簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 葉懿嫻
論文名稱: 花蓮溪縱谷段土石流扇判釋與流域特徵分析
Interpretation of the debris flow fans and analysis of the basin characteristics, the Longitudinal Valley section of the Hualien Stream
指導教授: 沈淑敏
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 沖積扇土石流扇數值航測系統花蓮溪相關分析單因子變異數分析獨立T樣本分析判別分析
英文關鍵詞: alluvial fan, debris flow fan, digital aerial photography, Hualien Stream, correlate analysis, one- way ANOVA, T simple, Hualien Stindependent T simple test, discriminate analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:372下載:55
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  • 台灣為一個易發生土石流的環境,為有效減少土石流災害的發生,找出具有土石流發生體質的溪流為重要的第一步。水土保持局根據一套作業系統判釋全台的土石流潛勢溪流。而以地形的觀點出發,以土石堆積所造成的谷口土石流扇,為土石流發生過的地形證據,可以作為判別土石流是否發生的證據。而若能確定谷口的沖積扇是土石流作用造成的土石流扇,則可判定該溪流是具有土石流發生的體質。本文主要的目的為利用土石流扇尋找具有土石流發生體質的溪流,並用統計分析歸納出土石流扇的流域特徵,作為判釋土石流潛勢溪流的指標。

    For mitigating the debris flow hazards, 1420 streams around Taiwan island have been classified as the potential debris flow torrents, based on the channel gradient, effective basin size and the presence of protected targets. It is not certain, however, whether the identified streams are inclusive when only based on the criteria listed above. Thus, this research proposed to adopt the characteristic landform, i.e., debris flow fan as the supplementary indicator. The tributaries in the western side of the Hualien Stream in the Longitudinal Valley was chosen as the study area for their well-developed alluvial fans.
    Firstly, all tributary valley mouths were examined and 38 alluvial fans interpreted were digitized by using digital aerial photography. Among them, 30 debris flow fans were preliminarily classified based on their morphological parameters (fan area and fan channel slope) due to the lackness of fan deposit outcrops. Catchment morphological characteristics of all tributaries, then, were used to differentiate debris flow fans from the rest with the Discriminative Analysis. Among morphological parameters, catchment length, catchment area together with relief ratio, channel slope, basin roughness number justified 31 debris flow fans from 38 fans. Finally, the potential debris flow torrents without debris flow fans and the non- potential debris flow torrents with fans were discussed. It is suggested that six torrents should be added onto the list of the potential debris flow torrents.
    This research shows when properly examined with stereo pairs of aerial photographs, the debris flow fan could be a good supplementary tool to catchment morphological parameters on identifying potential debris flow torrents.

    目次 第一章 緒論 1. 研究動機與目的 1 2. 文獻探討 4 3. 研究方法 11 4. 研究區概況 20 第二章 花蓮溪縱谷段沖積扇特徵與類型之認定 1. 沖積扇面積和坡度特徵 23 2. 沖積扇沈積物特徵 27 3. 沖積扇類型的認定 30 4. 小結 34 第三章 沖積扇流域特徵之分析 35 1. 不同主導營力之沖積扇的流域特徵和判別因子 37 2. 土石流扇和無土石流扇的流域特性和判別因子 47 3. 小結 51 第四章 討論 1. 不同圖資判釋沖積扇的比較 53 2. 沖積扇面積和流域面積的關係 57 3. 判別分析結果的討論 60 4. 土石流潛勢溪流和土石流扇 64 第五章 結論與建議 71 參考文獻 73 附錄1 本研究使用各項圖資整理表 附錄2 沖積扇和流域各項變數整理表 附錄3各項統計分析原始檔 附錄4中央山脈側沖積扇與土石流潛勢溪流關係表 77 79 89 98

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