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研究生: 陳思妤
Chen, Ssu-Yu
論文名稱: 漂洋過海愛上你:全球化下臺灣網球迷的消費文化與跨國實踐
Love Beyond Boundaries: Taiwanese Tennis Fans’ Consumer Culture and Transnational Practices in the Era of Globalization
指導教授: 胡綺珍
Hu, Kelly
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 189
中文關鍵詞: 全球化運動迷消費文化跨國實踐運動觀光第二螢幕運動國族主義
英文關鍵詞: Globalization, Sports fans, Consumer culture, Transnational practice, Sports tourism, Second screen, Sports Nationalism
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000398
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:595下載:56
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  • 無論是當今黃金年代的費德勒、納達爾、喬科維奇以及莫瑞。又或是過去的網球傳奇,山普拉斯、阿格西、葛拉芙、沙芬⋯⋯,每一個都是網球迷耳熟能 詳的名字。當這些網球明星在全球媒體的轉播和訊息傳遞下,吸引來自全球的 網球迷成為了跨國球星時,臺灣也無法置身事外。因此在全球化下,臺灣網球 迷因為這些跨國網球明星產生的消費文化與跨國實踐行為,即是本研究關注的 核心。為了描繪臺灣網球迷的圖像,本研究共訪談了 24 位受訪者,並以認同產生為起點,討論臺灣網球迷的經歷和故事。



    Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Murray Sampras, Agassi, Graf and Safin, the well-known legendary names for all tennis fans, have attracted millions of fans around the world with the worldwide media nowadays. Taiwan is no exception. Thus, is research focuses on the consumer culture and transnational practices bring along with the international stars under globalization. To depict the Taiwanese tennis fans, this research includes the interview of 24 respondents who discussed about their identity, experience and stories as a tennis fan.

    This research found that Taiwanese tennis fans switch between direct transnational practice and mediated transnational practice. In daily lives, Taiwanese tennis fans usually perform electronic/Virtual transnational practices with cable TV or digital technologies such as the internet. They access games from live broadcasting on either TV or internet, access information and from the community of imagination that performs co-viewing and Collective effervescence with the second screen. To show their identity, Taiwanese tennis fans also purchases the byproducts of games and their favorite sports stars. They feel closely connected with the tennis tournaments despite the thousand-mile-distance and time differences. Moreover, some of them would fly oversea for Sports tourism to support their favorite player and experience Tennis carnival.

    The relationship between “Nationalism” and “Tennis Sports” diversified with the interaction of globalization, media, competition, and business. The nationalism displayed on tennis courts is accidental and situational. Taiwanese tennis fans can fit into Petite-nationalism of their favorite players. They also show their unity as a fan with national symbols of players and celebrate the tennis carnival. On the other hand, they attend Taiwanese player’s games, wave Taiwan national flags and cheer for their own fellow countryman.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節、研究背景 1 第二節、研究目的與問題意識 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節、網球發展概述 9 第二節、運動明星 23 第三節、球迷消費實踐與社群文化 38 第四節、研究問題 59 第三章 研究方法 62 第一節、研究方法 62 第二節、研究對象 64 第四章 我們從這裡開始 68 第一節、於是我們成為了網球迷 70 第二節、球迷的消費與實踐 93 第五章 我們一起去現場 117 第一節、見證過去的想像:飛出臺灣的朝聖之路 118 第二節、全球化下職業網球賽事與國族情感 146 第六章 結論 162 參考文獻 168 附件一 訪談題綱 186 附件一 研究參與者訪談同意書 189


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