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研究生: 潘美佐
Kris Pan
論文名稱: A Study on the Roles and Competencies of Human Resource Professionals The Consequence of Human Resource Outsourcing
指導教授: 蔡錫濤
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
中文關鍵詞: HR OutsourcingRoles of HRCompetencies of HRHuman Resource
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:421下載:7
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  • Many companies in Taiwan, both multinational and local, outsource their HR activities to different levels according to different needs, such as saving cost or receiving professional aid. While the employers are planning greater emphasis on business acumen and outsourcing many administrative functions, HR professionals are forced to demonstrate new skills and competencies, and compete for new, sometimes unfamiliar roles.
    The main purpose of this study is to explore the issues of HR outsourcing, including the functions being outsourced, reason for outsourcing, roles and competencies of human resource professionals under the impact of HR outsourcing.
    When an organization makes a decision on whether or not, or what parts of HR, to outsource, it must consider what benefits or values outsourcing can offer. Outsourcing decisions should be based on an evaluation of needs and capabilities of the specific company, as well as the availability of outside resources. The decision to outsource all or a portion of HR function is another significant choice to make. Subsequently, like all other strategies, implementation is just as critical as making the decision.
    As HR functions are being outsourced, their roles are becoming even more strategic. As many fear that the future of HR professionals is becoming increasingly ambiguous, largely due to downsizing and outsourcing, it is essential to redefine the values of HR professionals by fully understand the new roles and competencies that may result as a consequence of HR outsourcing.

    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the study 1 Purpose of the Study 3 Statement of Questions: 3 Significance of the Study 4 Delimitations and Limitations 4 Delimitations 4 Limitations 5 Research Methodology 5 Definition of terms 6 Chapter II LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Roles of Human Resource Professionals 7 Definition of Roles 7 Roles of Human Resource Professionals 7 Movement towards a More Strategic HR 9 A Multiple-Role Model for Human Resources Management 11 Competencies of Human Resource Professionals 14 Definition of Competency 14 Categorizations of Competencies 15 Competencies Needed by HR Professionals 18 Human Resources Outsourcing 22 Definition of Outsourcing 22 The Trend towards HR Outsourcing 23 Driving Forces of Outsourcing Human Resources 24 Consequences of Outsourcing HR 25 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 27 Design of the Study 27 Population and Sampling 30 Population 30 Sampling 31 Data Collection and Analysis 32 Data Collection Method 32 Interview Components 34 Data Analysis 35 Validity 35 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS 37 Overview on the Implementation of HR Outsourcing 37 HR Functions Being Outsourced 38 Reasons and Factors Affecting Outsourcing HR Decisions 40 Criteria in Selecting Vendors 42 Results of HR Outsourcing 44 Collaboration and Coordination with HR Outsourcing Service Providers 45 Recruiting and Selection 45 Training and Development 48 Compensation and Benefits 50 Performance Management 53 Labor Relations 55 Problems Encountered in Outsourcing HR and Coping Methods 57 The New Roles and Competencies of HR Professionals Under HR Outsourcing 59 The New Roles of HR Under Outsourcing 59 New Competencies of HR Under Outsourcing 62 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 66 Conclusions 66 Overview on the Implementation of HR Outsourcing 69 Collaboration and Coordination in HR Outsourcing 72 New Roles of HR Under Outsourcing 75 New Competencies of HR Under Outsourcing 75 Recommendations 76 Future Studies 76 For Businesses in Defining HR Outsourcing Strategy 77 For Internal HR Professionals 78 Reference 80 Appendix A 85

    Bates, Steven. (2002). Facing the Future, HR Magazine, July 2002. Retrieved from http://www.shrm.org/hrmagazine/articles/0702/0702covstory.asp on November 20th., 2004.

    Blancero, D.; Boroski, J., & Dyer, L. (1996). Key Competencies for a
    Transformed Human Resource Organization: Results of a Field Study. Human
    Resource Management,35 (3), 383-403.

    Boyatzis, R. (1994). Rendering unto Competence the Things that are Competent.
    American Psychologist, 49, 64-65.

    Brockbank, Wayne. (1999). If HR Were Strategically Proactive: Present and Future Directions in HR’s Contribution to Competitive Advantage, Human Resource Management, 38 (4)

    Brockbank, W.; Ulrich, D. & Beatty, R.W. (1999). HR Professional Development:
    Creating the Future Creators at the University of Michigan Business School.
    Human Resource Management, 38(2), 111-118, John
    Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    Brockbank, W.; Ulrich, D. & James, C. (1997). Trends in Human Resource
    Competencies. Third Conference on Human Resource Competencies, Ann Arbor,
    MI: University of Michigan School of Business.

    Carney, W. (1996). Outsourcing HR and benefits: Navigating the right course. Benefits and Compensation International, 26(7): 13-23.

    Creswell, J.W. (1998). Choosing among five traditions. A Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. CA: Sage.

    Cullen, J. B. (2004). Multinational Management: A Strategic Approach. South-Western Educational Publishing.

    Denzin N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. (1998). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, CA: Sage.

    Dessler, Gary. (2002). A Framework for Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.

    Greer, Charles, R., Youngblood, Stuart A., and Gray, David A. (1999). Human Resource Management Outsourcing: The Make or Buy Decision. Academy of Management Executives, 13 (3), 85-95.

    Jackson, S E. & Shuler, R.S. (1992). HRM Practices in Service-Based Organizations: A Role Theory Perspective. Advances in Services Marketing and Management, 1, 123-157

    Jackson, S E. & Shuler, R.S. (1995). Understanding Human Resource Management in the Context of Organizations and Their Environments, Annual Reviews of Psychology 46, 237-264.

    Kesler, G. C. (1995). A model and process for redesigning the HRM role. competencies. and work in a major multi-national corporation. Human Resource Management. 34(2) :229-253.

    Kemske, F. (1998). HR 2008: A forecast based on our exclusive study. Workforce, 46-60.

    Kochanski, J.T., & Ruse, D.H. (1999). Designing a Competency-Based Human
    Resource Organization. Human Resource Management, (35)1,19-34.

    Losey, M. R. (1999). Mastering the Competencies of HR Management. Human
    Resource Management, (38)2, 99-10.

    McLagan, P. A. (1983). Models for Excellence. Washington, D.C.: The American
    Society for Training and Development.

    McLagan, P. A. (1989). Models for HRD Practice. Washington, D.C.: The American
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    Prahalad, C.K., & Hamel, G. (1990). The Core Competence of the Corporation.
    Harvard Business Review, 79-91.

    Pfeffer, J. (1994). Competitive Advantage through people: Problems and Prospects for Change, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

    Robbins, S.P. (2003). Organizational Behavior. NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc

    Sparrow, P.; Brewster, C.; Harris, H., (2004). Globalizing Human Resource Management, NY: Routledge.

    Spencer, L.M., & Spencer, S.M.,(1998). Competence at Work, USA: John Wiley
    & Sons, Inc.

    Storey, J. (1992). Developments in the Management of Human Resources, an Analytical Review, Blackwell.

    Survey Findings: CFOs’ Views on Outsourcing (2004), Retrieved on Nov. 29th, 2004 from http://was4.hewitt.com/hewitt/resource/rptspubs/subrptspubs/cfo_views.pdf.

    Ulrich, D., (1997). Human Resource Champions, MA: Harvard Business School Press

    Ulrich, D., & Lake, D., (1990). Organizational Capability: Competing From
    Inside Out, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

    Ulrich, D.; Brockbank, W.; Yeung, A., & Lake, D. (1995). Human Resource
    Competencies: An Empirical Assessment, Human Resource Management, (34),

    Yeung, A. K., (1996). Competencies for HR Professionals: An Interview with
    Richard E. Boyatzis. Human Resource Management, (35.1,

    Yin, R. K. (2003). Case study: Design and method, 3rd Edition, CA: Sage.

    李聲吼 (1997) 。人力資源發展。台北﹔五南

    張火燦 (1997)。策略性人力資源管理。台北:揚至

    盧娜(譯) (2001) 。Gay C.L. & Essinger, J. 著。企業外包模式-如何利用外部資源提昇競爭力。台北:商周。

    嚴家瑩 (2004) 。外包制度對人力資源發展人員角色與能力內涵影響之研究。國立師範大學工業科技教育學系碩士論文 , 未出版 , 台北。
    Bates, Steven. (2002). Facing the Future, HR Magazine, July 2002. Retrieved from http://www.shrm.org/hrmagazine/articles/0702/0702covstory.asp on November 20th., 2004.

    Blancero, D.; Boroski, J., & Dyer, L. (1996). Key Competencies for a
    Transformed Human Resource Organization: Results of a Field Study. Human
    Resource Management,35 (3), 383-403.

    Boyatzis, R. (1994). Rendering unto Competence the Things that are Competent.
    American Psychologist, 49, 64-65.

    Brockbank, Wayne. (1999). If HR Were Strategically Proactive: Present and Future Directions in HR’s Contribution to Competitive Advantage, Human Resource Management, 38 (4)

    Brockbank, W.; Ulrich, D. & Beatty, R.W. (1999). HR Professional Development:
    Creating the Future Creators at the University of Michigan Business School.
    Human Resource Management, 38(2), 111-118, John
    Wiley & Sons, Inc.

    Brockbank, W.; Ulrich, D. & James, C. (1997). Trends in Human Resource
    Competencies. Third Conference on Human Resource Competencies, Ann Arbor,
    MI: University of Michigan School of Business.

    Carney, W. (1996). Outsourcing HR and benefits: Navigating the right course. Benefits and Compensation International, 26(7): 13-23.

    Creswell, J.W. (1998). Choosing among five traditions. A Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design. CA: Sage.

    Cullen, J. B. (2004). Multinational Management: A Strategic Approach. South-Western Educational Publishing.

    Denzin N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. (1998). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry, CA: Sage.

    Dessler, Gary. (2002). A Framework for Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.

    Greer, Charles, R., Youngblood, Stuart A., and Gray, David A. (1999). Human Resource Management Outsourcing: The Make or Buy Decision. Academy of Management Executives, 13 (3), 85-95.

    Jackson, S E. & Shuler, R.S. (1992). HRM Practices in Service-Based Organizations: A Role Theory Perspective. Advances in Services Marketing and Management, 1, 123-157

    Jackson, S E. & Shuler, R.S. (1995). Understanding Human Resource Management in the Context of Organizations and Their Environments, Annual Reviews of Psychology 46, 237-264.

    Kesler, G. C. (1995). A model and process for redesigning the HRM role. competencies. and work in a major multi-national corporation. Human Resource Management. 34(2) :229-253.

    Kemske, F. (1998). HR 2008: A forecast based on our exclusive study. Workforce, 46-60.

    Kochanski, J.T., & Ruse, D.H. (1999). Designing a Competency-Based Human
    Resource Organization. Human Resource Management, (35)1,19-34.

    Losey, M. R. (1999). Mastering the Competencies of HR Management. Human
    Resource Management, (38)2, 99-10.

    McLagan, P. A. (1983). Models for Excellence. Washington, D.C.: The American
    Society for Training and Development.

    McLagan, P. A. (1989). Models for HRD Practice. Washington, D.C.: The American
    Society for Training and Development.

    Prahalad, C.K., & Hamel, G. (1990). The Core Competence of the Corporation.
    Harvard Business Review, 79-91.

    Pfeffer, J. (1994). Competitive Advantage through people: Problems and Prospects for Change, Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

    Robbins, S.P. (2003). Organizational Behavior. NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc

    Sparrow, P.; Brewster, C.; Harris, H., (2004). Globalizing Human Resource Management, NY: Routledge.

    Spencer, L.M., & Spencer, S.M.,(1998). Competence at Work, USA: John Wiley
    & Sons, Inc.

    Storey, J. (1992). Developments in the Management of Human Resources, an Analytical Review, Blackwell.

    Survey Findings: CFOs’ Views on Outsourcing (2004), Retrieved on Nov. 29th, 2004 from http://was4.hewitt.com/hewitt/resource/rptspubs/subrptspubs/cfo_views.pdf.

    Ulrich, D., (1997). Human Resource Champions, MA: Harvard Business School Press

    Ulrich, D., & Lake, D., (1990). Organizational Capability: Competing From
    Inside Out, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

    Ulrich, D.; Brockbank, W.; Yeung, A., & Lake, D. (1995). Human Resource
    Competencies: An Empirical Assessment, Human Resource Management, (34),

    Yeung, A. K., (1996). Competencies for HR Professionals: An Interview with
    Richard E. Boyatzis. Human Resource Management, (35.1,

    Yin, R. K. (2003). Case study: Design and method, 3rd Edition, CA: Sage.

    李聲吼 (1997) 。人力資源發展。台北﹔五南

    張火燦 (1997)。策略性人力資源管理。台北:揚至

    盧娜(譯) (2001) 。Gay C.L. & Essinger, J. 著。企業外包模式-如何利用外部資源提昇競爭力。台北:商周。

    嚴家瑩 (2004) 。外包制度對人力資源發展人員角色與能力內涵影響之研究。國立師範大學工業科技教育學系碩士論文 , 未出版 , 台北。