顯現,而以中性灰構築的球員卡圖紋皆會呈現透明,達到宣告版權的目的。本實驗採用少量多樣化特性的噴墨印刷方式,可針對單張球員卡進行個人化序號與條碼的設計,結合紅外線本身光學特性原理,增進產品的獨特性與防偽加值的應用。
With the rapid advances of information technology, the uniqueness and the anti-counterfeiting features of products are getting more and more attention gradually; meanwhile, the innovations of personalize products also improve the progress of printing industry. Therefore, this thesis aimed to fabricate a watermark with variable data which was hidden in the designed PET player card. Using digital halftoning technique, the infrared (IR) watermark, output by UV inkjet printing, can enhance the peculiarity and security. First, the player card was designed on the background of the tennis player, Rendy Lu, who entered the 2010 Wimbledon quarterfinals. Then, utilizing the optical characteristics of the infrared light, the black ink can absorb infrared light, and IR can penetrate the cyan, the magenta, and the yellow ink. The hidden data such as 2D barcodes and serial numbers are made according to the density matching chart to locate the best matching neutral gray among AM and FM halftone dot. Combining the infrared characteristics and halftoning technique, the hidden information can be output with UV inkjet printing. Finally, the hidden information can be detected under infrared light. The result shows that the hidden data couldn’t be perceived under normal light. Under the infrared light, the hidden information could be recognized and authenticated. The results show that the information could be hidden in the player card successfully. This method would provide the player card with not only encoded data but also value-added application.
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