研究生: |
陳慶坤 Chen Ching Kuen |
論文名稱: |
私立博物館經營與管理---兼論樹火紀念紙博物館 The Management and Operation of Private Museums --An Supplementary Comment on the Memorial Museum |
指導教授: | 黃光男 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 131頁 |
中文關鍵詞: | 私立博物館 、經營 、管理 、博物館行銷 、樹火紀念紙博物館 |
英文關鍵詞: | private museum, operation, management, museum marketing, Su Ho Memorial Paper Museum |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:459 下載:72 |
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摘 要
(一) 台灣私立博物館在蓬勃發展之後普遍存在的問題。
(二) 私立博物館面臨資本短缺,專業人才、社會資源不足的 情況,如何自我行銷,達到永續經營的理念。
With the development of Taiwan economy and the establishment of public museums, the private museums mushroomed ever since the late 1980s to mark the coming era of Taiwan’s museumology. Relevant academic researches regarding Museumology and Art Administration have gradually emerged as the modern trend.
Nevertheless, the mutual competition between the booming public and private museums bring operational pressure on both sides. During the recession period, public museums which are sponsored by anneal budget from government can still maintain their regular operation. On the contrary, private museums receive financial supports from enterprises can hardly survive due to the insufficient profit of its parental company or the owner. Therefore, the management and operational mode of the private museums must be differentiated from the sit-idly-and-enjoy mode of the public museum, striving for business mode that is in accordance with the current need based on the marketing strategy applied in Business Management.
This research adopts the private museums in operation as the background and the Su Ho Memorial Paper Museum as the target. We may analyze the marketing strategy and the phenomena it reflects in practice of the operation and management. To make it more specific, there are two major issues to be further discussed in this study:
1. The common problems that occur after the Taiwan’s private museums began to prosper.
2. When encountering the short of capitals, professionals and social resources, the private museums should promote themselves to reach the goal of sustainable management.
The development and operational mode of the museums can never separate itself from the contemporary politics, society and the individual cultural background. In recent years, the new theory of museumology (under the influence of the new academic trend and the art historical critic) turns to emphasize on the relationship between museums and the social environment and to apply multi-dimensional marketing strategies as the core of the management. As a matter of fact, the operation of private museums in Taiwan is somehow confined by the legislation needs be amended, it accordingly needs to make certain adjustment against the changing market. Furthermore, it must be distinguished from the market appeal and operational styles of the public museums. In addition to carrying the responsibility and function as the museums, the private museums also play a role as the creator as well as the transmitter in the cultural industry of the community. It becomes not only the space for the modern people to proceed a dialogue and discourse but also the venue for the public to consume the cultural collages. The sustainable development of the museums can therefore be attained.
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