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研究生: 許華倚
Hsu, Hua-I
論文名稱: 幸福感的描繪與促進:跨世代觀點與數位社群媒體對高齡者健康識能與生活品質的影響
Depictions and Promotion of Well-Being: Cross-Generational Perspectives and the Impact of Digital Social Media on Health Literacy and Quality of Life in Older Adults
指導教授: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
Kuo, Chun-Yu
口試委員: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
Kuo, Chun-Yu
Chan, Hou-Sheng
Lin, Li-Hui
Huang, Yang-Ming
口試日期: 2025/01/15
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2025
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 280
中文關鍵詞: 高齡者幸福感生活品質健康社群媒體健康識能
英文關鍵詞: older adults, well-being, quality of life, digital social media, health literacy
研究方法: 實驗設計法調查研究Q方法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500346
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:154下載:0
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  • 隨著臺灣進入超高齡社會,高齡者的生活品質與幸福感已成為重要的社會議題。本論文以「雙鑽石設計流程」為理論框架,分為發現、定義、發展與交付四個階段,展現於三個研究中,從幸福感的跨世代觀點、高齡者數位科技使用對生活品質的影響,以及創新的介入方案成效檢驗生活品質、生活滿意度及幸福感進行研究,旨在系統性探索提升高齡者幸福感的策略。第一個研究採用Q方法,針對53位高齡者與123位青年,描繪臺灣高齡者與青年對幸福感的認知差異。研究整體分析揭示五大幸福感觀點,分別為:身體健康與靈性和諧、人際關係/足夠收入與健康、個人健康/經濟穩定/內心平靜與目標、成就與生活滿足、以個人成就為中心,前兩大觀點多來自於高齡者,後三大觀點多來自於青年,而高齡者獨立分析結果發現,高齡者重視身體健康與感恩心外,更分為宗教信仰/心靈平靜、伴侶關係/子女成就,與生活目標三個獨特觀點,而青年則更關注個人成就與未來發展。此研究揭示了幸福感的跨世代文化特性,並指出其核心構面可作為後續介入方案設計的依據。第二個研究根據第一個研究的發現,評估社群媒體使用對709位高齡者數位健康識能與生活品質的影響。透過結構方程模型,分析結果顯示,社群媒體的適當使用能促進高齡者的健康資訊獲取、人際互動進而提升健康識能與生活品質。然而,高齡者在數位科技接受與使用上的挑戰,特別是數位落差,仍需被重視。第三個研究設計並實施「21天自癒幸福指南」,以數位推播方式結合推力設計進行實驗,隨機分成三組,包含行為改變組、正向金句組及沒有介入的控制組,針對603位高齡者進行前後測檢驗。結果顯示,行為改變組的參與者在生活品質、生活滿意度與幸福感中的得分有顯著提升,驗證了此方案在提升高齡者幸福感的有效性,並突顯個人化介入的重要性。綜合研究結果,本論文提出「幸福感促進未來發展模型」,結合身體健康、心靈平靜、數位科技與人際互動,強調動態循環提升幸福感的可能性。本研究不僅深化了幸福感理論的文化內涵,亦為超高齡社會中幸福感提升政策與實務設計提供了具體指引,期許能推動高齡友善社會的願景實現。

    As Taiwan transitions into a super-aged society, the quality of life and well-being of older adults have become critical social issues. This dissertation adopts the "Double Diamond Design Process" as the theoretical framework, divided into four stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. Across three studies, it explores cross-generational perspectives on well-being, the impact of older adults' use of digital technology on their quality of life, and the effectiveness of innovative intervention programs in improving quality of life, life satisfaction, and well-being. The aim is to systematically investigate strategies for enhancing older adults' well-being.
    The first study employs the Q-method to examine the differences in perceptions of well-being among 53 older adults and 123 young people in Taiwan. Overall analysis reveals five key perspectives on well-being: physical health and spiritual harmony, relationships and sufficient income, personal health and inner peace with clear goals, achievements and life satisfaction, and a focus on personal accomplishments. The first two perspectives are primarily associated with older adults, while the latter three are more aligned with younger individuals. Independent analysis of older adults' perspectives indicates that they value physical health and gratitude, further emphasizing spiritual faith, partner relationships/children's achievements, and life goals. In contrast, younger participants prioritize personal achievements and future development. This study highlights the cross-generational and cultural characteristics of well-being, providing foundational elements for designing subsequent intervention programs.
    The second study builds on these findings, evaluating the impact of social media use on the digital health literacy and quality of life of 709 older adults. Using structural equation modeling, the analysis reveals that appropriate social media use facilitates access to health information and social interaction, which in turn enhances health literacy and quality of life. However, challenges in older adults' acceptance and use of digital technologies, particularly the digital divide, require continued attention.
    The third study designs and implements the "21-Day Self-Healing Well-being Guide," a digital intervention incorporating behavioral nudges. Participants were randomly divided into three groups: a behavior change group, a positive quote group, and a control group with no intervention. Pre- and post-intervention evaluations were conducted on 603 older adults. Results show significant improvements in quality of life, life satisfaction, and well-being scores among participants in the behavior change group, demonstrating the program's effectiveness and underscoring the importance of personalized interventions.
    Based on the comprehensive findings, this dissertation proposes a "Well-being Promotion Future Development Model," integrating physical health, inner peace, digital technology, and social support to emphasize the dynamic, cyclical enhancement of well-being. This research not only enriches the cultural dimensions of well-being theory but also provides practical guidelines for policies and designs aimed at enhancing well-being in a super-aged society, contributing to the vision of fostering an age-friendly community.

    第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 幸福感概念與重要性 7 第二節 提升幸福感的重要性與介入方案 16 第三節 高齡者使用數位科技介入方案的評估 28 第四節 研究目的 32 第三章 研究一:高齡者與青年對幸福感的描繪 39 第一節 文獻回顧 39 第二節 研究方法 43 第三節 結果與討論 57 第四章 研究二:數位介入方案的可行性評估:社群媒體對高齡者數位健康識能與生活品質之影響 99 第一節 文獻回顧 99 第二節 研究假設 104 第三節 研究方法 110 第四節 結果與討論 121 第五章 研究三:高齡者幸福感提升方案成效檢驗:健康社群媒體推播方案 135 第一節 文獻回顧 135 第二節 研究方法 142 第三節 結果與討論 153 第六章 綜合討論 167 參考文獻 185 中文部分 185 西文部分 186 附錄 251 附錄 「21天自癒幸福指南」每日內容 251

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