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研究生: 江函芸
Han-Yun Chiang
論文名稱: 以熵探討籃球跳投協調型態之變異
Entropy analysis of basketball jump shooting
指導教授: 劉有德
Liu, Yeou-Teh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 跳投相對相位訊息熵相互訊息
英文關鍵詞: jump shooting, relative phase, information entropy, mutual information
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:356下載:32
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  • 跳投為籃球運動重要的技能之一,在越高技能水準的比賽,越顯外線投籃對籃球比賽勝負的重要,因此過去有許多文獻探討投籃動作的變異性,以建構有效的控制或學習投籃技巧的策略,而隨運動行為領域與動力系統的發展,由多肢段產生的協調形態,肢段間相互的複雜關係與其變異性更引發研究者們的興趣。
    本研究的跳投動作定義為從膝關節角度最小值至腕關節最大角速度為止的動作過程,共招募七位超級籃球聯賽(SBL)現役球員(年齡 (y):22.8 ± 1.2,身高 (cm):185 ± 10.1,體重 (kg):86.1 ± 10.8,球齡 (y):8.8 ± 1.7),使用Phasespace動態光點擷取系統 (480Hz) 與兩部數位攝影機 (JVC, 30Hz),共蒐集單手跳投500次、其中一實驗參與者1500次跳投的動作進行相對相位、訊息熵及相互訊息的比較。

    Basketball is a popular game in Taiwan and it is also an essential activity in physical education courses from elementary to senior high school. The basic skills of basketball include dribbling, passing, lay-ups and shooting. Allsen pointed out that approximately 67% of the shots during the games were jump shots, suggesting that jump shots are important in basketball games. However, jump shot is a multi-segment movement, control of this multi-segment movement is important for shooting accuracy. The movement degeneracy plays an important role in performing multi-segmental coordination.
    There were 7 participants who are playing in SBL recruited for this study (age (y):22.8 ± 1.2,height (cm):185 ± 10.1,weight (kg):86.1 ± 10.8,training year (y):8.8 ± 1.7). Apparatuses for the experiment included the Phasespace system (480 Hz) and two digital cameras (JVC, 30 Hz). The single hand jump shot was used as the experimental task, all participants completed 500 shots a day and one of them performed extra 1000 shots on the other day. Mean of shooting average of analyzed data was 78.6 %, for basketball jump shot, the segmental peak velocities occurred in the order of hip, knee, ankle, shoulder-elbow to the wrist. In terms of relative phase, the most stable performance of the knee-ankle and shoulder-elbow pairs coincide with the peak velocity of one or both of the involved segments which may signify the basis of a successful jump shot performance. There were no other consistent movement pattern observed in the study further provide the evidence of movement degeneracy among highly practiced performers.

    目 次 中文摘要 -------------------------------------- I 英文摘要 -------------------------------------- II 謝誌 ----------------------------------------- III 目次 ----------------------------------------- IV 表次 ---------------------------------------- VII 圖次 ---------------------------------------- VIII 第壹章 緒論 ---------------------------------- 1 第一節、研究背景 ------------------------------------ 1 第貳章 文獻探討 ------------------------------ 3 第一節、跳投動作技術分析 ---------------------------- 3 第二節、運動行為理論背景 ---------------------------- 9 第三節、文獻總結 ------------------------------------ 31 第四節、研究目的 ------------------------------------ 33 第參章 研究方法與步驟 ----------------------- 34 第一節、參加對象 ----------------------------------- 34 第二節、實驗時間與地點 ----------------------------- 34 第三節、名詞操作性定義 ----------------------------- 34 第四節、實驗儀器與場地 ----------------------------- 35 第五節、實驗動作 ----------------------------------- 36 第六節、實驗步驟 ----------------------------------- 37 第七節、資料處理與分析 ----------------------------- 38 第肆章 結果 --------------------------------- 41 第一節、命中率 --------------------------------------- 42 第二節、動作時間 ------------------------------------- 44 第三節、相對相位 ------------------------------------- 45 第四節 熵值 ----------------------------------------- 48 第伍章 討論 --------------------------------- 61 第陸章 結論 --------------------------------- 64 參考文獻 ------------------------------------- 65 一、中文部分 ----------------------------------------- 65 二、英文部分 ----------------------------------------- 65 附錄A 實驗參與者須知與同意書 ---------------- 71 附錄B 實驗參與者基本資料紀錄表 ------------- 74 附錄C 命中率紀錄表 ------------------------- 75 附錄D Phasespace校正數值表 ------------------ 76 附錄E 各關節動作軌跡圖 ---------------------- 77 附錄F 實驗參與者跳投結果分布 ---------------- 84 附錄G 實驗參與者各關節相對相位 -------------- 86 附錄H 各實驗參與者關節訊息熵值變化圖 -------- 93 附錄I 各實驗參與者不同關節的九個時間區間,適配後R2平均與標準差 ----------------------- 95


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