簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 駱彥伶
Yen-Ling Lo
論文名稱: 哈利波特的電影觀光-台灣觀光客的魔幻凝視
Harry Potter's film tourism-the Fantasy gaze of Taiwanese tourists
指導教授: 賴嘉玲
Lai, Chia-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 183
中文關鍵詞: 哈利波特電影觀光觀光客的凝視真實性
英文關鍵詞: Harry Potter, film tourism, tourist gaze, authenticity
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:858下載:123
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  • 本研究的背景與動機源自於近年的哈利波特熱潮,以及電影觀光在哈利波特多元文化現象中所位居的重要地位,綜觀國內哈利波特的相關研究尚未以觀光面向深究其對觀光層面所促成的影響。故本研究以哈利波特的電影觀光作為個案探討,剖析哈利波特電影所引發的英國電影景點生產、台灣與英國的雙重旅遊中介、台灣觀光客的魔幻凝視此一完整的觀光脈絡,期望在哈利波特現象與電影觀光的相關研究上做出具體的貢獻。

    The motivation of this research derives from the increasing importance of Harry Potter in recent years, as well as the critical role of film tourism in Harry Potter multicultural phenomenon. With a relevant review on Harry Potter, there are no domestic studies focused on its effect upon tourism from the perspective of tourism. Hence, Harry Potter related film tourism is chosen as a case study in this research. This study examines the tourism context from producing film attractions in the United Kingdom triggered by Harry Potter films, the travel intermediaries from Taiwan and the United Kingdom both constructed the fantasy gaze of Taiwanese tourists.
    In particular, the part of fantasy gaze focuses on that tourists slip between the actuality and virtuality in the Harry Potter attractions, and the locations function as liminal spaces. The most important is that the fantasy gaze can be attributed to the multiplicity of places.
    Documentary analysis and in-depth interviews are adopted, drawing upon theories of film tourism and semiotics, culture on display, hermeneutic circle, tourist gaze, and authenticity. This research is divided into four parts: Firstly, the fictitious story becomes three-dimensional and authentic by location shooting. Because of location shooting, a flat story can possess specific landscapes and a predecessor of attraction can be shaped. Second, based on the producing attractions in the United Kingdom, I explore the local attractions using Harry Potter markers turn the space into a talking environment, and make the actual attractions can lay out a virtual magic imagination. The magic displays have reshaped the local landscape and connected with imagination, sight, culture. Third, travel intermediaries in Taiwan and the United Kingdom contribute to social construction of the Harry Potter landmarks, attracting tourists to collect these landmarks, and furthermore the photos and blogs from tourists represent the landscape as well. Forth, when Taiwanese tourists visit Harry Potter attractions, they have special fantasy gaze and performances. In addition to gazing on the actual attractions, the virtual film scenes tend to emerge from tourist’s mind. They also mentally and bodily simulate the movie characters. By this way, tourists can get magic pleasure and fulfill their desire. Although Harry Potter stories and tourism base on a virtual context, tourists are still willing to accept and believe this story. Nothing is real except what the tourists believe. Through the actual tourist experience and magic display, authenticity can exist in the Harry Potter tour.

    謝辭 iv 摘要 v 英文摘要 vi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第二章 文獻回顧 8 第一節 國內相關文獻 8 第二節 文化與創意觀光 10 第三節 文學與電影觀光 13 第四節 景點建構與文化展演 25 第五節 觀光凝視與符號消費 30 第三章 研究方法 40 第一節 研究對象與範圍 40 第二節 文獻分析 42 第三節 深度訪談分析 46 第四章 從哈利波特電影到英國景點建構 50 第一節 從小說故事到電影場景的立體呈現 51 第二節 從電影拍攝地到魔法觀光景點 63 小結 87 第五章 哈利波特旅遊的中介與想像建構 91 第一節 旅遊中介與觀光客所再現的魔法 91 第二節 英國與哈利波特的創意想像 107 小結 115 第六章 台灣觀光客的魔幻凝視 116 第一節 從小說到電影的認知與看法 116 第二節 遊客的魔幻凝視與幻想 120 第三節 遊客的魔法旅遊實踐 132 第四節 實際造訪空間與目的地想像的比較 145 小結 155 第七章 結論與建議 160 第一節 從哈利波特故事到電影與觀光 160 第二節 魔幻凝視與哈利波特電影觀光的未來發展 165 第三節 研究限制與建議 172 參考文獻 174 附錄一 訪談問題大綱 182

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